Encountering an Endworm for the First Time Be Like - Barotrauma meme

Encountering an Endworm for the First Time Be Like - Barotrauma meme

Toucher of Grass

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@Neuro537 - 26.11.2023 12:54

* the rules of coming math exam announced *

-Calculators are allowed
-Can consult textbooks
-Only 2 questions
-4 hours of time

@Neuro537 - 22.10.2023 19:17

What is the ambiance/music?

@jmlee737 - 16.10.2023 18:28

unsuspecting engineer in the engine room:
"It's behind me isn't it"

@kaalind475 - 06.08.2023 15:49

Only those not afraid of death leave the active sonar on when they hear the worm(even though it’s already to late)

@ryderlwhiteout3267 - 05.08.2023 18:44

That 1 engi that took all crowbar perks, “Try me.”

@big_russia_boss39 - 05.08.2023 00:27

And here I am swimming after the worm of doom with my supply of nuclear shells for the railgun ($_<)

@Occult_Baking - 01.08.2023 11:55

The guy who ran the server had some mods installed, so my first encounter with an end worm fortunate son started blasting and the captain yelled endworm as it slammed into the bottom of the ship.

@ayup3907 - 17.06.2023 17:27

This comment sections sounds like a veterans' reunion

@coolguy-tm4gd - 13.06.2023 19:30

wait... does the charbdis ping like that? because if not i may have encountered both and JUST escaped the endworm. without realizing it.

@FrostyNagaBear - 10.06.2023 21:53

Scream if you wish, pray if you must, but God can't hear you through the ice and the hull.

@JessicaKayKay - 07.06.2023 20:40

Can I like this video again?

@lockheed6736 - 24.05.2023 08:44

By the time its on sonar its too late

@Vide_Noir - 21.05.2023 19:15

i had like 12 nuclear railgun shells coincidentally and it tanked them all

@chrismennega3042 - 11.05.2023 13:14

the fuck was that i thought about getting this but not if koothy the fuck off horror form the deep is in it

@Mightypi - 06.05.2023 15:26

Mt first time was quick " guys, something just pingged us back, I think we should be worried" moments later I was at peace

@harmlesstherobot7181 - 29.04.2023 14:47

I remember I was on a decently large vessel a while back. We were all well armed, working like a well-oiled machine, and the engineers had done enough rewiring that the entire sub was under the complete control of the captain. We were, in short, an especially bad time for just about anything you could throw at us.

And yet?

The second we all heard the roar, the entire sub went dead silent.

@kirazuke1182 - 29.04.2023 09:32

I saw this video now over 20 times. I am still in my first campaign as a new captain player and waiting to see the endworm xD

@super-zw3ep - 29.04.2023 00:13

First time meeting endworm: “Oh shit, Oh fuck, what the hell is that?!”

50 something-ith time meeting endworn: What would happen if we replaced the warheads of our rail gun shells with heroine?

@tiiujaanson2865 - 28.04.2023 23:01

encountering a endworm for the first time hits different

@straba3976 - 28.04.2023 19:10

Turn off the fucking sonar

@dragonace119 - 25.04.2023 22:22

My first encounter with one involved nuclear depth charges and lots of yelling between me and my friends.

@doebgi - 22.04.2023 15:30

I told you to turn off the radar, and you didn't turn it off!: this is what i say to myself

@silkenemperor8707 - 19.04.2023 19:40

Nice account name.

@lechking941 - 19.04.2023 03:10

ah as a vet of the game (not a sessioned sea dog but one who has been under the ice for a a good few and lived) watching the new blood freak the fuck out over that sound and feeling dread only for the cap to tell them to look at sonar and enjoy as you can hear from the vary back of the ship their life flash before their eyes in pure uncontrolled dread.

@theblacks7809 - 15.04.2023 15:53


@szymonmajerowicz313 - 15.04.2023 11:45

My first hunting grounds was Endworm and not gonna lie, it smacked the shit out of my crew but we got our revenge

@unomanequalsredgrunt - 06.04.2023 19:56

There was a time where I was captain of a rather decently sized vessel and we had to dip into the abyss for one reason or another, forgot exactly why.

