I AM AMAZED: Manor Lords Players Are Building MASSIVE CITIES!

I AM AMAZED: Manor Lords Players Are Building MASSIVE CITIES!


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@bpGAMING74 - 23.05.2024 11:32

bro... i aint gon lie i thought the 50% off was a scam but phuk it i spent my $20 and lemme tell you its legit go get your copy before they arent running the deal anymore thank you soo much for providing the site for us to use now i can play manor lords without spending $40

@raygrimes9203 - 21.05.2024 00:14

I was feeling proud of my 38 pop city until watching this video 🙈

Great game, my first real attempt at a city builder and i am hooked

@nateakins - 20.05.2024 21:29

can we please get ships and actual large rivers to move around in and have ai cities we can raid or trade with and bigger map i know its in early access but if they could implement this into it that would make this game incredible

@robinwolstenholme6377 - 19.05.2024 19:25

my manor lord mod wish list⚠
1 wooden parths that generate passive in come
2 a corps pit that generates 1 raw ore per 2 dead bodys buried [ a bandet got to leave a coin or a sward right
3 sheep give muton mod 1 muton slaghter house per sheep
4 calvelry men mod
5 vilage fair mod - lasts one year then disapiers- 25 to buy mellea event
[win one jester gives 1 happynes for 1 year]
50 to buy cavelry joustin event [gives hero for 1 year]
6 mariage mod for lord and tier 3 famalys
7 convert well into pond mod fish stoke cost 100 and lasts 3 years
9 orcherd mod
10 list of tradeing famlys mod
11 turn well into pond mod [cost 50 to stock with fisg for 3 years]
12 forced eviction mod

@TheLuckyLeader - 19.05.2024 15:27

Hey great video thanks for the mention! There's definitely more to come in the future! Cheers.

@thedude7450 - 19.05.2024 06:33

Very nice. How do they get so precise cutting the trees?

@OFFICALMENOFCULTURE - 18.05.2024 18:06

The first patch completely destroyed all my saves.

@SpookySkeletons - 17.05.2024 19:18

People who build Grid-Layouts in Manor Lords are a different kinda breed.

@Womblewobble1321 - 17.05.2024 18:25

Just proves the markets need some more rework when only 20 house are t3 in a 5400 pop town.

@marshall1982a - 17.05.2024 17:17

Ostsiedlung isn't a Bavarian town. It is a style of medievil towns east of the Elbe in the east expansion of the Holy Roman Empire.

@alldamnnamesaretaken - 17.05.2024 13:56

Ostsiedlung is not the name of a city but of the towns that the German Colonists built in what is now East Germany it's literal translation is "East Settlement"

@mammasut8280 - 17.05.2024 12:41

Promotes grey market sellers

promotes grid line citites in a medieval game.

@j.w.9561 - 17.05.2024 12:40

The thing I love: all of this is possible. You just need to build one church, one marketplace and one tavern. Houses can be in one corner, everything else in the other.

@mimistak - 17.05.2024 10:16

We need more food buildings and resources 😢😢 and more regions !!!! The game has room to grow and Slavic has our support 💪💪💪💪

@cam_out_the_4 - 17.05.2024 05:50

Bought an Xbox just for this game just to find out "xbox game pass" didn't mean console

@Robodoc130 - 17.05.2024 04:17

I love this game but it’s in no way a Total War killer from what I have experienced, unfortunately.

@Doc-holiday- - 16.05.2024 20:31

Before update I had to much money but after update I can’t keep up with the market especially when I have to pay 800 coins from my treasury

@jannickraaymakers5315 - 16.05.2024 19:18

it is pretty easy to sustain a 1000 pop town, i was able to do it in my first playthrough with minimal knowledge

@mortanos8938 - 16.05.2024 18:25

Please please learn to pronounce the German city names properly. Listening to you and Americans in general saying them makes my ears bleed. Definitely some nice towns though.

@emilbortnowski128 - 16.05.2024 16:26

I never make symmetric cities. Its on the run chaotic as the need force to build.

@mysteriousman4966 - 16.05.2024 15:56

guys building novigrad here man.

@lorenzoghetti30 - 16.05.2024 15:25

I live in Italy and I studied Roman and medieval archeology at university. I can say that the organization of medieval cities was much more chaotic and spontaneous than many of the cities seen in the video. Obviously even at the time the game is set (XIV century) they tried to rationalize the spaces, but it wasn't always possible to do it in the best way for many reasons. Everyone has their own way of playing, but honestly I prefer playing Manor Lords thinking about how it could really be a real city of the time.

