The Downward Spiral of Watching Velma

The Downward Spiral of Watching Velma

C-Puff Person

1 год назад

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@shrug_shrugsly - 23.05.2024 19:29

What a fantastic video!! I enjoy the Velma commentary, but the true value of your video (for me, at least) is the insight you provide on narrative structure. You defined story construction in a manner that aids story writers' own works. Thank you!

@DrongDrango - 22.05.2024 08:56

Been watching this video through several days of taking breaks, but I am astonished by the sheer quality of your videos. I've seen several people's comparisons and commentary on this show, but not one of them have really put it into such a way that my brain clicks into it as well as you've done. Plenty of kudos for giving me a perspective that was incredibly interesting to hear! I think it helps that you're using other shows as proper comparisons, using even entire scenes that this show was attempting to do in their own style, but seeing how it is done in a more correct format.

I lost it at the My Immortal reference though. Wasn't ready for that. xD

@buddyzilla4557 - 09.05.2024 17:58

Such a long meandering intro and it still fails..not funny? Well duh..but if you REALLY can't explain WHY better and it took you so long to get this far, then you don't belong doing a show like this. The biggest problem is that it's a hyporcrital fake of what it presents itself as. It claims to be an intelligent, cynical and progressive version, but it's not. It is extremely infantile with a clear target of child-minded adults. It relies heavily on hollow gratuities flash like shock humor, pointless sexulization, needless gore, etc. These are all fine if cleverly done and holds significance to the story..but they don't write it that way. It's an elementary shcool bully. They make the main cahracter so unlikable and hypocritical but unlike Sienfeld, rhey present her as a positive. Everyone is in love with the snarky ass who keep making the side splitting joke about Fred's Dick being small. They have oppertunities to have real stuff said but they stick to the stuff a third grader will say because daddy doesn't give him enough hugs and generalized extremist liberal statements with no understanding behind them. It's a child pretending to be an adult in the most childish understanding of what that means. It is SO coperately written in a formulaic fashion to capitalize on the stereotype of its intended audience that it fools no one. It's insulting to its audience and the kind of things they are passionate about. It makes them by proxy look like dumb assholes who just want to watch dumb assholes get glorified. They don't punish the wrong behavior, they reward it. The few times it looks like they will be real about that stuff and put Velma through a humbling arch for her unchained narcissism, they turn it around and make her treated as a queen for it. It treats all relationships including same sex ones as shallow and sexually charged only. It is cruel to the only likable character then makes them unlikable to meet the main ones level more. It breaks the social aspects down to the most steriotypes high-school esque groupings/representations. It insults mental health awareness treating as a joke. It thinks just refrencing media in a media manner is enough to carry itself and make the babies watching giggle. Its not funny because it's OFFENSIVE, CHILDISH REPRESENTATION. Unless you are a kid or high, you won't LIKE this. Even if you aren't sophisticated enough to understand properly why and just lean on "it's not funny" you know it's bad. Plenty of "comedy" media can still eb good or entertaining without being seen as funny by the majority of people. Funny is a relative term and there are levels. Garfield is not considered generally funny to most people. I argue it can be funny on a low key level like family circus, but regaurless it's a huge phenomenon. People still get something positive out of it. We could still get something positive out of Velma if it's not funny but it just doesn't have anything really positive to gain from it. It's for no one, especially being wrong for the audience it is claiming to be for.

@MatusGoc - 08.05.2024 12:49

Fred is, IMHO, the best character of Velma. He is not a good Fred, but he is not a bad person and he's shown actual character growth throughout the series. I certainly wouldn't mind if he was in my friends group.

@AmazingKevinWClark - 08.05.2024 06:11

Zombie Island is the gold standard. The quality is very cinematic, the music was great, it had great horror and mystery elements.

@wesleyclay3809 - 04.05.2024 06:58

I cant wait for you to eat "season" 2 and regurgitate it back to us in an easy to watch 4 hour video, doing the lords work for real 🙌

@a030055 - 01.05.2024 11:48

Now that "Season 2" came out, I can't wait for video.

@StealthMarmot_ - 30.04.2024 08:26

I would like to add that the 2 cockroaches having sex "joke" was also done in Hazbin Hotel, but was actually funny in Hazbin Hotel. Reason? Context.

Two cockroaches humping here? Zero context or setup. Not funny.

In Hazbin Hotel, someone is trying to impress how great the hotel is to someone else, and during that, two cockroaches skitter out in the middle of the floor and start humping. Actually funny, and set the mood.

