Stupidest Scientific Theories

Stupidest Scientific Theories

Stoic Stick

8 месяцев назад

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@7vreja7 - 27.06.2024 08:52

religions are still more absurd than these

@Ozymandias-oj3we - 26.06.2024 09:15

my children are going to be so immune to being absolutely obliterated by goth mommy

@mangolinpangolin7089 - 16.06.2024 21:52

they arent theories, they are just dumb ideas

@Cecilia-ky3uw - 15.06.2024 07:11

there is epigenetics.

@TheBcoolGuy - 13.06.2024 02:20

You have a bad habit of talking down to people without knowing what you're talking about. It is a fact that fluoride calcifies your petuitary gland. It is a fact that fluoride is not good for your teeth, as it causes fluorosis. I have it myself and I've had it since childhood. It destroys the enamel. It is a fact that the fluoride in the water comes from a waste product from a phosphate in fertilisers that they cannot legally dump anywhere, but can get rid of if they sell it. Then it is no longer considered waste, if someone is willing to buy it. So the government, the buyers, put this into our water and say it is good for us. All of these are facts. And most concerning: They push back hard against any criticism of the substance and practice and demonize those who question it, or at the very least, are damn sure to dismiss us as some nuts fringe group with the term 'conspiracy theorists' - a term the US government, specifically a certain part of it, created. I'll say nothing more of the circumstances of that than that it was the 1960s. Must've been something in the water.

@True_NOON - 03.06.2024 22:42

To be fair to aristolte , it was WAAAAY before we figured out stuff like germ theory and alike concepts , aka sweaty sweater and magots "randomly apearing"

@mantylegendary - 31.05.2024 15:24

I have a better creation theory:We are in god's balls.

@kasperro464 - 29.05.2024 21:35


@-kekmacska-48 - 27.05.2024 01:19

Fluoride is not a theory, it is a fact. And it is in the tap water, for our “teeth”, they say

@user-vn9vs9gr8t - 23.05.2024 02:19

fluoride one might bevurue. a lot of theories that pineal gland is the house of the soul but what do I know

@BarryDylan111 - 22.05.2024 12:25

so THAT'S how that works with maggots

@DaMedicWhoSezNi - 20.05.2024 18:58

That feeling when you grow massive balls for the sole purpose of sticking them in a vice to give your kids superpowers

@trioofsixes - 20.05.2024 07:14

Do me a favor. Google the words "Unethical Human Experimentation in the United States" and read the wikipedia entry. Should be the top result. Read the whole thing. Then get back to me on if it's a stupid theory that they put fluoride in our drinking water for a different purpose besides "the US government just really cares about your teeth bro".

@xeremguytoggle1812 - 18.05.2024 02:20

That last one isn’t stupid. Infinite time, fixed number of particles means invited number of particle combinations. Some of those infinite will be formed like a brain and as infinite it means infinite much more likely than the believing our conventional ideas.

@tehblacksmith9302 - 14.05.2024 09:07

Tbf fluoride is bad for you

@midnightstorm6576 - 12.05.2024 21:41

flouride is actually not entirely stupid. They were right for the wrong reasons. Flouride can damage parts of the brain and the thyroid. While it has been linked to brain cancer and thyroid damage (And as a result brain damage and depression, which make the loss of intelligence a tertiary effect that's not even garenteed) it doesn't directly cause a loss in intelligence. I myself have damage to my thyroid that is believed by my doctor to have been caused by the fluoride exposure I had as a child, and while it causes me to have days where I generally speaking do not want to exist in a waking world, and lack the energy to go above and beyond the things I must do, it does not limit my intelligence outside of the extreme depressions where I simply can't be bothered to be smart.

@1KosovoJeSrbija1 - 10.05.2024 23:24

Trofim Lysenko, the greatest ukrainian

@thepoetandwit6513 - 07.05.2024 08:58

Lysenko was bad enough with crops.

Modern man today lives by ethnic Lysenkoism - that somehow if you make the conditions right different peoples characteristics improve. And we wonder why 1st world countries are becoming visibly unsafe to live in.

