Reject Authority, Trust Yourself - Terence Mckenna

Reject Authority, Trust Yourself - Terence Mckenna

After Skool

3 года назад

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EK YūGen
EK YūGen - 05.10.2023 01:19

He's correct about sexuality. Much of the world's misunderstood sexuality is lived out in secret, because it's regarded as abusive and traumatic, and sick. Some of it is, but certainly not all of it, and probably not most of it. The misconstrusion and manipulation is the real sickness. That's the real evil.

Stranger In a Strange Land
Stranger In a Strange Land - 02.10.2023 05:21

Any person who must intake anything that alters the brain and changes the thoughts and personality is lost.
You should not need any substance to awaken your mind or change your perception. You only need to actually live. And not selfishly, i should add.
I'm all for people discovering their own journeys. But if you need chemicals- natural or otherwise- that's just sad. See through your own experiences of living life.
Good luck out there, and stay safe

nick ニック
nick ニック - 30.09.2023 19:45


gerthie - 30.09.2023 12:05

Fantastic he nailed it what would he say now 😳

Zenjunsai - 28.09.2023 18:18

The irony of the video shilling material rubbish we don't need after such a talk is incredibly jarring. Don't buy that stuff. You want it but you don't need it.

Nikki_libertine - 26.09.2023 19:03

Lovely episodes loves it thank u wonderful people❤

Kevin Cleary
Kevin Cleary - 24.09.2023 07:35

This dude sounds just like Mr. Vandresen from Beavis and Butthead.

lance wildwood
lance wildwood - 24.09.2023 07:22

Brilliant. Thanks for this...

Bolt Amputated
Bolt Amputated - 17.09.2023 23:51

Beautiful artwork!

B_H_lib lew
B_H_lib lew - 17.09.2023 14:56

Good point, but murders and rapist will also claiming that they are merely expressing their individual dignity. So i guess some moderation is in order

isabela vasiliu
isabela vasiliu - 13.09.2023 15:29

Everything in mainstream societies has been structured in such a way that the individual's attention is always always taken away from oneself and placed on the notion of "another", whatever or whoever this might be. Such concerted efforts for distractions and digressions have estranged most of us from ourselves. Meanwhile, the goldmine lies within each of us...

No more fossil fuels
No more mining for coal
No more looking for resources outside of oneself
Start mining your soul

Your soul is the diamond you have been looking for...

irene mommers
irene mommers - 07.09.2023 20:01

Can't wait to See what will Happen to humanity when artificial intelligentes comes over us !!!😢

Jake Scampini
Jake Scampini - 05.09.2023 22:25

This guy is the antithesis of good

Wolfson 242
Wolfson 242 - 28.08.2023 15:44

Hello, Audience.
Would anyone care to suggest material by philosophers, free-thinkers, et cetera outside of Watts and McKenna(of the same connectin' vein)? I'll be purchasing a book lot soon and want to be sure I include everyone relevant. Grazi

Pedro Quiroa Méndez
Pedro Quiroa Méndez - 26.08.2023 18:26

Robert George
Robert George - 26.08.2023 03:16

The title of this video is what everyone on earth should live by.

The Hylers
The Hylers - 24.08.2023 21:06

Answer these questions...
What is controlling you?
What is in your control?
What is not in your control?
Invest time answering these questions and make time to learn what others have to say about this. Keep a journal, invest in a daily quiet time, pray, and seek a community to be a part of - we need each other. This is a good start and you will see new things. P.S. make sure that you schedule an item of fun each. Can't say enough about that! ❤and God's blessings to all the people in the 🌏.

The Hylers
The Hylers - 24.08.2023 20:59

I was created by God and Holy Spirit lives in me. Therefore I am one with my Creator and I believe that I can know all things. "But you have an anointing from the Holy Spirit and all of you know [the truth because He teaches us, illuminates our minds, and guards us from error]. 1 John 2:20" ❤to all the 🌍

deepak gusain
deepak gusain - 21.08.2023 12:33

I cannot tell you the truth cause truth is only discovered. -J Krishnamurthy ✨

Jeremy Walker
Jeremy Walker - 09.08.2023 17:18

Everything he was explaining 25 - 30 years ago is what has happened to the world. When he said if we do not stand up and howl, reject authority it will be to late. Well we are living in the what he predicted because we’ve allowed the control to persist. Being awake and being woke are two completely different things...

Hullified - 03.08.2023 06:29

Sir, to me you are one of the greatest philosophers/ genius’s……very much reminds me of a Greek philosopher. This video…share this video!

Vinícius Arruda
Vinícius Arruda - 02.08.2023 05:50

Terence did an amazing job radicallizing the individual and guiding us to the deep end of the transcendent experience. But he never offered any integration back into society. He never encouraged people to take responsibility for their own lives, families and communities. He never admitted that we should do our best to value the positive aspects of modern society! Maybe that wasn't his mission, but today I understand how radical he really was.

