Toric Lens IOL

Toric Lens IOL

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@peterlevan4719 - 12.01.2024 07:22

If you value your close-in vision...i.e. seeing your watch, doing DIY work, seeing instruments or people inside your car, seeing your phone (texts, etc.)? Please DO NOT opt for the Toric Lens. Since October 2023 my Toric Lens from Johnson & Johnson has left me CRIPPLED. Yes...I can read a license plate at 2-blocks, However, this morning I fell down 8 concrete stairs, head-first, because I no longer have depth perception OR balance. I was shamed into paying $1700 extra for the Toric Lens with the medical staff making me feel like a "cheapskate" for not choosing the so- called "premium lens." The worst medical decision of my life.

@yessharp - 21.01.2012 09:37

I have had these lenses implanted and so far they are fantastic. NO MORE contact lenses and glasses. My right eye has specificly been underpowered to give me "monovision" which enables me to both see in the distance unaided and to read and do close up things normally. My night vision has also improved heaps. thank you to Dr.Peter Ingham of AE&LC of Adelaide South Australia