@scottoleson1997 - 07.05.2024 08:10

Tom Morello guitar battle hell yeah brother

@charlessupp2543 - 03.05.2024 19:02

After Lysenko starved USSR, Cairman Mao hired him!

@sannyassi73 - 03.05.2024 10:17

1 + 0 is greater than 1 though.... 0 does have a value, that's why 1 + 0 = 1.0! DUH! Ironically I'm actually a little bit serious about that.

@brutusthebear9050 - 29.04.2024 15:31

The flouride thing really gave Mary Clay a free pass to spread her bs, didn't it.

@theodorebagwell420 - 28.04.2024 05:18

Blud got that fluoride stare 💀

@presidentforlife1732 - 25.04.2024 14:28

Balls = viced
Progeny = superhuman

@xX_14_Big_Chungus_88_Xx - 24.04.2024 16:27

The boltzmann brain is just creationism for people who are emotionally invested in atheism.

@aspermwhalespontaneouslyca8938 - 24.04.2024 13:48

None of those can be disproven and most are actually useful (except lysenko, who you still managed to misinterpret).

Spontaneous generation is pretty much still believed by mainstream science (abiogenesis), fluoridation is very detrimental - you straight up agreed it's bad in the video and the boltzmann brain is actually a very powerful reductio you can use to challenge firmly held ideas like occam's razor.

@wattiespotatoes6401 - 24.04.2024 11:22

What kind of gooner strategy is the first one

@Dexuz - 23.04.2024 18:28

I like the Boltzmann brain, as it solves any argument against the plausibility of proteins forming through sheer chance in a limited span of time.
In the real world of the Boltzmann brain, the universe might very well be eternal, which means it is 100% likely for a Boltzmann brain with this specific configuration to form.

@generalesdeath5836 - 20.04.2024 10:42

Not surprised that commies have always had dumb*ss theories.

@legitusername-zl7to - 19.04.2024 13:33

it's just a theory, a science theory

@tenebritrix - 19.04.2024 02:33

🤓 actually the last theory is used to illustrate infinite atomic configurations and how any configuration of matter is possible given infinite time bc chances are never 0, then it snowballed into a college student trippin at burning sun conspiracy

@ilikesharks2020 - 18.04.2024 22:01

Video —> Liked
Balls —> Viced

@speedy01247 - 18.04.2024 14:04

That first person is an idiot who was illogically given power.

@ToutPuissantDende - 17.04.2024 03:45

The first one has already been tried and it works at least for hot temperatures

@yayo3379 - 13.04.2024 13:32

The Boltzmann brain hypothesis is not stupid, it actually checks mathematically; no one wants to believe it but no one can prove it wrong

@AshtonRogers-se1zj - 11.04.2024 16:50

"Random mutation is the enemy of science."
I'm guessing that he probably wasn't a big X-Men fan then,huh!?

@Yeawhatever507 - 31.03.2024 10:52

The fluoridation one shouldn’t be included since there are legit merits behind fearmongering of over fluoridation of water, which you even explicitly stated

@peppino3609 - 27.03.2024 13:17

Aristotle did not create the scientific method

@johnnyapplepiel3788 - 23.03.2024 23:30

One-electron universe

@mathew2214 - 19.03.2024 08:47

As a major in computer engineeeing, not comp sci, comp e, every single day feels like balls in a vice.

Can confirm i function well under extreeme pressure... And caffeine abuse.

@Usonan-Foderation2016 - 18.03.2024 17:11

Communist ideas and not working go together like Water and a river

@pre-debutera6941 - 18.03.2024 08:29

Im too high for this

@demoror5585 - 14.03.2024 00:13

Evolution: Your Great great… grandad is a fish that flopped on Land and had a bunch of kids some turned into Bananas and some to monkeys and then you.

@philswiftreligioussect9619 - 06.03.2024 03:20

They would be pseudoscience then.

@stephenlyall7759 - 01.03.2024 09:33

Is Lysenko an update of Lamarck? Could the lack of acceptance of a conspiracy universe in any particular country be the result of complete lack of a sense of humour?

@dantem.l.7914 - 01.03.2024 06:53

video sucks but having a transcript in the desc is really nice
