The 7 Levels of High

The 7 Levels of High

Mostly True

2 года назад

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Majar - 01.06.2022 08:22

I'm French, and except in English class, I only speak French. And one day, I was so high that I forget how to speak French and I started to speak English for 3 hours because I had no choice

CHENADA!? - 13.10.2023 18:57

When i was high i asked one of my friends "how is your quepasa comosavaking?"

Funny Jul
Funny Jul - 13.10.2023 08:05

One with my friends we were so high we left tho door of the studio opened that leaned outside and then I invented that there was a monster outside but I was as I say in French Canadian «gelé bin rède » and I saw the monster even though it did not exist and we started panicking and hiding in the bed and we were fighting nothing and at the end we all got up and realized: dawn weed is fantastic

zeropointfusion - 13.10.2023 06:08

One of my friends called grinding “crunching” once so now everything is all about the crunch for me and my friends. Just smoking weed in general is crunching. When anything is hittin hard at all we’re like “aw so crunchyyy”. At this point weed = crunch basically.

RoseMiriorzFaze - 13.10.2023 03:34

level 3 rn

Amanda Clark
Amanda Clark - 12.10.2023 06:55

Dude I am so stoned right now. I'm zooted. I have merged with the bed, me and the bed are now one

Mohsen 3adi
Mohsen 3adi - 11.10.2023 23:35


Sadman Saquib
Sadman Saquib - 11.10.2023 20:19

We use "Sett"

Catrina - 11.10.2023 06:07

One time, I couldn't remember if I was supposed to suck or blow on my bong. Then I realized I was probably too high 😅

ZeR0-33 - 11.10.2023 05:05

Burnt” was what we used to call max high. Zapped was another

WhiteBoyCarl - 11.10.2023 04:15

I'm Lwvel 3

WhiteBoyCarl - 11.10.2023 04:14

Idk why I watched this but I'm high asl

stormyglory - 09.10.2023 23:38

My first time getting high i forgot how to eat and bit the shit out of the right side of my mouth trying to eat pizza

Sofia Loera
Sofia Loera - 09.10.2023 19:51

Not true

Enderzombie 2020
Enderzombie 2020 - 09.10.2023 18:49

thought of this when i just got high
watching while stoned (im light-weight, maybe a 2 or 3 rn) and its quite the experience

mahoganee - 09.10.2023 14:44

my first high off of za i couldn’t feel anything for 3 hours, my body was pins & needles. i had to be carried from the car into the house! 🤣

Cool Guy Does Stuff
Cool Guy Does Stuff - 09.10.2023 11:08

I smoked for the first time a while back and haven’t since, it was weed from a bowl and a puff off a joint. I don’t know if it’s because I am skinny or if I didn’t eat a lot of food before but it was the worst thing ever. First minute was fine, but we started walking across the street and then everything started moving funny I had to pause to see what was happening. Then we sat down, and everything on my periferal vision was black, and everything I saw was looping and was like 3 seconds delayed from sound. As the hours went by, i got more relaxed, but shit was scary bro

KingSosaG - 09.10.2023 05:53

the first time i tried weed i was so chill and giggley i dont even smoke much like sometimes it be months in between but more recently my highs have been weird, i genuinely start tweaking out and it doesn’t take much for me to get high. last night i smoked half a roach HALF A ROACH, probably a 1/4 of a blunt and I was feeling things this guy was talking about in levels 5-7 the thoughts being loud and the feeling every fiber of my body. it combines to one another and if i choke on weed i can feel my throat burning for like the next hour

John Doe
John Doe - 08.10.2023 06:43

I was so high on the couch i thought the couch was gone and i ent out the next day and i was still high

Navi Eats
Navi Eats - 08.10.2023 06:14

I skipped school because I wanted to smoke with a few friends at some apartments. We all had zips there was like six of us. 7am till about 2:pm. By 2pm we were on our 40th blunt. We went outside to smoke the last blunt each, every one had their own. We were smoking by the stairs case in front of multiple apartment doors then one opens up!! It’s a lady ina cop uniform finna go to work!! I just start walking up stairs and so does everyone else because they were stuck like chuck for a good min.

