Realizing this changed my life

Realizing this changed my life

Created By KC

2 года назад

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@nemanjamilovancevic8396 - 19.03.2022 14:13

Alternate title of the video: My boomer dad was right

@8015908 - 25.01.2024 20:10

Hard work beats talent when talent don't work.

@3xistism1.0 - 11.01.2024 05:23

Nooo way I can’t believe that most people are average intelligence 😮😮😮

@alexcerny5881 - 27.12.2023 21:45

I may have been on the same level as my peers but being stuck in my head didn’t help most of anything engineering

@sumiran4224 - 24.12.2023 19:09

i can totally relate to your story. feels like i have found my doppelganger.

@TwohundredSeventy - 21.12.2023 05:03

I think I'm below average

@StanleypeterDickinson - 14.12.2023 17:02

Can't outsmart our Creator
Omniscient Omnipotent Omnipresent Emmanuel Emmanuel His Name Is Called Emmanuel
Running In your own lane?
'The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner!
I was thinking about death even though I was physically fit. Because I abused myself for not thinking of the consequences. when I think of all the good times that I've wasted having good times.
Hats Off for those who don't want to seek God's face to face book. R I P ?
Calvary's Mount is of inestimable amount besides the Sermon on the Mount..
Without faith how you gonna make it? Macarthur 's Park is melting in the Outer Darkness as the elements melt with a fervent heat and the world's are quaking. You ain't seen nothing yet! Don't play games with God He always wins be sure your sins will find you out.
Go into the Closet & pray.
The followers of the Way did it corporately and a might rushing wind, and tongues of fire fell on them!
Let the fire fall
Let the fire fall
Let the fire from heaven fall.
We are waiting and expectantly preserveringly seeking to do your perfect economy and will peacefully.
Amen & Yeah!

@ZephyrBW - 14.12.2023 16:43

I’m so stubborn I try I really do. But I still don’t get it sometimes I’m so slow and I feel so bad

@arjunpai1905 - 14.12.2023 09:47

My folks always say i'm smart but i know that i'm really stupid.

@dalimillazan2877 - 09.12.2023 10:16

Yeah, my mother was also really trying to get whats weird about me, after talking with other people she was sure I am smart, when I was 12, now I am 27, I took IQ test after 15 years and she was right, but reality is it didnt changed anything, some people have lower and some have higher IQ and most people got average, its something everyone was born at, you shouldnt be that proud of getting something you didnt worked at all for. On top of that I have learned I have ADHD which actually makes me do worse on any tests. Now in 27 I have decided to work my ass off again until I catch up with the rest of the pack, cause I was left behind in last 9 years, sure I studied at university for 4 years (yes it was a waste in my opinion) and there was covid, but I didnt improved almost at anything regarding jobs, I have only soaked up ton of history informations which is my biggest hobby, but that dont progressed me in any way regarding job prospects, in the end I decided to learn to code and stop playing video games, cause I have procrastinated with my whole life too long already and need to get back in shape

@UrFada - 07.12.2023 07:24

Didn't watch the video but read the comments and I understand am kinda in that stage am 14 year old, always been told am the smart kid everywhere I go, in class, home with friends, I don't know if it natural or because I spent many hours of my life doing extra classes and lessons my parent put me through, I only read 20minutes sometimes I don't, Problem I got is why do people think kinda in the box, when it comes to school I see teacher talking and I understand it, I feel is either I got a good foundation or my talent is understanding cause everything I learnt in my life is through observing and listening during gym since am new to some sports, I sit down and watch and see what there doing, I just like analyzing and coming with conclusions, in school it feels like that even if the teacher doesn't talk or explain once I see it or hear I understand infact one of the most proud I felt was when I created a formula during maths since I forgot it, and also my teacher just wrote something and I instantly understood it, idk fr rn going to programming cause i love it and I find programming easy but also challenging and fun, problem i have built with this mindset to be better so anything i do I try to do much better than the average , I try to be apart of the 1% rn trying to learn programming and am always thinking am I learning faster than a normal person is a very ehh mentality but it kinda my motivation to do better than others sorry for the rant

@Bozo1435 - 04.12.2023 23:35

Nah, my dad was right. I was a retard.

@SamirP - 30.11.2023 19:11


@the_spider_lily911 - 25.11.2023 12:40

Obsession will always surpass Talent.

