Add & Update Excel Table Row from SharePoint List | Power Automate Tutorial

Add & Update Excel Table Row from SharePoint List | Power Automate Tutorial

Lernen Tech

3 года назад

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gold carps
gold carps - 03.10.2023 12:18

Your excel table have 6 columns mapped from SharePoint list. If I includes extra columns in the same excel table for calculations will the flow worked. Please advise me Thanks.

Yetza - 23.08.2023 20:15

Thank you! Super useful!

Inge Verheggen
Inge Verheggen - 22.08.2023 13:58

Thank you, this works great!

Babak Rahi
Babak Rahi - 17.08.2023 18:26

Can this work the other way around? when we make a change in the excel sheet for the SharePoint to be updated

gold carps
gold carps - 20.07.2023 05:37

Hi, if both the id in excel and SharePoint List is Number, then do we still need to convert the id column in SharePoint List to String during the Filter array step?


Tenisha Ramcharan
Tenisha Ramcharan - 27.06.2023 18:45

Any ideas why at step 2 for listing the rows present in the table my sharepoint site won't show up

Duncan Fairweather
Duncan Fairweather - 20.06.2023 18:15

Why isn't there ANYTHING from Sharepoint to File System? I need to use SSIS to import data from a list so I need the export to be in the file system - not Sharepoint or OneDrive. Is this possible?

Aditya Padmawar
Aditya Padmawar - 09.06.2023 21:45

This video is very helpful. Thank you so much. Your narration is on point. Keep creating such content

Mat - 16.05.2023 23:25

What if you delete a row on SharePoint list will it delete the row on excel?

sneha Sawant
sneha Sawant - 01.05.2023 15:54

Is there a method to do this from excel to excel?

Shelly Jean
Shelly Jean - 08.02.2023 22:55

Awesome tutorial! It worked for my needs perfectly. Thank you for the details and excellent explanation.

Jacob Pruet
Jacob Pruet - 31.01.2023 01:50

Great video and perfect for what I need, however, I tried to modify the trigger to be a recurrence, but now it is not recognizing the filter array. It keeps returning all of the items. I made sure to change the trigger outputs to get_items. The flow works, but it doesnt process the filter array correctly. Any suggestions.

jdduf - 20.01.2023 00:53

Thank you so much for the video! Hoping you can advise on another step…let’s say that after your rows were added/updated in Excel, you wanted to only keep the rows that had a certain department ID (and delete the rest). Can you recommend a flow for that?

Grady Marshall
Grady Marshall - 08.01.2023 23:14

If we delete the item in sharepoint will it delete the row in excel?

Lobna Amer
Lobna Amer - 26.12.2022 09:53

Great, great video and great, knowledge rich channel!
Question; what happens if we add columns to the SharePoint List?

Stefan Sedman
Stefan Sedman - 20.11.2022 10:36

On the money for the topic choice. Like your approach, explanation and solution, thanks….

Avery Leerling
Avery Leerling - 26.10.2022 16:07

the flow works but the data isn't coming in the excel table

ScaryFactFiction - 12.10.2022 18:08

Thank you so much! Great instructions and easy to follow.

Oddy Says
Oddy Says - 10.10.2022 14:51

Is it possible to do this from Excel to Excel? To effectively create a back up of an item if it gets deleted? I did it from Excel to List - Which works but takes a long time to complete. So thinking maybe this is quicker?

RamboGS - 21.07.2022 23:24

Thank you very much. This video helped me alot. This runs smooth but i've got one small problem. Is there a possibility to delete the row in excel, when the sharepoint list element is deleted? The flow works only if an element is added or updated. It would help me alot.

Blaze Hawkins
Blaze Hawkins - 09.07.2022 17:52

Super helpful. Thank you very much for sharing this information! Please keep up the great work!

Juan Camilo Palacio Ospina
Juan Camilo Palacio Ospina - 10.06.2022 15:55

Thank you so much for the video. But Currently, I have a big problem, Filter Array's input doesn't contain all table data, I have a limit of 250 rows and I don't how to extend it.

I'll appreciate a support

holly is best
holly is best - 11.03.2022 17:19

Hi there, I'm having the same issue with duplicating rows and the threshold tip in the comments doesn't work. Could it be to do with the conditional formatting step? The flow always goes to Yes 'create new row' even if an item has been updated (rather than created new), but I don't know how to fix this.

