Alpha 21 How I “Mastered” The ‘Learn By Reading’ System - 7 Days To Die Survival Guide #7

Alpha 21 How I “Mastered” The ‘Learn By Reading’ System - 7 Days To Die Survival Guide #7


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Ben - 06.09.2023 13:08

Sorry if I missed it, but why do you add all perks to level 4 and skills to level 7 and not max it out? Is it more worth to do it this way?

Kyru82 - 04.09.2023 18:39

Love the vids, so none of this salt is aimed at Prebuilt, it's just my opinion on the topic. This skill system just feels like a bastardized version of A15. At least that version kind of made sense in that you were at the mercy of what books you could find. This just gives you more of a chance to find books that correspond to your interests, and little chance to find anything else in the ridiculous quantities you need. You're probably like "yeah, that's what makes it good", but I'm here to say no, that sucks. That means to make any reasonable progress in anything, ie make a workbench before day 14, you need to put points into advanced engineering or lockpicking in order to maybe find enough books at a bookstore that will teach you about it. Don't even get me started on the stupid ratio of recipe books to learned recipes. No joke, I never thought I'd miss the days hunting for the "minibikes for dumbshits" book. There was no way to increase the odds to find it, but there wasn't essentially a skill point requirement to luck yourself into it. Also, while looking for it, you'd find a dozen other useful books in the process. You know, single books that taught you how to do a thing. It felt way more natural than "oh I have this kind of interest, so I'll likely find books regarding that subject in this sealed crate." I do wish real life was like the A21 system, as I could go to garage sales and greatly increase the amount of vintage action figures I find there.

djs - 28.08.2023 04:05

with all those wheels you might tink the game wants you to craft some kind of mad max 18 wheeler lol

thedekunutt - 09.08.2023 21:20

The problem with this system is how counterintuitive it is. As soon as you max out a book path, you immediately want to spec OUT of that skill to get different books to continue maxing other book paths. They should make it so that maxed out paths remove the improved chance to continue finding the related books.

Ben mcneese
Ben mcneese - 31.07.2023 06:44

This was the funniest episode a handy land and gd wheel a handy land and gd wheel handy land and your not going to believe it another gd wheel.

Wizzard Rincewind
Wizzard Rincewind - 27.07.2023 20:33

Double looting: you can go further, if you want: start the quest but do not end the quest. After you loot all you want, go to the beginning of the quest area (dont leave it) and leave the game and go back into it. You cant start the quest again, and again ...

I rember this because there was a new quest with bugs. I had to kill all enemies but not all spawn in. That was very frustrating. So i leave the game and go back into the game and start the quest again and ag..., until i got all enemies.

Callum Watson
Callum Watson - 26.07.2023 14:59

I enjoyed watching this on my lunch break, thanks.

Michael Gerken
Michael Gerken - 26.07.2023 03:06

mailboxes have magazines

Armchair warrior
Armchair warrior - 25.07.2023 03:42

The small gas station you miss the hidden room above the front of the building it has more books. In the bunker you miss the fan hidden loot. I farm this place like forever.
Old old old trick. Farm quest forever. Just click on quest and exit. Reenter. You can now loot :p everything. Click quest again. Exit and repeat LOL. Pick a poi you like. farm it via quest forever.

BEN - 24.07.2023 19:15

I am a firm believer that there should be no penalty for investing your skill points into something (other than potentially wasting a skill point). Meaning the loot tables should not collide with each other. Finding more Vehicle Adventurer should not affect at all the amount of other books that you find.

DuhWolf Gaming
DuhWolf Gaming - 17.07.2023 06:28

When a magazine is maxed out does it remove the percentage increase from the governing perk so you can find the ones you don't have yet, or is a respec needed to drop that chance off?

Chris - 16.07.2023 02:58

youre comprehension of this game astounds me. Imma just give up now

Shane Parish
Shane Parish - 14.07.2023 19:41

It's a nice change for single player, but it feels awful for team play though. Especially if you're the support who dismantles and crafts while others run ahead to kill and explore.

bahadir - 14.07.2023 07:16

Kinda not liking it tbh. I am on day 5 and each day takes 90 mins. I've yet to find the book that lets me build a forge. I already unlocked iron tools and all the other stuff but that one book is avoiding me.

It is very rng based now, and i kinda don't like it. There should be an alternative way to get such crucial stuff at the expense of skill points in case you are cursed by rng.

Chris G
Chris G - 12.07.2023 16:00

Actually learned useful information while being entertained.

Walter McGarvin
Walter McGarvin - 12.07.2023 01:09

Wonder why you waited to use the Sugar Butts until you were buying? It works on selling stuff as well so you would have made more money to buy the cheaper item.

