Crush the 12 Mile Ruck | Ranger School, Special Operations, Airborne, SFAS, Infantry, US Army

Crush the 12 Mile Ruck | Ranger School, Special Operations, Airborne, SFAS, Infantry, US Army

Gritty Soldier

2 года назад

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iNcOeX - 24.09.2023 22:21

Thank you

Hoplite015 - 22.09.2023 02:28

The theme of this video: If it ain't raining, we ain't training 😂. Love the videos dude!

Thomas Hansen
Thomas Hansen - 20.09.2023 19:01

Thanks v.m. I´ve started a few weeks ago and your advise is of very great value. After starting with RedWings I changed to Garmonts Bifitas whichI´ll test next weekend.

Bruce - 18.09.2023 07:42

Wow, amazing. I'm just starting rucking. Doing 10000+ steps/day now.

SuperGleneagles - 15.09.2023 23:38

British paratroopers do 10 miles 11 min/mile as their first event on p company. They then go on to do another 7 events, sometimes 2 a day. One of them is a 20 mile “ruck” at 12 minute miles. Best of the best.

Uriel Holly
Uriel Holly - 09.09.2023 18:29

How heavy is the bag ? When you do the ruck march

Stephen Stine
Stephen Stine - 04.09.2023 22:20

What's a good way to pick up and drop your rucksack without risking some kind of body injury?

Neil Collins
Neil Collins - 01.09.2023 22:11

I passed you on the Fan Dance in Brecon it was my 61 birthday.

Ricardo Mendez
Ricardo Mendez - 30.08.2023 20:42

I was at a pace to fail my hike for wild land fire fighter and this guy Justin was doing this duck walk?
He would squat a bit and simply stretch the reach of his legs. And he waa GETTING IT
I did it and caught up and started to move so quickly that they were going to disqualify me.
Fugg you crew 8

Kenneth Wright
Kenneth Wright - 29.08.2023 03:53

Been doing rucks for about 50 years. You tips are right on the money. RLTW

O5-5 - 28.08.2023 11:03

Hey is there any specific backpack/rucksack you recommend or is any backpack good

Len - 23.08.2023 05:08

What ruck are you using?

Alfred Paquin
Alfred Paquin - 23.08.2023 04:28

Standard in 25th Inf Div 65th Eng bn. 12 miles once a month. Must be completed within 3 hrs. Lots of fun when you're 40 yrs old. To make the time, you had to jog at least half of it. Hooah, how bad do you want to be a Soldier??

motoboy37 - 22.08.2023 17:42

Ex-37F (PSYOP) who's getting back into hiking/rucking. What app were you using to track your time/distance? Thanks.

markus Schaffer
markus Schaffer - 19.08.2023 01:44

12 miles is a bit of distance,especially with a watch and a load on your back. Have to do this,to get ready for major hiking trip next year.

Greyman - 17.08.2023 21:33

I recommend a few mag pouches with chocolate bars / sweets . Candy for my American friends .👍

Christian Botello
Christian Botello - 14.08.2023 22:33

This is awesome. I did a 4 mile ruck, and it was terrible! I look forward to ruling again.

- 14.08.2023 18:54

watched this video and completed my first 25 pound 2.5 mile ruck the grind is just beginning just wanna thank you for the tips brother

Christian Medley
Christian Medley - 12.08.2023 03:01

Aay was not expecting the stroof waffle
Im dutch them real good with coffee

danthan84 - 10.08.2023 07:41

I think i recognize that place. U at boundary line lake?

MakingMajorProfits 101
MakingMajorProfits 101 - 08.08.2023 17:16

Great job Sir!

Kela Mburu
Kela Mburu - 07.08.2023 16:26

Next week I will doing FTX 16 miles.

Bob - 05.08.2023 04:31

I did my first ruck up a steep incline. I’m going to use this on all hikes. Ex ground pounder here and I love this. Thanks!

Matt - 04.08.2023 14:57

British Army parachute selection rucks (35lb + water + won) where: there were/are four:
6 miles in 1 hr
10 miles in 1 hr 50 mins
12 miles in 2 hours 35
20 miles (can’t remember the time)

The 12 miler and 6 miler were done on the same day with a 1 hour gap between them

Maurice Matla
Maurice Matla - 03.08.2023 21:35

It is just 12 miles kids anybody more or less healthy with some practice can do it. Socks boots ? Neeh i do much more distance in a pair of old whatevers prefably low shoes though way more comfy then any boot and any socks i happen too have. Blisters are mostly for the unprepared. Just make sure you can walk up to say 30-35 miles in a unbreaked , well stop for a piss maybe, go without busting your feet and you will be fine in that department Same really goes for the groin rubbing part. Really you do not need special underwear any odd pair of boxers will do if you are prepared. Never worn anything special and you do not need it if you can be bothered to yes you guessed it prepare. Food wise ? You should be quite able to pull it of without any food other then your regular breakfast or even with a few day's of nothing. Certainly no drugs , like cafeïne are required. Simoly make it a habit from a young age to walk such medium distances in all weathers and if you can mixed terrain and you will be just fine.