Madman Reviews
Madman Reviews - 31.07.2023 09:30


Derbage - 29.07.2023 12:05

I saw a quote that might have been for Terence Mckenna in a short a while ago that I am trying to remember
It was something along the lines of "When you believe yourself to be something the universe makes you everything except that"
I cant remember it exactly, not even sure it was Mckenna, anybody have any ideas???

Robert Kerr
Robert Kerr - 29.07.2023 09:28

Rampant individualism is part of the climate problem. You can bang on about 'control' & 'doninator classes' all you like, but the reality is that nobody can exist alone. We all need each other's labours to succeed, and, after physical harm, the worst thing you can do to a human is deprive them of contact with others. In other words, we are a hive species.

Daniel Pomper
Daniel Pomper - 29.07.2023 06:14

Agree with everything he said but i feel like his explanation for why people are so meek and willing to sit and watch while the world burns was too simplistic, it’s not just because of the way disembodies and narratizes the world, rather our learned helplessness goes much deeper into childhood, including the education system but most importantly the way we are raised and through intergenerational trauma. Think he gets stuck in the upper realms, blaming the dysfunction of society solely on some sort of cadre of billionaire cronies and governmental agencies conspiring to suppress and manipulate the masses (which may be true) while neglecting the very important element of our conditioning through early childhood via family dysfunction and trauma

Leanne Kudahl
Leanne Kudahl - 22.07.2023 12:14

Mother Earth has suffered varying degrees of destruction and rebuild, and survived. I think the human race is destructing itself and I am glad. Long live Mother Earth!

Jh - 21.07.2023 17:50

Thank you very much.

Mohammed Sinani
Mohammed Sinani - 20.07.2023 14:37

magnificent speech by the legendary teacher Terence ... much love for his great soul ❤

Troy Ryan
Troy Ryan - 17.07.2023 04:45

You did something, it was meaningful. You brought McKenna’s and your art into the most flowable, following and yet comfortable place to be when it comes to the world and the state it’s in. Talented man

Mary Ralian
Mary Ralian - 15.07.2023 17:24

reminds me of a bracelet I gave my sister with same concept

Harry Wakeford
Harry Wakeford - 15.07.2023 12:59

Watching videos like this makes me realise the importance of following your own direction, life should be lived on your terms and enjoyed to its fullest extent.

Goat Goat
Goat Goat - 15.07.2023 00:57

We know what’s goin on now though

SMH - 14.07.2023 19:45

Wow, so powerful!

Amos Singh
Amos Singh - 13.07.2023 15:05

You lost me from watching the rest when you start with talking about drugs.

Nuchwezi Internet President
Nuchwezi Internet President - 07.07.2023 14:05

Have to ask you After Skool, do you draw with markers upon a canvas or is it a smart pen upon a smart screen? I ask, because I too have passion in writing comics, but haven't yet come across something as spectacular as yours. Surely share a tip ⚪💚✨

joblessalex - 07.07.2023 11:13

I sure do hope we all get it together.

Mila - 07.07.2023 03:45

So… he’s recommending “Walk away” from the institution. Ok, that makes sense. & then what? Just do psychedelics all day? Like it or not we exist within institutions, what matters is the institution we choose, and not getting too attached to it. I wonder if he lived comfortably within the psychedelic institution?

Ahmed Hasun
Ahmed Hasun - 06.07.2023 23:00

As i see every one talks about his own side of the coin . And as human we enjoy the conspiracy theory from wherever it comes

kwamin taylor
kwamin taylor - 03.07.2023 17:22

This dude LOVES drugs

Hillside Hide Away
Hillside Hide Away - 03.07.2023 04:27


Unc0nventional Minds
Unc0nventional Minds - 02.07.2023 22:27

“We empower our experience, by insisting on our authenticity.” 💎

Unc0nventional Minds
Unc0nventional Minds - 02.07.2023 22:25

I feel it

Rust Belt
Rust Belt - 01.07.2023 04:03

I love this channel ❤

Rust Belt
Rust Belt - 01.07.2023 04:02

I’m taking what I just listen 🎧 gave my attention. I will take this to work with me . I have always served rich people paint their houses,clean their pools , mowed their lawns . I did all this dancing 💃. I perform my work . That’s the way I get by blend in and keep making money no matter how hard it is to get .

Artstrology - 19.06.2023 16:44

The evolution of the human species necessitates the dissolution of institution. Institution absorbs energy and retains it, safely in an absurd quagmire.

WonderWhaz - 14.06.2023 04:39

Remember this video next time you judge someone as if they're less than you! Learn, folks! And continue to learn beyond stagnant conclusions. Truth is from moment to moment to moment. It moves with life. It is pathless. Accumulated knowledge is for practical purposes only, but it can't be used to understand the eternal. ✌️

WonderWhaz - 14.06.2023 04:20

You embrace chaos when you let go of irrational/psychological fear which includes your fear of death.

Beginning of knowledge : Heritage of the Saints
Beginning of knowledge : Heritage of the Saints - 13.06.2023 09:05

