Athena is a good wrestler she don’t fight nobody tho that’s why she had the title so long
ОтветитьBilly will always be # 1
ОтветитьAthenas should be in WWE
ОтветитьGreat watch this!!❤️🖤🤍🩶👍🏻👍🏻
ОтветитьAthena needs get out of her face.She is ref!!❤️🖤🤍🩶
ОтветитьWow she told you!!🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьThe ref is hot!
ОтветитьHells gate and Pedigree in 2025 is crazy
ОтветитьShe is a queen
ОтветитьIt is a job and a half trying to manage big hips 😮
ОтветитьSad, sad.
ОтветитьLove seeing more of La Catalina
ОтветитьLuv Athena doing amazing stuff Tony aew tv just breaking some porcelain Athena Always
ОтветитьAthena vs Mercedes 🎉
ОтветитьThe ROH Final Boss . The Forever Champ . The fallen Goddess . ATEHNA
ОтветитьAthena as a heel is the biggest joke of ROH 😂😂😂
ОтветитьOnly reason Athena champ there a lot of young people in that area
ОтветитьWho are wrestlers towards the end? One is Tatevik, and?
ОтветитьSo, Diamante is looking to join and be a minion of Athena? Did I get that right? It would certainly mix things up. If you can't beat them, join them I guess. For now.🤨
ОтветитьWWE fumbled Athena
ОтветитьAthena is such a legit badass
ОтветитьI haven't watched ROH in years 😊
ОтветитьThat was good up until she 1) gave that weird face to the crowd/camera, and then 2) flew off the top for her finish. What was that exactly? Too much of a jump cut by the camera and it wasn’t clear what she did to get the win.
ОтветитьWho will take the title from ROH Womens Champion Athena?
ОтветитьMoxly storyline is one of the most boring storyline in intire wrestling industry right now who belive please like my comment😢
ОтветитьIt's time for her to make a comeback to wwe. There is no competition at aew o roh for her unless she likes to win easily
ОтветитьWWE messed up by letting Athena (Ember Moon) go. Her finisher isn't just the most devastating move in women's wrestling, but mos def one of the best in wrestling period!
ОтветитьCatalina has incredible potential. Would I’ve to see her get more opportunities stateside. Crazy her first showing was that awful Sin Cara match
ОтветитьAthena Athena Athena!!!! I am a fan!!! This woman has one of the best move packages I’ve ever seen!!! That finisher is the best!!!
ОтветитьGod lord . I had look at that move a second time😳
ОтветитьAnyone who can do a FLIPPING 'Stone Cold Stunner' off the top rope like she did here & in WWE as Ember Moon shows just how WWE doesn't know how to recognize Talent unless it's within the "click" that they have.
Everybody talks about Soul Roker and the soul stealer the Amber moon was one of the first two did a move like that called the Eclipse. Makes you wonder where Sol Ruca got her solar terminology from.
La Catalina 🤩🤩🤩🤩
ОтветитьNo not facebuster or butterfly facebuster!! It’s called the Pedigree goofy asses lol
ОтветитьIt'd make sense for TK to make ROH a free YT & free honorclub weekly shows. Make the ROH PPVs accesible via YT TV & Honorclub for a $10 fee. Nobody in their right mind would pay 9.99 a month or whatever to watch a D list show & PPV.
ОтветитьWe need more Athena.
ОтветитьAthena vs Mercedes would be a dream match book it Tony Khan Champion vs Champion a battle of respect!
Sidenote: no tittles on the line but we do see who's gonna be the best woman's wrestler in the ring Athena or Mercedes 🤔!?
why no kiss
ОтветитьIt must be cold back there and I like it Diamante
ОтветитьAthena deserves to be on dynamite and holding the tbs or womens world title. shes way better than mercedes.
ОтветитьIsn't her reign at 1000 days already.
ОтветитьThat championship belt is ugly..
Ответитьhope catalina is ok after that eclipse.
ОтветитьHow long has Athena been ROH champion now?
Ответитьwasn't that the pedigree?
ОтветитьYesss!! I love Diamante making herself Minion 1, I think Athena likes it too ❤
ОтветитьI SUBBED