Sleep-tight - 30.07.2023 07:13

35lbs. What about 60-75lbs?

Old Guy Gaming Network
Old Guy Gaming Network - 24.07.2023 12:37

Can you ruck like that in the official marches? We always had to be in BDU's with a LBE, Kevlar and our weapon on top of a 60 pound ruck for 12 mile marches.

Old Guy Gaming Network
Old Guy Gaming Network - 24.07.2023 12:35

I will add in know how to pack your ruck correctly as to weatherproofing. The first time I went to the field it was raining HARD. Water was getting into my ruck and all my clothes soaked it up and my ruck got substantially heavier over time.

Old Guy Gaming Network
Old Guy Gaming Network - 24.07.2023 12:25

Man those rucks are so much nicer than the crappy Rucks we had in the early 90's in the 25th ID. I swear my first ruck saw time in Vietnam it was so old.

Keenan Schouten
Keenan Schouten - 22.07.2023 07:49

Why would you jog for 12 miles? That's stupid. The military needs to update training to reflect what war is actually like because no one jogs in a gun fight.

Charles Reminga
Charles Reminga - 21.07.2023 03:29

Would a weighted vest with weight in the front and back be okay? Or should the weight be mostly in the back?

William Warren
William Warren - 20.07.2023 16:07

Hey Gritty! I'm looking to do the Bataan Death March. I've got a good 14 minute mile pace going on right now. Will definitely implement this into my training though. Every Month I'm adding 4 miles to the ruck. Plan on doing 16 this Sunday. Any additional tips past the 12 miles would be greatly appreciated

Isaac Enduro
Isaac Enduro - 17.07.2023 20:28

I do a lot of speed mountaineering, and the common school of thought is to have the weight at the bottom of the pack.

Dawitness11 - 17.07.2023 06:40

Can you bring your own boots and socks to basic?

w3w3w3 - 16.07.2023 17:05

35 pound pack seems kinda light lol? have the standards changed or something?

Marc Pereira
Marc Pereira - 16.07.2023 16:24

Where can I buy this model of backpack?

DOLLARCOINS - 15.07.2023 19:33

do the ruck sacks the u.s army use in BTC all use plastic or metal frames over the backs or don't?

k loren
k loren - 12.07.2023 23:16

How much weight is neccessary for the Rucksack?

OTG-KillerGamerx97 - 10.07.2023 05:47

im enlisting in the army soon AS I get a missing document recovered and sent in.

JK - 05.07.2023 15:26

Cold, raining? I say that's good for running and people think Im crazy.

Elijah Montgomery
Elijah Montgomery - 02.07.2023 23:20

Stretch the night before too, if your used to just stretching right before you’ll feel the difference.

MysticMack96 - 30.06.2023 04:26

What app is that you are using for rucking?

James Shay
James Shay - 28.06.2023 18:43

Hey man! Great videos. The time you take to articulate all these info is effen outdamn standing. Been out sence 2011 myself after basd of 0ct 27 98. Ft carson Ft. Campbell Ft Riely. 100 VA. Graduate of the SATRP aka star program rehab from VA. I truly appreciate what you do. It gives me hope that our country still has a chance if it still leaders like you. I was a knucklehead while i was in. But I was good as hell as being a soldier when it came down to it. So in case of war break glass for me. Just wanted to send out a thank you for your service from a veteran who is still free because of you. Ne Desit Virtus! RAKKASAN!
Wolverines. Charlie 3, 10. Ft. Lost in the woods. PROVIDER'S,STAGECOACH,TASKMASTER ASSRUGAM, TRAY DUCE, AMERICANS AASLT. GARDIANS, HAMILTONS OWN. 2 times camp Mccall. RK. VW. Till Valhalla. Quart ziplocks!!! Most definatly!!

Steve Govea
Steve Govea - 27.06.2023 02:33

My trick/tip.... have a few favorites songs you can sing to yourself.

L - 26.06.2023 23:57

In mountain training in scotland we did this everyday with 50kg at the end of one week we had done over 100km

Rob R
Rob R - 22.06.2023 15:12

I love rain, keeps me cool, and cuts down on mosquitoes.

Grandpa Joe
Grandpa Joe - 21.06.2023 03:00

People who do this shit r cringe

sweet baboo
sweet baboo - 16.06.2023 07:33

just curious, what app do you use to track the miles and time?