@jackieronaldwayerston6723 - 29.04.2024 18:53

That Jelloapocalypse bit now aged horribly after he himself pulled a Velma basically. Haha.

@HorrorDudereviewsandplays - 24.04.2024 22:59

Mystery incorporated the best Scooby doo cartoon

@8BitsOfFury - 22.04.2024 17:37

love all the drum & bass background music, you have great taste!

@80yearoldman98 - 22.04.2024 02:48


@80yearoldman98 - 22.04.2024 02:48


@80yearoldman98 - 22.04.2024 02:47


@80yearoldman98 - 22.04.2024 02:47


@runawaywolf2570 - 21.04.2024 15:21

"Sociopathic self insert" is exactly what this version of Velma is.

She's hateful, manipulative and seemingly unable to conceptualise the idea of empathy.
As you aptly put, her interactions with her peers are transactional in nature and laced with either prejudice, bitterness and/or nihilism.

She claims to be progressive, but she's progressive in the same way that the reboot of Charmed claimed to be progressive: arrogant female chauvinism (female exceptionalism at the complete expense of men) rather than true empathetic equality. But even here this show goes out of it's way to have Velma hate women as well. She hates everything that doesn't directly and immediately benefit her, and even then.

Why, and for whom was this made?

You are also right, the art style and general art direction is something i really like. I just hate that genuinely great animation talent was used to facilitate this ghastly character butchering.

@Justaduck456 - 20.04.2024 22:06

The creators didn’t care about making a Scooby Doo film, Mindy just wanted to put herself into her own show the way she sees herself

The smart, Indian girl who thinks she’s better than everyone else. It’s quite similar to her real life self

@Dbrom25 - 16.04.2024 02:26

Mindy Kaleigh played the same character in both her other shows! The same exact character ! I like the show because it's kinda an inside joke between Mindy Kaleigh and her true fans! 😂😂😂😂😂🎉

@XxSherlockianHeroxX - 12.04.2024 06:50

Fred became my favorite character of this show BECAUSE the writers hated him so much; it was out of spite.
(I’m glad to see someone also enjoy that guillotine gag because that’s what made me see all the wasted potential of the series if only they exaggerated the absurdity more.)

@SoRePeSi - 07.04.2024 18:00

Watching this whole saga again, it baffles me how the entire series of events happens because one woman didn't raise her son properly, blamed HIM for it, then decided that the only possible solution was to swap his brain for someone else's.
I can't help but feel for his dad. Dude married her because he loved her (the flashback where he asks "you love me, right?") and probably realized how insane she is and that trying to divorce her would make her act out in "revenge." Rewatching his scenes, I can't help but have the impression that he was trying to undo Fred's mentality... which means she turned him into that on purpose.
So, she was pissed that her kid was a boy instead of a girl, apparently? Dear god, this show gets worse the more I think about it.

Love your videos tho! Your voice is very nice to listen to

@unlimon6382 - 06.04.2024 18:20

It's weird that they said they wanted to make a more "mature" version. They just wanted to put gore, swearing and sex jokes. Heck, shows like over the garden wall, batman beyond or literally mystery incorporated were more mature and had better mysteries and horror. I'm not saying it necessarily had to be deep, but don't make it about scooby do if you are not willing to include the campiness or the horror or even the fucking dog and you are gonna make everyone a brainsore.

Even teen titans go is better, cause they understood the source material and how to deconstruct it

@dumpanimator - 23.03.2024 07:05

She spent 4 hour to explainning Scooby-Doo and ehem

@hedefbogazici4 - 17.03.2024 20:01

I don't know how much I watched this vide but I love it every time.

@justanothergamer64 - 17.03.2024 04:51

I havent fully watched this yet, but my personal opinion of why the comedy is so horrible is because "its meant to be an adult film", which apparently means that you have to use references so outdated that they bring your grandma back to life just to kill her again.
Also the voice acting from most characters is just.. not good. There's very little emotion and it kinda feels like the characters are just.. well.. reading a script while trying to relay an emotion that they hardly understand themselves. (There are some exceptions, but it tends to be like that for quite a lot of the show)

@Adrian-yi8fl - 16.03.2024 06:21

If they had changed the names and designs of the characters nobody would have ever guessed this had anything to do with scooby-doo.