yash aggarwal
yash aggarwal - 08.10.2023 01:48

Harr stage ko bhand hona kehete hain😂😂😅

Dylan Meek
Dylan Meek - 07.10.2023 22:55

One time, I gave my buddy a 50mg Gummi around 7am. And by 8 a.m., he was leaning up against the sink at work for over an hour, pretending to clean it😅

Blagby - 07.10.2023 11:29

Shit take

Sabian Griffin
Sabian Griffin - 07.10.2023 09:44

I call somewhere in the 5-6 range "stretchy face high" because first time I went there my face felt like it was made of the same material as a stretch armstrong

Mwiza Chavura
Mwiza Chavura - 07.10.2023 08:51

😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂 I got nervous

Steve Tactics
Steve Tactics - 07.10.2023 03:17

lol this vid reminds me of brewstew. subbed, loved smoking watching this vid. "roasted" atm

Preston Hambleton
Preston Hambleton - 07.10.2023 02:00

just hold 2 on the microwave

nugnug - 06.10.2023 23:07

My first bad trip allowed me to teletransport myself within the room everytime i closed my eyes and opened them up again. It was crazy. It was like if I had very low RAM capacity and just forgot where I was every few seconds. It started as a fun thing but it quickly got scary because I wasn't in control of it and it was new feeling to me.

Mr Moussa
Mr Moussa - 06.10.2023 20:05

But you missing geeked bro😂

Mr Moussa
Mr Moussa - 06.10.2023 20:05

I fucken knew it would be zooted😂😭

HR7834 - 06.10.2023 00:09

I’d say the one time I did edibles I went from 0 to 5 or 6 at the 40th minute or so, I was laying in the bed twitching and laughing my a off at tiktoks

Kate L
Kate L - 05.10.2023 06:05

I call lvl 5 "existential crisis", lvl 6 I called "couched", and lvl 7 used to be "floored" but after this video I'm now calling it zooted.

Fred Harvey
Fred Harvey - 05.10.2023 00:29

Why do people want experiences like this? I don't like losing control of my faculties.

Murat Ozbalyali
Murat Ozbalyali - 04.10.2023 22:04

me and one friend went to prepare cold drinks and when we reached for the ice, they all fell on the floor and we laughed for like 30 minutes

kxnny - 04.10.2023 20:24

I'm at level 4 right now, I can still form sentences and think clearly, but it's all in slow motion unless I strain my head to pick up the pace. It also feels like my mind has arms around my field of view, like invisible arms, but yeah, just slow motion and invisible limbs right now lol.

Sangria - 04.10.2023 01:53

Someone gave me a piece of fudge that they didn't remember was weed fudge. I just turned 18 and was not going to smoke any weed until I was 25. I ate the whole thing thinking it was normal, and experienced a level 7 high. I wasn't expecting it, didn't know what was going on, and panicked. It was traumatic.

Mr. Sauce Alot
Mr. Sauce Alot - 03.10.2023 09:32

lmaaaaaooo we at 3 sliding into 4

Alex Lanto
Alex Lanto - 03.10.2023 06:49

This one time I got pretty drunk in downtown Chicago (5 Coors Banquet tall boys, like 4 shots of Sour Blue Razz Moonshine, and I think 3 shots of Henney). Don’t ask how I remember, my friends backed me up though. Anyways, that would’ve been cool for me I have a good tolerance when it comes to alcohol as long as I don’t drink it too quick (I was taking my time). Where I fucked up was at some point my friends pulled out a fat ass blunt and I usually don’t smoke grass, but I was intoxicated and I made the dumbass decision to get cross faded. So I take a couple good rips of that blunt, don’t remember how many but it was enough to get me to stage 6. At first it didn’t hit me entirely and I kept walking around downtown goin into hotels and enjoying the scenery, my world a blurry but bright mess. All of a sudden time kinda skipped a little and I’m in a hotel I don’t remember getting into, and my friend Kyler says “dude let’s go the cops are gonna get us!” And I tweak the FUCK out! I started running so fast I thought my shoes were gonna fall off (they were actually coming off and tripping me) so I decided to take them off myself and toss them into a bush. I was running so fast without the shoes that my friend couldn’t really keep up with me 😂 we went underground into these tunnels and saw a bunch of crackheads smoking out their pipes, and everything got wayyy sketchier, which made me tweak even harder. So somehow I got into my head that the Illuminati was after me, not the cops and I wouldn’t stop running even though my friend had told me the cops wouldn’t find us. At that point he was still chasing after me tryna stop me from running lmao. Anyways I’ve dragged this story so I’m just gonna end it by saying my friend eventually gave up and had to get my other friends and my cousin to drive around looking for me. When they found me I wouldn’t get in the car with them because I thought they could’ve been shapeshifters in the Illuminati sent to trick me and take me captive. I stayed in downtown Chicago all night til 8 AM walkin around barefoot lookin like a fuckin crackhead 😂 I hate weed and tell my friends if I get super drunk and ask to smoke not to let me