@dudethatsbad8541 - 23.11.2023 15:15


@newaryamen - 19.11.2023 17:21

Realized this at 19 bruh 💀

@felizkodie5328 - 17.11.2023 12:11

I needed this. Thanks man

@abcd_1410 - 16.11.2023 11:30

I know this video is a year old, but I still want to add something. I don't think you're not smart. You wouldn't be able to create such articulate videos if you weren't. I also don't believe there's really that many people who can walk through life without the need to really study anything. People lie and try to present themselves in a best light. So they would say things like 'Oh, I drunk all night and just read the cover page, silly me', and then ace the test. And the reality is that they had studied for a week. I studied with such kids too. Professionalism is not accidental. At the moment you hot humbled, and it's great. You had a motivation to improve. Later you will realise that you know SO MUCH, and maybe you ArE SmARt afer aLl. And then you will get humbled again. And THAT'S FINE :)! This is such a normal process. Don't think of yourself negatively or lower the expectations you set for yourself. There is time to think you're the smartest ever and time to be a dummie :). Both are necessary for self improvement.

@YuTv1408 - 15.11.2023 20:18

You saying Not Smart, youre already psychologically putting yourself down. If you have a functional brain, smart doesnt even exist... you probably mean intelligence. Why others compared themselves is as nonsensical as when and at what time their death comes....deeply and body really cares in the end.

@socialglitch2663 - 12.11.2023 09:06

I am definitely not smart — I’m just the opposite. But I’m passionate and caring. I hope that’s enough.

@salmonion001 - 11.11.2023 06:23

Damn, he's soo me. I've always been praised for being smart that led me believing that I'm soo smart and I don't need to work hard to get things done. Also, I never really took anyone's advice seriously. I was soo ignorant and arrogant and had feeling like I was some kinda super smart creature. I looked down to everyone and started avoiding people that made me a person with zero social skill, I can't even talk to people..LOL
I became soo lazy and a study phobic, resulting me being an academic failure~
But now, I'm trying my best to be a hard working person. IDK, what's gonna happen to me..T-T

@zacharysherry2910 - 02.11.2023 16:41

Wow... How to have less confidence? Yikes.

@EmilyGloeggler7984 - 30.10.2023 09:14

Working hard and being dedicated doesn’t always work out for everyone. Every individual is precisely that - they have their own individual cases and histories, and need to be taken into account accordingly.

@ceooflonelinessinc.267 - 22.10.2023 19:11

I am a slow learner too. Never was good in school, failed high school, only working minimum wage jobs. Lifes hard if you are not smart.

@dasshrs - 17.10.2023 23:11

I don't want to call myself not smart. I prefer to call it slow-learner. I think I am smart in things I am quite familiar with but bad with new that does not make me stupid. Plus the term smart is quite vague.

@mathijs9365 - 15.10.2023 14:30

Most ppl dont want to put effort. But then complain other ppl are so rich and they should share with them.

@lllamaface3047 - 13.10.2023 01:54

I've always knew I'm an idiot...I always felt like one.

@brandontseng7075 - 12.10.2023 21:47

I can relate to you, I am a junior undergraduate computer science student who wants to become a game designer/developer and roboticist someday and I am 23 yes old. When I was in middle school and high school they told me I was "smart" but I realize I was not because the math problems, physics science problems, and computer programming problems were getting extremely difficulty hard mental abstraction but when I compare to myself to the top 20 smartest people in my high school. I was in the bottom 50% percent so I was smart but not smart to be extremely competitive to solve difficult ambiguous problems or be in top 1%. Also, "smart" or "intelligent" is overrated than being a "clever" person. Now, I am in college and there is alot of experienced people who are knowledgeable in computer science than I expected. I think it is better to work hard on some project and show it to everyone why the person is knowledgeable and wisdom is significant far more important than being "smart" or "intelligence".

@aDm219 - 08.10.2023 21:42

I'm very stupid and dumb. Anything I trained others did much faster then I but with more time I got to their level

@FrankVJr - 07.10.2023 19:07

It takes a considerable amount of knowledge to realize the extent of one’s own ignorance - Thomas Sowell

@sincerefuller5399 - 07.10.2023 16:09

One trick I learned was to take what you are learning and make it your own. Only thing that sucks about it is that people won’t understand you when you make up a word to go with something you remembered. I know it sounds dumb but it’s actually smart. By making something that is yours, you better connect with it and understand it better. People won’t understand you anyway because they are afraid of what they don’t understand, so why not keep pushing the envelope

@larsthemartian9554 - 05.10.2023 08:17

As generic as it sounds, knowing that you don't know really is one of the greatest wisdoms in life

@ebn2002 - 25.09.2023 01:42

The more you know, the more you realize you dont know. Its high iq to be introspective, realize your weaknesses, and improve them.