Cass Weatherwax
Cass Weatherwax - 10.07.2023 14:15

most of the biggest ideas of this update just seem terrible, vindictive, and weirdly controlling and disrespectful of the player's time lmao. theres a bunch of good quality of life and minor ideas, but the rest is just,

Barboza - 10.07.2023 06:43

I hate the vehicle nerf, was a good idea but holy hell I hate dropping 10% HP from hitting a street cone or pile of trash

Reaper Gaming
Reaper Gaming - 09.07.2023 19:08

The new learn by reading system is not too bad I have been enjoying it some, and the poi where you left the zombies were suppose to break out the side of the trailer they get bugged sometimes and do not detect you

FAT64 - 08.07.2023 13:32

thank you for all the information! 🌟excellent video, loved the pacing

Steve - 06.07.2023 07:52

Perhaps what you spec into first dominates the majority of the percentage. My most recent playthrough I put my first point into advanced engineering and the next 30 or so into pummel Pete, strength and club swing speed, then miner 69er. I maxed out workstations and cooking before I even found my 5th club magazine but I'd completed the club books. Perhaps freaky rng?

Happypants83 - 06.07.2023 05:20

If you finish the great heist you can craft lock pics

Branwhin - 05.07.2023 19:36

I actually love the motorcycle, I think it's my favourite vehicle. Probably in part because I'm a lousy pilot? For a loot-fiend like me the 4x4 is great for cargo space, but it doesn't off-road nearly as well (especially with the new breakage mechanics, I would think).

Mithra - 05.07.2023 12:07

For me it was impossible to get car magazines too, day 15 minibike, around where I usually had 4x4 for a few days by then. Only thing harder for me to find is steel tool parts, found like 3 and 2 steel tools to scrap and I'm almost done with tools digest, so I will have crafted level 5 auger before level 5 steel pickaxe soon

Mr. PistonHipsRick
Mr. PistonHipsRick - 05.07.2023 07:22

I used a couple of learning elixers to spec solely into what I was trying to find and it’s definitely the way to go it cost a little bit but u find the series really quick

James Ransom
James Ransom - 04.07.2023 05:53

Is it just me or does double looting seem like exploiting the game mechanic?

Yea it's there, yea let people play how they want. Just feel like it's not how it's meant to be played

Kevin - 02.07.2023 18:19

I'm just starting out playing alpha 21, played it for the first time last night. Honestly I would have preferred the book system coupled with skill ups by doing, for instance fists skill up if you use them and increase the likelihood of finding the related books to progress it faster.

Wineblood - 02.07.2023 16:02

I never use the 4x4, motorcycle every time.

Trevor Moser🥵
Trevor Moser🥵 - 01.07.2023 09:48

Hey Izprebuilt, i gotta question. After you max out one of those book things in your character, does it make you get a less of a chance to then get the book again? Like lets say i maxed out the vehicles one, would i stop getting those books? Are they then rarer? Or are they still gonna be more common? I dont know if im making any sense haha.

crittersfromthedark - 30.06.2023 19:23

i think this system is made way worse than it was before it used to be good ; now it is bad the grind is ridicules' for normal players .
the water new system is the most stupid of the game i think , wen you empty a jar you need to be able to fill them again it is a survival game you need to be able to refill , and than there empty can's thy need to be able to reuse to . i think the change's to the game bin for the worse , but positive points go to some stuff to of course love the game hate the change's , love the content

No name
No name - 30.06.2023 12:52

Man I love how I get loot that completely mitigates the books

nobadnamesleft - 28.06.2023 20:51

This level of RNG is not good..
The game is no longer a survival sandbox. Its a loot n scoot now.

Bugla boi
Bugla boi - 27.06.2023 19:40

So once you get all the magazines and you reset your skills does it affect anything besides the percentages that come with the skills?

Goldfish Plays Games
Goldfish Plays Games - 25.06.2023 23:25

Is that A21 gameplay in Navezgane or random gen?

Michael Risi
Michael Risi - 25.06.2023 18:50

Buff vehicle book spawns

bond1j89 - 24.06.2023 20:09

Crack a books are op

2smokey4you - 23.06.2023 05:18

the book hunt is defently real unlocking the mini bike is a goal of mine im on day 8 or 9 now and im like dude wheres my bike

Alexander Kaps
Alexander Kaps - 22.06.2023 09:44

Could you please make a video on how you organize your inventory boxes. I'am still struggeling in finding a way to sort my stuff in a senseful way

Matt M
Matt M - 22.06.2023 07:03

Def having more to do because of the slowed progression and thinking more or food water farming ect

Matt M
Matt M - 22.06.2023 07:02

I just got a book bundle and trader Bob closed and I got telaported from forest biom to the snow biom def needs some fixes lol

defjeff87 - 21.06.2023 09:20

Would be great to keep magazines but bring back some of the level by doing skills.

pwnDonkey - 21.06.2023 08:41

i think ive been to 5 cities since A21 came out in 3 starts. zero crackabooks

h - 21.06.2023 06:34

btw when you max out the magazines, you are still able to obtain them :/, i was reading every single mag like you said in my current world so you dont the completed ones but i still get spear, med and workbench mags.

K S - 21.06.2023 02:41

I'm using the same seed as you, and I did that POI yesterday, with the same results. I'm not sure if it's the POI, or the seed, but yeah... exact same thing happened to me. lol