Rubén Salas
Rubén Salas - 28.01.2022 17:22

Great Video, Question: using larger sharepoint list with multiple columns, I'm getting Apply to each when I add some values to the final step - Yes or No areas.. The flow runs but nothing goes to excel.

cianna maria
cianna maria - 27.01.2022 14:47

Hey so thank you for a great video. I was wondering if you know how to manage data when a collum containd multiple date input in a sharepoint list without getting the loop for each one?

angel L
angel L - 02.01.2022 15:46

How to update multiline field from SharePoint to excel. It shows HTML text in excel instead plain text?

Adam Osovsky
Adam Osovsky - 02.01.2022 06:30

Thanks for the help! only issue is that when I create a new item, the flow adds that item into the excel sheet as well as adds existing rows again. How could I fix this?

Guna Sekaran
Guna Sekaran - 13.12.2021 19:11

hi Sir, How to do the same vice versa, From Excel to Share point automate update and send email to New added Item alone to End User. we are receiving.CSV every day, so we need to track those information n share point

Ariel Englis
Ariel Englis - 08.11.2021 10:47


Is there a fix on the problem where it creates a new row instead of updating the existing row that was edited in sharpoint?

Nathan Face
Nathan Face - 08.11.2021 09:08

This is great but when a row in share point is modified it created another row in my excel table. How do I get it to modify?

Adnan Kashem
Adnan Kashem - 31.10.2021 23:11

This is excellent work brother..helped me a lot. Thank you

Margarita Nikonova
Margarita Nikonova - 31.10.2021 16:10

The flow fails if the list has an empty column. Any way to work around it?

the best
the best - 27.10.2021 22:16

Hi, greate video! I have an issue: how can l add,delete,modify data in Sharepoint List using my LOCAL EXCEL file WITH MACROs?
I'm creating a program in local excel with a lot of usefull things, and one of this thing is need to create a task from local file into sharepoint list and via versa!! is it possible? Can you give me some way, direction, how can I do this, what i have to use additionally? thanks in advance

Sameer Ramrakhyani
Sameer Ramrakhyani - 24.09.2021 14:24

I am new to SharePoint. I didn't quite understood the steps. Can you please explain how did you import the excel file in SharePoint and also do we need to manually create fields in excel ?

David Snider
David Snider - 10.09.2021 01:02

I would like to do something like this but I only want to pull in List rows with Today's date. So in excel I would only see List items if they are from today. Any Idea how I would do that?

anusiawathy - 04.09.2021 19:16

How to do this if i have sub folders in my sharepoint ?

Asam - 28.08.2021 08:38

Thank you so much for sharing this.
This video about sharing to Excel and the other video sharing from Excel is golden!

I learned SO much.

Kelly Lieu
Kelly Lieu - 23.08.2021 15:00

Thank you for sharing, great tutorial. Question, when I delete an existing value in one column from my SharePoint list, the flow reads “null” as input for that column, but that same existing value in Excel does not get deleted. Would you suggest any solutions?

Eain Dra
Eain Dra - 26.07.2021 15:43

Thanks you for your sharing. I solved the issue of automate of my project with your video help. It was really helpful ^^.

Steve Crawford
Steve Crawford - 18.06.2021 12:33

Doesn't update entries for me, just adds them as new so I end up with a duplicated list. I may look how to delete all list entries and them update as that would solve my problem.

myheart hurt
myheart hurt - 02.05.2021 10:57

Hi. It work finally. But, it create like 5 row for new data entry. And my SharePoint List have drop down item, it don't show the choose option in excel file. What should I do? :(

Daniel Macias
Daniel Macias - 21.04.2021 22:05

Hi, thanks for this video, but i did the same you explained but the filter array always validate that theres is no ID number so even when is already o the excel add new item on it so it duplicate the row. Do you know why this could happend?

Max Nabutovsky
Max Nabutovsky - 19.04.2021 21:15

Is there a method to do this but from Excel to Sharepoint?

Max Nabutovsky
Max Nabutovsky - 15.04.2021 06:35

Is there a template for this?

Flamme Beauregard
Flamme Beauregard - 24.03.2021 18:02

After a few hundred lines, it creates duplicate in my Excel. As if it doesn't search the IDs in the Excel anymore, and just create a new case ! My coworkers modify entries all the time. We have 3000 lines in my Sharepoint List. What can I do ?

‍ ​ٴ‍ - 24.01.2021 11:22

underrated channel

Ger Fer
Ger Fer - 12.01.2021 13:11

👍 😎 To reduce the flow runs how to modify this to run once a day ( scheduled) for items older than 2 days [ for larger list]

Abhilasha Sharma
Abhilasha Sharma - 11.01.2021 16:24

Nice 👍🏻