@musicvilla2639 - 24.09.2023 17:22

Bro...realizing this...changed life worse

@lostmeme9862 - 18.09.2023 08:10

If you are a developer you are probability not as smart as you think. Developers = too dumb to be an engineer.

@di380 - 11.09.2023 06:29

I can relate to this. I went to public school and I would always get top grades with minimal effort but that changed as soon as I went to college and realized I was just average 👍

@tedanderson5528 - 11.09.2023 00:22

10 of the worlds top mathematicians and a monkey are trapped in a room. There is an opening at the top no one can reach, including the monkey. For each math problem one answers, a wood block is awarded that only the one who answers first may use to stack to reach the opening. As problems are answered and blocks awarded, the money sits in the corner and stares. Five minutes later the monkey jumps up, runs around frantically bashing everyone’s head in - piles up the mathematicians and escapes. Who’s the smartest in the room?

Answer: Smart is a dumb word when describing a living creature 😅

@laurin__ - 10.09.2023 13:17

well yor defenitley not dumb either uwuuwu :)

@TheBlackManMythLegend - 07.09.2023 00:50

I used to get 15/20 in biology just studying condensed informations before the test and being interested during the actual course but once things get harder I was too challenged being smart is a curse because you are not used to work hard. You will get by as long as what you do is important or you like it but once discipline (learn stuff because you have to but you will not die if you dont do it) is required you will f up.
So my trick is to auto-convince myself that if I do not do X I kinda will die or it will be terrible so now I am motivated. The primal fear of dying.. It's not healthy but when I want to do a very boring task. or something daunting ( long term with no immediate result that's my trick. ) I am an android developer.

@chasedunnd7673 - 26.08.2023 06:25

@LWT1331 - 21.08.2023 04:06

Any person with self-awareness about their own "stupidity", aren't actually that stupid. Stupid people generally don't change because they don't see a problem.

@natassiatavares4568 - 10.08.2023 16:59

Not to be that person online that diagnoses everyone else but everything you said screams ADHD for me.
I also have it and I operate exactly like you do.

@jagathkumara1035 - 05.08.2023 18:07

Claim your "This is the motivation I needed.." ticket here...

@user-tj6qh3tf8w - 01.08.2023 18:23

Thanks 🥇, this video give me answers of my questions. 🙇‍♀️I feel sad for not being smart like other people I think I can't do that because I am not smart how can I do , this is impossible but now I am happy I am not smart this is not a problem the main problem I don't have believe in myself today people will see my other side.

@finna7824 - 30.07.2023 08:56

Are you in a wework. The lights and glass walls are giving me flashbacks lol

@whoami8434 - 24.07.2023 04:02

It’s either time or talent, and its a really good thing I’ve got loads of time

@meltygear5955 - 12.07.2023 16:08

I really need to say that these anecdotes of "kid picks up the book for the first time in his life and comprehends everything with no prior knowledge" is fundamentally unprovable since there's no way to ensure they lacked prior knowledge outside of "trust me bro". And you know how romantic it feels selling the impression that you're smart and don't work hard.
One of the makers of Doom (John Romero) claimed that he can "remember everything from his life in great detail", doctors call it "hyperthymesia" but, how do you even diagnose that? If I claim I have that and give me something to memorize and I don't I'll just say that it's too recent, but if I claim that when I was 4 years old the boy next door wore a yellow t-shirt on a Friday morning you can't really claim that I'm lying. You see what I'm saying?

@house-ec1ws - 08.07.2023 05:33

Diminished returns

@justanothermortal1373 - 05.06.2023 10:16

The reason I feel this way is because the teachers I've had since primary school have always indirectly told me that I am not good enough or smart enough. They've compared me to my classmates and also have drawn the "teacher's pet" card against me so many times. It is an insecurity that has been integrated in me by surrounding adults, making me struggle from it consistently as a late teen. I live in South Asia.