@avalonofbabylon3024 - 12.03.2024 01:11

The Velma Velma would be the human pet guy of her universes Tumblr just this utterly contemptible figure everyone hates but most have only heard whispers of

@addieroth5201 - 11.03.2024 05:17

It's bad because it's not funny. Because it's just a bitch fest for someone who is a middle age woman who still is bitter because she was not popular in high school. She has a love hate relationship with the popular girl who she was jealous of . she wasn't popular and wanted to be so badly that she has latent sexual desires and thoughts toward Daphne even though Velma is not a lesbian. She was a spoiled little rich girl who had everything except an actual decent personality and no one would tell her that she's not popular because she has a crappy personality. She blames everything and everyone else for her own issues. She's trying to workout her self esteem issues by recreating and rewriting her own history. She has some serious sociopathic narcissistic BPD issues and she has exposed enough of herself with this that I would be wary of being alone with this woman. People tell on themselves and the fact of this being about her mother getting murdered is really scary. She literally said in the beginning that this was her story.
Also, I have a suspucion after watching ep 2 that her mom ran away because velma is such a horrible mean person.

@crystalshaw8744 - 08.03.2024 16:12

Gigi is the token black.

@crystalshaw8744 - 08.03.2024 14:56

Mindy Kaling is funny. This show is not.

@landanfetters6169 - 21.02.2024 00:14

Also am I the only one who is sick and tired of the stupid joke about how "Shaggy is on drugs"?

@phoenixsoren - 16.02.2024 06:43

All this time later, I just had a thought. Maybe Frank Welker agreed to this because he read the script and thought 'This is clearly the opposite of what you want it to be, but it'll be funnier if I don't tell you that'

@WeebGuru6 - 08.02.2024 18:44

Ok guys fun fact Velma wasn’t gay in mystery incorporated the creators wanted to go that route but Cartoon Network stopped them from doing thank god in my honest opinion piece of advice don’t take tweets or things outside the show seriously cuz if it was important it would’ve been there

@victormirandakoepke8352 - 08.02.2024 02:35

You fooooool! Velma isn't a lesbian!

She's clearly Bisexual! Dont erase her casual relationship with Johnny Bravo like that! It broke his stupid little heart! Oh, and that fling with Shaggy that was fated for failure in Mystery Inc.

@windrider2190 - 05.02.2024 22:49

I like how the convicted criminal had a better take on romantic relationships than anyone else, and even was happy with his partner. The fact a convict had better character (parental abandonment aside) than the show’s main cast is awkward.

@aximili113 - 31.01.2024 18:12

Cdawg and ironmouse reference. Aah another person of culture i see xD

@thooth - 26.01.2024 15:11

I kept forgetting the characters are based on the actual scooby doo characters 💀

@silveramyknux241 - 26.01.2024 04:06

I completely agree that Scooby isn’t that sacred of a franchise, but this show referencing the going through doors gag is still such an insult to the series, or something like that.

But I ironically subconsciously felt insulted that you said that. I guess my enjoyment of the shows caused it, I guess. But I still agree with you.

@claudiaarjangi4914 - 19.01.2024 05:30

You know those people that act/ say things really crappy , so openly unashamedly, that others think its sarcastically "ha ha, very funny, good jokey impression 🙄" ?
But they arent being funny, they really are that shallow, spiteful , hateful etc..
But the the crappy person/ people are so disconnected to normal empathy etc, that they really think others are finding their actual shallow open hatefulness funny..

Well this is what the writers and characters are like, cos they think this shi+ is funny, when it just makes people think "what the?”

@claudiaarjangi4914 - 19.01.2024 02:19

Unlikeable characters written by unlikeable people..
I think the writers etc really dont know just how unlikeble & unfunny they really are.. Just really shallow people with shallow understanding of anything that would mean anything

@OddTubb - 15.01.2024 11:01

I forgot why I dedicated 4 hours of my life to this

@fuzzwobble - 14.01.2024 17:51

'The Office' was based on a funny UK show by the same name, with one of the two co-writers being the legendary Ricky Gervais. The US version of the Office ran out of UK episodes to grift content from and turned into trash. 'The Office' as most Americans know it is actually a terrible show. That's why it becomes so insufferable rather early in.

Also the love triangle is toxic and garbage. Sorry, not going to root for Jim breaking up a happy relationship and trying to coax his love interest to cheat. By all accounts the boyfriend is a well-liked, handsome, physically fit, and thoughtful guy in the show. He basically gets cheated on because his girlfriend is stuck with a pining orbiter in the same room every day. Not saying Pam isn't at fault, but she actively denies his advances for a long time and Jim keeps pushing right up to the limit of what's appropriate, and the show frames it as a 'will they / won't they' situation rather than the harassment it is.