What I remember was that I vehemently denied anything was after us while my crew were warning me that the endworm was after us all while you can hear fortunate son playing ever so softly in the background.

Through my shenanigans, we escaped the abyss without the bastard finding us.

@dr.dirtydan6388 - 04.04.2023 11:23

My medics injected me with genes and drugs to make me invincible because our sub was out of ammo in every fashion, so I went out and stabbed one to death with a knife and screwdriver. Took forever, do not recommend

@farukleonaltinsoy9151 - 29.03.2023 00:12

I find it weird how they were like yep, let's just live in the water on a moon this is great

@HMSHOOD1920 - 28.03.2023 16:26

Well usually when you start getting feedback from a Charybdis or an Endworm, you don’t keep the sonar on active until the thing is right on top of you. There’s usually a small chance that if you turn off your sonar and stop the sub the creature may forget about you.

@superblockplayerz2595 - 27.03.2023 18:01


"what what?"


@LunarCelestial - 26.03.2023 01:13

and then it gets stuck and your friend melees.

@aydenlokey3641 - 25.03.2023 18:00

I have helped to defeat multiple endworms never actually shooting at it but rather my job was running around with a welder while screaming like a madman

@Username-uv8pf - 25.03.2023 15:25

in all my 1k hours in this game i still shit myself a bit when i see the sonar ping orange

@happyboy1815 - 21.03.2023 03:33

Hol up I thot I ws da one dat had sonar

@thespacementv1506 - 19.03.2023 08:39

Modded playthrough: "Why is fortunate son playing?"

@WaterFlame3030 - 17.03.2023 22:02

I remember my first encounter with an Endworm. I'm manning the weapons, and I hear the roars. My captain sees it on the sonar and screams "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" The only response that comes out of my mouth is a strangled cry of absolute terror as I witness everybody get slaughtered. It was perhaps one of the most terrifying things I had ever witnessed in my life.

@whatdadogdoin8703 - 17.03.2023 06:24

ah yes. Underwater horrors beyond my imagination.

@notleviathan855 - 15.03.2023 23:51


@i_asked00 - 14.03.2023 22:37

Just by seeing the sound waves made by it (or whatever they are) you can since there size and power makeing you scared (never played this game this may not be 100% currect)

@JohnnyFerrix - 12.03.2023 14:05

Me with a custom built submarine the size of a small moon: I fear nothing smaller than myself

@giguyjoe - 12.03.2023 11:04

When you're new, you fear what lurks in the abyss. When you get a bit more time in, you cherish what your railgun can do to those that lurk in the abyss.

@noelka8134 - 12.03.2023 10:08

How original (absolutely not, this meme is dead)

@VenomSteak - 12.03.2023 05:45

I remember when me and the boys first found the Doomworm at the end of our campaign. Mostly I remember the screaming.

@VenomSteak - 12.03.2023 05:43

Endworm™ Now with Shrapnel!

@Lle_Bbobby_Sur - 12.03.2023 01:13

First time encounterinh an endworm I had just finished looting an abandoned submarine and saw my characters puking and battle music starting just to look at the radar and seeing that big mf swimming around hitting me, pumped my captain full of drugs, put on my combat diving suit, got my best weapons and went out to kill that mf, sadly I ran out of morphine so while i did kill it, my character passed out and later died cause i couldnt find them

@Toasterizer9000 - 11.03.2023 22:38

Nah that’s what it’s like going on a solo mission and finding your first bulk detonator

@zerumsiru5204 - 11.03.2023 18:33

I remember the endworm from the open playtests of the game before it came out on steam. Not scary looking, but it was always horrifying due to the fact if you encountered it, your sub was dead. End of story. You could kill it, but it was never worth it.

@exoticdachoo007 - 11.03.2023 14:05

For me it's every time the echo location shows up

@user-bb2di6tn7o - 11.03.2023 12:43

I love it so much
