Heal Your Prostate (Prostatitis & BPH) the Nutritional Way  | Dr. Mandell

Heal Your Prostate (Prostatitis & BPH) the Nutritional Way | Dr. Mandell


2 года назад

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motivationaldoc - 04.05.2022 16:30

Scientific evidence suggests that engaging in a few hours of exercise a week may ease the symptoms of chronic prostatitis, also called chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS).
Kegel exercises can strengthen and train your pelvic floor muscles to help control urination.
Consider activities like these:
raking leaves.
pelvic floor exercises.

Bill Moran
Bill Moran - 27.09.2023 00:33

I’ve been taking Rejuvica Prostavec consistently for several years. I don’t have any problems except for having to go pee several times a day.
Your video will be taken to heart.
I need to cut out some of the nuts you mentioned. As I have been radically changing my diet, I’m finding that I’ve lost 25 pounds. I’m a 69 year old man that is 6’2 and now weighs 205.
I appreciate all your videos and do does my wife of 41 years. Thank you. I’m all ears if you have any other suggestions.

Andreas Drakos
Andreas Drakos - 24.09.2023 18:59

Sir, U R the BEST! Andy

raffpants618 - 24.09.2023 16:24

Cause - anterior tilt and mental stress

MD HARUN - 23.09.2023 18:49

of food rules ᑕᗩᖴᑕᑌᒪ

J P - 23.09.2023 00:32

Is it possible to recommend a product? My prostrate is driving me crazy..any suggestions would be appreciated

Sheila West
Sheila West - 22.09.2023 15:10

Dr. M. Following your guidance. Re. Moringa and saw palmetto..After a few weeks. Positive results by me..Thankyou sir..

Francis Peltonen
Francis Peltonen - 21.09.2023 21:14

Thank you doctor mandel you are the best. You explain things without over explaining things I appreciate that.😊

Bill Lawrence
Bill Lawrence - 21.09.2023 16:19

Lol Nuts and Bolts!! 😅

Airborne Patriot
Airborne Patriot - 19.09.2023 16:30

Thank you doc! Your videos are amazing and have helped me recover from being messed up after military service. I really appreciate you.

Harry Loibl
Harry Loibl - 19.09.2023 02:39

Thank you, I’m to see the urologist tomorrow 😊

Tina ormsby
Tina ormsby - 19.09.2023 02:28

I want to show my 22 yr old son who is suffering

DARNEL KENERSON - 18.09.2023 23:58

DR. MANDELL!!!🔥🙏🏼🔥

Livestream Musician by Tony Toto
Livestream Musician by Tony Toto - 16.09.2023 16:14

Can you take flomax and stinging nettle together.

B H - 16.09.2023 14:09

Green tea has caffeine

Kasnar F Burns
Kasnar F Burns - 16.09.2023 02:15

Do I really need to avoid spicy foods? Like capsaicin? Really?

Satnam Randhawa
Satnam Randhawa - 15.09.2023 09:45


future technology
future technology - 13.09.2023 23:54

Super information. My inside plumbing is all clogged up.

future technology
future technology - 13.09.2023 23:37

As you approach 50yrs old, and understand basic health; and still wind up unable to take a relieving shyt, and pizz in the morning, we have a long way to go in order to get back to health. And no one ever tells you this when you are growing up. Just one day you wake up, and say, I'm getting old.

B H - 13.09.2023 19:58

The Urologist prescribed antibiotics even though the urine test was negative. I have prostatitis..

Victor Storck
Victor Storck - 11.09.2023 19:53

Thanks again for you sharing this information God bless you

Patrick Werrell
Patrick Werrell - 11.09.2023 04:43

Dr Alan, thank you for this video. I am 69. I have a healthy life style and I take suppliments like Immunocal made by Immunotec and their products for the prostate like their Magistral. I do a lot of reading to help myself reduce my prostate. It has been enlarged for several years but not dangerously and I do not have any pain. I do get up 2x per night. I drink perhaps 2 cups of coffee per day. Recently i started drinking green teas more often and Moringa teas. Question; do you think that toxins can also cause prostate enlargement? I do take a liquid cleanse from LivePure. I am researching the Rezum method, i want to make sure I would still be able to have a sexual relation with my wife. Also I stated to look into the Urolift, I think it is called. Can you comment on these proceedures?. My wife and I love you for your content but mostly for your compassion for people. Thank you for showing up in this life time. Patrick and Del.

LIran Lev
LIran Lev - 10.09.2023 22:47

Tnx a lot Dr
Question, do creatine use should be avoided I this case of prostatitis nonbacerial ?

cause the rat
cause the rat - 10.09.2023 01:14

Question. If caffeine is bad then how can green tea be good?

Prismatic - 10.09.2023 00:35

love your shit bro, you tell me a lot of what doctors wont tell me, why is that?

Khursheed ahmad Beigh
Khursheed ahmad Beigh - 09.09.2023 12:58

Good great doctor. I have personally used some of these things good results.

