AP Varus does Over 12 000 DMG vs Cho'Gath (Season 13)

AP Varus does Over 12 000 DMG vs Cho'Gath (Season 13)

Daily Shot of League

1 год назад

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Hugo Lindfors
Hugo Lindfors - 28.04.2023 04:06

the thing that get's me is how riot has decided to let this stay in the game it's obviously ridiculously overtuned and unbalanced but riot has just let it slide lmao pathetic indie company

cockus - 23.03.2023 04:46

just buy mr boots lol, build issue 🤪

Flash4th’shot - 21.03.2023 00:34

In the face

Vázquez Peralta Aldo
Vázquez Peralta Aldo - 27.01.2023 11:07

Ah yes, watching cowsep lose made my day better

Thalius Warborn
Thalius Warborn - 11.01.2023 00:03

i'm fine with varus staying as long as tank meta also stays

capitan Mudkip
capitan Mudkip - 15.12.2022 04:25

deleted tank
-Varus in some point

Balázs Vincze
Balázs Vincze - 11.12.2022 03:35

People are Still sleeping on AP Varus , when I mention it , I always get the "Vayne is better" response. If people don't know what Varus W can do , it basically gives him about 90% Max HP damage if the target has 3 blight stacks and you hit him with the fully charged Q. It can be 5% more if you count in your own AP, and add another 20% of missing health damage. Your R deals 1500AP damage, stacks (puts squshy champ in one-shot range) up Blight (stuns the enemy team) , so you just press W , charge up Q , and give the Cho'Gath 13k damage in two Qs , and oneshot anything below 6k Health. Meanwhile you are building Magic Penetration, so only like 2% of your damage is blockable. It is one of the strongest ADC this season. (In the clip you can see the Varus wasn't even fed, he was 8/8/5 😂) Its great against Tanks , but it can't steal barons and drakes with it , since you need Blight stacks to do damage.

ver_ter - 20.11.2022 17:56

ахахахахах как же меня порвало с этого.

Mugenara - 14.10.2022 09:03

The best part is you can start atk speed for nashor and sometimes the enemy will start building armor instead of mr.

CyAA 0627
CyAA 0627 - 10.10.2022 02:14

"Just build MR!"

Yea, as if MPen is hard to comeby and isn't absolutely broken. Two of it is even the good items for a Mage to be a little more beefier.

Monkies to be honest. 😔

And Van
And Van - 09.10.2022 20:23

Varus, the hero we dont deserve but the hero we need.

Loriel - 09.10.2022 17:51

ap varus is the cure for season 13

Gabriel - 09.10.2022 16:47

it's not season 13, he was doing this a long time ago already

Maxim Golovin
Maxim Golovin - 09.10.2022 13:24

Hello, this is ap Varus
It doesn't matter how much hp you have
You die

Reunision - 09.10.2022 13:24

Varus WR will spike I bet

Jay Bayer
Jay Bayer - 09.10.2022 12:27

I fucking love ap varus clips.