Ricky Dutta
Ricky Dutta - 02.10.2023 23:52

When i started my engineering life as a student i used to stay in hostel. And got two roommates who were weed lovers. They smoked weed the very first night. One time they crushed some and took 3 bong shots each and with 1 shot left none of them wanted to take the last hit. They approached me to take the last hit as they wanted to stay equal high. Till that time I started smoking blunt and i was a bit comfortable getting high and took the bong shot and i coughed. And dude, i felt things i never did before. The chair literally felt like was accelerating towards something and i was being pulled. Somehow i jumped to my bed and closed my eyes. Then i saw realms of all kinds. If i open my eyes my bed was accelerating and if i close my eyes i go to a new dimension. My roommate tapped my shoulder and i saw some kind of a tree growing behind me which roots were tapping my shoulder.

After 1-2 hours of struggle i fell asleep. But my roommates told me that i was deep in sleep after about 15-20 mins . But i slept for 14 hours from 2 am till 4pm next evening. Since then i have been smoking blunts or bong shots never had such experience again in these 8 years.

Tango Orange
Tango Orange - 02.10.2023 21:46

I’m always hyperanalytic whenever I smoke, but it’s from how I was raised 😂

Creator OF ContENT
Creator OF ContENT - 02.10.2023 12:04

Watching this while you’re on 100 level is crazy 🤯😂

THE6REATNINJA - 02.10.2023 09:03

You forgot the magical eighth level where you have an astrophysical moment where your conscious separates from your body. I’ve only experienced this once and I flew through the universe before I got sucked back into my body 😮‍💨.

Punisher of Haters
Punisher of Haters - 02.10.2023 06:29

first time getting high was a level 5 or 6. ripped my cart way too many times and woke up 12 hours later still at level 2

Manuel Stampfer
Manuel Stampfer - 01.10.2023 22:38

It is really annoying when you start to feel pain where you shouldn't, like in your teeth

Phenomeninja! - 30.09.2023 00:54

My levels
1. Oh shit I’m high
2. Paranoia
3. Laughing at the fridge
4. Symphonies begin
5. Video games, porn, music
6. Pick up the guitar and think I wrote the best song in that world, but I replay it and it’s me playing just 3 chords lightly singing rhyming Freeform poetry .
7. Jerk off or have sex with partner like having sex in slow motion
8. Munchies kick in and eat 5 pieces of KFC friend chicken
9. Think you’re having a heart attack but you realize you have a heart
10. Too much weed you get zonked and cannot get out of bed
11. Pass out after blowing a load .
12. Wake up next day smiling and happy when most of your co-workers seem like they’ve been sent to hell in a luciferian gulag .

Zzanuz - 29.09.2023 07:15

what level of high is seening yourself in 3rd person??

Karolis Norkus
Karolis Norkus - 28.09.2023 22:01

After every high I come to this same video, just to relate to it more.

MAH - 28.09.2023 20:02

Bro the zooted one is fucking hilarious 🤣 that shit is so fucking real i fell that sometimes at the end and man does it suck cuz u wont be doing all the shit u plan to do while high and youll be stuck sitting somewhere

ANC Stoic
ANC Stoic - 28.09.2023 11:35

You forgot, fiddly fucked up