Nature Boy
Nature Boy - 06.09.2023 22:42

Thank you 🙏🏽

GiantTasty XD
GiantTasty XD - 06.09.2023 09:22

I have prostate fluid leaking when i pass stool? Coukd it be enlarged?

sunchaser w
sunchaser w - 05.09.2023 07:06

Thank you so much Dr. Mandell. You are so kind. There has been an Urologist saying that massaging the prostate is dangerous as there are bacteria around and those bacteria will flow around to infect bladder or somewhere else.

Dave - 30.08.2023 20:22

Doc, thanks very much for the constant health info that you provide. Because of you, I now know about Freezing/Refrigerating foods to lower their glycemic index and how gut microbes affect the brain. THANKS DOC.

LK - 27.08.2023 03:04

I never watched videos on this topic ever….until this week when this jumped on me. Thanks doc.

Peter Nekeresd
Peter Nekeresd - 26.08.2023 23:03

Can someone explain what cause trouble at night, but ok during the day?

stillaliveandwell - 22.08.2023 07:11

I have slight BPH symptoms caused by a slight enlargement in the transitional area of the prostate which just happens to be the part of the prostate directly around the urethra (1.5T MRI multi-parametric used to pinpoint it and the cancer). I also have intermediate prostate cancer researched for over a year before finally deciding on the treatment protocol. I could have used any number of different treatments to treat the BPH symptom which for me was mostly mild urgency. before the RT but now I have very limited treatment options as the prostate tissue will not react as normal after radiation. Some weird urgency related things plus the range from none to a little to a lot of blood in the urine has me perplexed and the doctor too. 2 round of antibiotics and one trip to the ER have not solved it. Flomax helps at night but not during the day as much. Curiously one beer and lots of water over 3 hours makes it all go away and I pee like I was 18 years old then it comes back after 24 hrs. Hopefully the cystoscopy in 3 days will tell something. Diet conscious my whole adult life, no red meat and started eating organically in the 80's, slightly underweight with no other major medical issues at 70 years old. Most people think I'm much younger than my age but that's thanks to mom's genes. I'm hoping Itind procedure will be a possible solution if it is feasible after radiation. It's the only procedure that does not directly harm or remove any of the prostate tissue. It just gently reshapes it over 5 to 7 days to open up a bigger channel for the urethra.

Red Door Den Training Center
Red Door Den Training Center - 21.08.2023 17:06

Thank you doc love this video great tips I'm almost 50 and haven't taken care of my body ..I'm a 30 year meth addict in recovery been sober 48 mounts your videos have helped me feel better and live a clean life ...thank you so much

Harry Loibl
Harry Loibl - 20.08.2023 02:18

Wondering if there could be a link between with having a vasectomy?

milton white
milton white - 19.08.2023 05:33

Good evening love what you are doing 1000 great

WOW Sailor
WOW Sailor - 18.08.2023 15:07

thanks Dr.

Steve Nordstedt
Steve Nordstedt - 17.08.2023 23:38

I tried Prostagenix and it’s helped
The Betasitrasol shrinks the prostate Naturally. No FDA/Pharma drug Garbage! Try it

Philip Crabb
Philip Crabb - 17.08.2023 17:49

What about whey protein after workouts, and creatine as a pre-workout?
Thanks for this very informative video!

Kingdom70X7Ministries StreetChurch
Kingdom70X7Ministries StreetChurch - 17.08.2023 05:04

Hey Why No I'm Dr Mandell you can tell im obsessed with these videos😂

Eric Jobe
Eric Jobe - 16.08.2023 13:34

Hi i rally like your videos I'm from Trinidad and was wondering if there is way i can get in touch

Milind Shirke
Milind Shirke - 16.08.2023 00:47

Gratitude 🙏 Dr.
Great information
I will definitely start
With your guidelines.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

JEFF LEWIS - 15.08.2023 22:51

Thank you.....

Bongi Tshabalala
Bongi Tshabalala - 15.08.2023 21:42

Dr Mandell,my 13years old Grandson said sometimes when he Urinate The Urine used to Stuck,what causes that?

Barry Hodson
Barry Hodson - 15.08.2023 21:41

Dr. Mandell, it would be helpful if you could list all those items that block DHT .Thank you for ALL your excellent videos

Wilf Gendron
Wilf Gendron - 13.08.2023 08:20

Hi Doc,
I just finished watching your video with regards to cleansing of the body and taking care of your prostate. I’ve been trying to add things like Kale, Arugula, pumpkin seeds, and such to my salads, and any other food that I eat for that matter. I’m hoping that and taking the steps it will help greatly in the fight against such things as you spoke of. Many thanks for your input and wealth of knowledge. It really does mean a lot.

Dean Beith
Dean Beith - 12.08.2023 19:09

Any suggestions for Tardive Dyskinesia since you said you read your comments?

mathew barge
mathew barge - 12.08.2023 05:01

Thanks Doctor Mandell 👍

Pierre Labbe
Pierre Labbe - 12.08.2023 00:05

Love Canada Merci 😊