@leoashura8086 - 16.05.2024 14:30

How do they manage to get the houses 100% efficiency. I build a house 5 meters away from the market and it already keeps missing food and fuel constantly, it's so annoying

@arnedevlam3698 - 16.05.2024 12:47

ugly towns... just build naturally... NOBODY SEES YOUR TOWN FROM ABOVE, they didn't have drones in the middle ages.. they did'nt give a sh*t how it looks from above? It's all about fertillity, distance, productivity.

I've waited years and years and years to have no grid system and this is what people make?

@semp224 - 16.05.2024 12:30


@inopnatum - 16.05.2024 12:25

most of em look ugly and unorganized asf

@shanecornwell232 - 16.05.2024 11:29


@poseidon3292 - 16.05.2024 07:08

The flame inside the heart of all of those who with love and passion create stuff in the game either the DEVS or most mod makers is the begin of an incredible Medieval Project about city building by all that means and huge armies in battle with great graphics immersive sounds and funtions like visit mode or later maybe fight mode not mention the sandbox theme of which you create tour own coat of arms or organise your troops with manually or randomly uniform preparation and colors and arms!! Well I wait a bit longer to see more patches of that game and the moment I see the first Castle stuff siege machines mounted knights that like the in foot ones we could modify their armors or horse dressings and items...!!! On the other hand more like in city quests or festivals fiests of the King or Lord of a Castle , you know quests like sending scouts or hunting satanic puppils in the forests ... And after the mods will bring even fantasy themes with reskin units like I saw last night before go to bed , gandalf on visit mode and from the moment I grew up with general LOTR and had the "luck" to see BFME reforged and abandoned and now dead project of UE4 ...This view now with gandalf on visit mode with these visuals and stuff of the game ...just filled my mind with amazing might come later views thanks to Mods as always ;) ..lets see lets see

@clyden2678 - 16.05.2024 06:57

Holy crap! Thousands of pop.????!!!!!!!! And some are stunning!

@marloyorkrodriguez9975 - 16.05.2024 06:19

Before someone builds winterfell

@mr.crowgamer6250 - 16.05.2024 04:33

Makes me like my chaotic city rather then some of these preplanned

@Will-W - 16.05.2024 04:32

(really though it's a fun game!)

@AgeDrain - 16.05.2024 04:09

Damn and here I am struggling to learn the lock icon on the manor build menu doesn’t mean I can’t build it.

@cetri777 - 16.05.2024 03:54

Grid in medieval town? 😂😂 No.

@RoshuGamingg - 16.05.2024 03:52

Have not had a chance to play manor lords much but these just makes me really want to jump on. The fact that it is early access and ppl can build cities like this is great

@aussieoutlawalt8411 - 16.05.2024 01:56

AS IT CURRENTLY STANDS the game is a total bore fest once you get into it, until the place marker content is added it will be that way.

@meilinchan7314 - 16.05.2024 01:54

<hums "Roses in Bloom" while watching TheTerminator's video>

@dragomirdanut2451 - 16.05.2024 01:49

i manage to reach 1300 pop on my main town ,i think i can do more:)))))

@bappo2693 - 16.05.2024 01:25

Nice promo, actually. Damn. Thanks!

@Imperial_Archives - 16.05.2024 00:48

I bought Manor Lords for the Total War like battles but I honestly just enjoy growing my small village into a medieval town! I am currently playing Rise to prosperity (just the city building mode) and it’s just awesome!

@WildsDreams45 - 16.05.2024 00:27

Can you build cemeteries or do people just throw their dead out in the woods for the wolfs to eat?

@adasko21 - 15.05.2024 23:22

the name of the German city is Griefswald, Ostsiedlung is just a term

@dramat1cz - 15.05.2024 23:18

Pancakedoom's town tells us the Umbrella Corporation invented the T Virus centuries ago!!! 😂😂

@FS-vm8dc - 15.05.2024 23:16

PLEASE. Please stop advertising key sites!

The reason, why they are able to sell for discounts is because they are buying their keys with stolen credit cards. Not only are you often supporting some shifty money laundering, who do you think is going to have to pay, when people then report the cards and dispute the charges? It often leaves the dev to have to refund. So not only are they losing out on the sale, they actually end up paying on top.

Manor Lords is a success for the industry and we should support the development of these games going forward. There is no reason a dev should have to pay for you trying to be cheap. And 30 bucks is really not a lot. Vote with your wallet for the games you want to see more of, don't try to cheat the dev!

@mwnciboo - 15.05.2024 23:14

I want to make Ankh- Morpork....

@RR-kb9uz - 15.05.2024 22:36

