Former TOP GUN Pilot's Heroic Maneuvers Prevent Major Disaster | Mayday Air Disaster

Former TOP GUN Pilot's Heroic Maneuvers Prevent Major Disaster | Mayday Air Disaster

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Quantas Airways Flight 72 experiences sudden and unexplained system failures while cruising over the Indian Ocean. Despite the automation failures, Captain Kevin Sullivan, a former Top Gun pilot, manages to stabilize the plane and initiate a precautionary emergency landing.

Watch more FULL EPISODES of Mayday: Air Disaster here:

Mayday: Air Disaster - from Season 18 Episode 7 "Free Fall": En route from Singapore to Perth, Qantas Airways Flight 72 takes a sudden nosedive over the Indian Ocean. Sudden G-forces are so violent passengers are lifted out of their seats. A series of over-speed and stall warnings flood the cockpit display, and it’s clear something is terribly wrong. An experienced fighter pilot, the captain manages to safely land the plane. It’s up to Australian investigators to uncover the mysterious and potentially deadly malfunction that’s putting one of the world’s most popular planes at risk.

Mayday: Air Disaster is a dramatic non-fiction series that investigates high-profile air disasters to uncover how and why they happened. Mayday: Air Disaster follows survivors, family members of crash victims and transportation safety investigators as they piece together the evidence of the causes of major accidents. So climb into the cockpit for an experience you won’t soon forget.

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