MEGA Winmugen Cheapies Character Pack over, 1,000+ Cheapies! (Download)

MEGA Winmugen Cheapies Character Pack over, 1,000+ Cheapies! (Download)

Mikazuki The Mugenite

1 месяц назад

291 Просмотров

𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 Hello,

➥ A mugen character pack isn't that something? well it is and it's for a good reason. unforunately to start this description off I will NOT be continuing the over 3,000 cheapie mugen character project collection no longer. if you don't know what I am talking about, I am talking about this: - so you'll have only that to mess around with and a completed version will never be released.

➽Now you're probably wondering why? well it's because when I added new cheapies unto the roster the mugen wouldn't load. I would remove these chars via select.def and the mugen would already be too far gone. I did investigate and tried to look into other factors but unforunately nothing could work. I know that one of the chars are the issue because when I moved these chars to another winmugen SP, they did the same thing. the problem is no matter what I could NEVER find which character is preventing the mugen from starting. and since, I have a lot of mugens on the to-do list that I need to complete for you all. I decided to keep it moving and drop the project and instead...

➽Provide you guys a character pack in regards of these characters! so, if you guys want to perhaps mess around with these cheapies yourself you're free to do so. in fact it would help immensely if someone can try to attempt to a mugen with thousands of cheapies and look into seeing what character is preventing the mugen from starting. either way... that is all. this video is just a showcase of these cheapies that range from null, super null, ultranull and more. it's got nomi's creations in there, a bunch of orochi, touhou and even donald edits in there so I think it's a pretty good pack if I say so myself.

- Remember, this folder is all the chars from the mugen ax winmugen roster except there's 50 more chars added unto it that I think one of them caused the crash so be careful with that. have fun for, you're not going to get a pack like this anywhere else :D also note that the cheapies in the video are just for display, there is in fact a total of 1,5000 cheapies in this folder :D remember you're getting the chars not the mugen.

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➤ Other than that, ➠ Link to character pack:
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✰ ┊ Disclaimers as per usual....
● You can remove/add chars as you please
● You can remove/replace non-working/crash inducing chars
● You can remove/add stages as you please.
● If you have issues downloading a mugen, make use of a download manager, increase your internet speed (if you can afford it) or, just utilize your resources and research a fix for it (cuz sometimes it would even be out of my hands to fix it)
● If there's a char on here you dislike, due to personal reasons or so, feel free to remove them. (good luck with that)
● Sezuire warning for a few characters on there, some got some pretty flashy movesets. if anything happens stop playing immediately if you have epilepsy.
● Some of these characters have horror elements, if horror is not your thing you're free to remove those characters (I'm talkin jumpscares, demonic messaging/symbolism, and dark imagery btw).
Last but not least.....
● If you upload this mugen anywhere else and I mean ANYWHERE even your own discord server, PLEASE GIVE CREDIT! you know very well you ain't made this roster, so when uploading mention/link my channel please or, feel free to even link my discord and/or socials instead.

☄Also, if you didn't read my community post or announcement from many many days ago for now on this section you won't get this but, let me explain. from now, on I will put the status of when I accept mugen requests; such as characters and rosters. if you ignore the status and you still ask for a mugen request when it's closed I will ignore you/block you :D

✅ MUGEN REQUEST STATUS: CLOSED ✅ (I'll also update when it's closed via the comment section for those who don't want to join the discord for some reason)

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