A Random Summer Vlog - Harvesting, Preserving, How To Make Pizza & A Block Treat For Chickens

A Random Summer Vlog - Harvesting, Preserving, How To Make Pizza & A Block Treat For Chickens

Bre Ellis

1 год назад

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@elizabethstreeter2145 - 15.08.2023 08:35

I planted my pole beans at the base of my large sunflowers and they grew beautifully and gave heaps of beans the same growing with corn beneficial to both

@joannak4640 - 04.08.2023 04:15

Yum!! That pizza looked absolutely delicious 😋🤤❤

@aloras405 - 27.07.2023 19:48

You can always tell when someone has absolutely no idea about animal husbandry when they make comments like that. I am a city girl wanting to be a country girl. Feeding eggs back to the chickens is a good idea. I mean, if that egg had been fertilized it would have fed the chick that would develop. Why would an adult chicken not benefit? It gives them vitamins and minerals from the shell as well.

@user-kn4mm8tx6y - 26.07.2023 10:30

Lovely bird,sweet heart,best of luck.shamim,ban🧡🤍💢💨🧑‍🤝‍🧑

@thegarden9108 - 25.07.2023 13:40

your life is wanderful I like it and i like your style

@emekasearthgems3376 - 24.07.2023 00:57

Wow 🤯 I never knew what moth the hornworn came from!! Thank you for sharing 💜

@Hailey-bz2ym - 22.07.2023 06:51

Don’t worry about hummingbird moths! Tomato hornworms are spotted hawkmoths. Similar looking but definitely different!

@DarkWh8 - 18.07.2023 14:03

My go to tip for cutting basil isn't so straight forward as your method, but it's oh so fun! I bought a Mezzaluna a number of years back and it has been so worth it!

@Phabieau42 - 18.07.2023 03:40

You should try cutting herbs with a scissors. It works really well

@MovingBlanketStudio - 17.07.2023 03:35

I enjoy all the different elements inside and outside- great content. And I like how you manage to accomplish a lot, but still take the time to stop and "smell the roses".

@perahshelton2030 - 07.07.2023 04:59

Where do you get your water filter?

@perahshelton2030 - 07.07.2023 04:55

I ABSOLUTELY love to watch you!!!!!!!!!❤

@2timbukk - 29.06.2023 18:11

That sunflower is wild 😁
Hopefully mine will grow like that! Do you feed it anything special?

@gretuciuxxx - 26.06.2023 22:43

Here when we pickle cucumbers in the same way we also like to add couple of black currant leaves as well as couple of raspberry leaves, they also add a nice flavour together with dill and garlic

@kristenhelfrich5488 - 26.06.2023 04:24

You were one of my main inspirations to start gardening! I'm on year two now and still loving it 😌

@ericsuiter7619 - 25.06.2023 18:40

Your hummingbird moth footage is fantastic. Great capture!

Having a mostly terrible growing year thus far, im living vicariously through talented growers such as yourself.

@iamsuperlious - 25.06.2023 17:48

Hummingbird moths are incredible! I was so confused also the first time I saw one hahaha. However, I had NO IDEA that those are where the hornworms are from.

@tonidavis4162 - 25.06.2023 06:27

Love your channel! I just started following recently and I’m so fascinated by everything! Thank you for sharing!

@kmarshall53 - 25.06.2023 05:34

I love how you are so efficient at everything. You have routines and appear so disciplined and knowledgeable about what you are doing! The pizza looked delicious!

@katemontelongo2080 - 25.06.2023 05:23

I guess I know what I’m making for dinner tomorrow. Pizza night 😊

@bigtomatoplantslover6205 - 25.06.2023 03:58

Wow Lovely Garden
Like 136
My friend, have a good ❤️ day

@MissBetsyLu - 25.06.2023 00:45

Why are you eliminating garden beds? Great blessings to everyone.

@bj7620 - 24.06.2023 23:55

Thank you for sharing! God bless you! ❤️

@HeyNightLaur - 24.06.2023 23:42

Where did you get the harvesting basket? I love it :)

@sowinthecity - 24.06.2023 22:41

I need to learn how to make pickles myself. I LOVE pickles. Especially dill pickles. - Taryn

@FieryLeo - 24.06.2023 21:51

Are you wearing linen? Where do you purchase?

@FieryLeo - 24.06.2023 21:35

Awe man. Don't use the microwave to heat anything. You just killed everything in that water going into the bread

@FieryLeo - 24.06.2023 21:33

I don't like pickles either. It's the vinegar. Ruins everything for me.

@kermitdafrog444 - 24.06.2023 21:29

When my cat want my attention in the kitchen I grab a chair and put it near me. He jumps up and then sits and gets comfy and watches me. He stops bugging me but gets entertainment and doesn't feel ignored. Super cute

@eccentricbeliever7 - 24.06.2023 21:27

OMG I want a bite of that pizza

@kermitdafrog444 - 24.06.2023 21:26

Do you have a recommendation for bread cook books? I want to challenge myself and try learning to bake bread by trying every recipe in a book. I've only ever made challah but I bake dessert regularly

@onemoredoll5791 - 24.06.2023 21:25

For those of us in the desert we water at night. Or atleast I do if I dont have time in the morning

@EvelynMaya1 - 24.06.2023 21:12

Wooooo mushroom and olive haters unite!

@ThisOldGreenhouse - 24.06.2023 20:49

The sunflowers are so fun. I have a bunch that have volunteered from last year and they have a ton of heads too! I made a chicken scoop with lining a stall rake with with hardware cloth… it’s in one of my chicken videos. It helped a lot!

@zazminrios7951 - 24.06.2023 20:18

I love your channel. I also love the "cages" the in the background. Do you have a link to how you made it? I live in an area that have iguanas and though they are beautiful, they eat everything. Thanks!!!
