This Genius Propeller Will Change Transport Forever

This Genius Propeller Will Change Transport Forever


1 год назад

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Ziroth - 08.02.2023 13:59

Thank you all for watching and the interesting comments, here are some points to address the main ones I have seen:
- Great points about how this may be manufactured in the future, part of the economies of scale I mentioned could definitely include injection moulding or similar.
- Durability is an interesting point and I would love to see how the blades fair in a 'crash test', they may also be harder to repair? Let me know your thoughts.
- The gain in efficiency is 105% when compared to the original values (38% to 78%), it is true that absolute efficiency cannot be over 100%, but increases can be. Such as a company seeing a 200% increase in profits, for example.
- Many saying that reduced cavitation may also reduce wear on the blades, making them last longer in boats. Great point that I didn't think of!

Innovation&Beyond - 17.09.2023 10:14

105% efficiency? Ok bro bring the perpetual motion machine 😂

Khalpan - 16.09.2023 00:35

Da Vinci wasn't that far off

Phillip Robinson
Phillip Robinson - 15.09.2023 02:53

Hi. This prop could have an impact on hobby microlight aircraft, but the cost would probably put it out of reach. Larger aircraft need a variable pitch propeller which obviously this design cannot do. (The variable pitch has the same effect for a plane in the air as a car's gearbox does on the ground). It reminds me of a turbine impeller which has high efficiency, but only over a narrow range of rpm, so this design could also work well in hydro-electric power generation. Cheers, P.R.

Ronald Bilar
Ronald Bilar - 05.09.2023 22:19

The major problem is the cost!

Hasnain Mian
Hasnain Mian - 04.09.2023 23:11

So It could turn room fans and air conditioners much quieter .

Super Sasquatch
Super Sasquatch - 29.08.2023 07:13

Imagine hydro electric applications

fcentaur - 27.08.2023 17:41

№2. It can be not only a pump, but also an effective activator in a mixer of liquid components, that is, thousands more effective mixers in the chemical industry.

fcentaur - 27.08.2023 17:38

№1. This could be an effective coup in oil refining, where millions of pumps are used!!!

David Garcia
David Garcia - 25.08.2023 23:20

Looks like it would be useful in not injuring Manatees!

Altros - 18.08.2023 21:30

can someone explain about the vortices 😅

srussert28 - 17.08.2023 04:16

no No Noooo!!!! You are missing the point ...Uhmmm Reverse this for power producing dams... You have X water and want to produce Y kilowatts... You can make the absolute most power for a given amount of water....Hoover is losing water...errr you have 17 generators all producing less kilowatts per foot of 17 to 1 odds awe come on some one has already ran the numbers...RIGht...err right...? Super computers should make this an easy proposal. You have a 95% run time at X rpm. You can custom make a power producing propeller at X rpm per diameter and flow than anything on the planet. THINK BACKWARDS.

XPlanes - 14.08.2023 13:32

This Propeller can really change transportation- I am sure that the question of the production will be solved with new 3D-Printing technologies in future.

Francisco E.
Francisco E. - 11.08.2023 02:38


guilherme m b
guilherme m b - 05.08.2023 02:42

The difference between Sharrow and MIT is that Sharrow engineered it and MIT just generated a bunch of random designs varying parameter and put the intern to print it and test it. 😂

Blackhawk 7R
Blackhawk 7R - 02.08.2023 20:27

Props do not have to spin so fast as to produce cavitation and aeration. You use more surface area on the blades, more pitch, and larger diameter. Problem is, most motors cannot make nearly enough torque to spin them.
My outboard may have said 200HP, but it’s actual torque (power) was a joke, and it had to spin at 5500 rpm’s to achieve useable power. I converted to a true V-8 inboard that only needs to spin to 3500 rpm’s to produce double the torque of the outboard. Went up to a 18” wheel for far more thrust at a lower rpm. This matters when your motor is under constant load for two hour runs offshore. There is no coast on a boat.

Blackhawk 7R
Blackhawk 7R - 02.08.2023 20:20

Developed in 1971. Besides huge manufacturing cost, there may be a good reason why it didn’t catch on. Hmmm.

Fabian Bird
Fabian Bird - 01.08.2023 03:21

Okay where can I get one these propeller

TheMullela - 30.07.2023 13:14

Can someone tell me, where I can a smaller version of this for RC plane?

Eric Diekmann
Eric Diekmann - 26.07.2023 15:02

I looked into one of these, price was about 5k for my yamaha 150 lol FK that

Uncle Shark
Uncle Shark - 20.07.2023 18:58

Engineers making silent assassin drones:
"Yeah no, we didn't ask whether or not we *should*, we just asked whether or not we *could*."

Mohammad Anwar
Mohammad Anwar - 15.07.2023 10:29

isn't 105% efficiency a little too much.🤣🤣🤣

Mark Howes
Mark Howes - 14.07.2023 03:05

would it work as in impeller? or could it be used to power a turbine?

Hadley Scott McIntyre
Hadley Scott McIntyre - 13.07.2023 06:33

What about stacked like turbines

Tarick Abouldahab
Tarick Abouldahab - 12.07.2023 22:09

Thank you for a well presented scientific review do more. My ? Have you compared it to a standard sea dual prop.

Deepak Levin
Deepak Levin - 07.07.2023 12:35

tyroidal props are fantasy/ For tiny drones they dont have the same thrust and with more surface more fatigue. As for boats, well, how much efficiency is really gained with pushing a boat through water. Its exciting but old and already studied. Keep trying

Stuart Berry
Stuart Berry - 06.07.2023 18:54

Do these props work in reverse? A large part of controlling a boat or ship involves reversing the props.

mattster650 - 06.07.2023 14:50

105% sounds like the math went wrong somewhere

Geo Mia
Geo Mia - 05.07.2023 01:41

Miss information here I'm afraid.
This has been thoroughly tested since the early 70's and it's not usable in most cases for a multitude of reasons.

DAVID KAMEN - 29.06.2023 23:15

You are over hyping this propeller like it will change the world. It is a PROPELLER not a jet engine that runs on water. Promoting anything with propellers is taking us back 50-60 years before the jet engine. Go hawk this thing to boat builders, maybe they care

Natty - 29.06.2023 10:41

So why aren’t all boats using it already?

K Hanscombe
K Hanscombe - 28.06.2023 18:23

Brilliant videos Ryan. I would be interested to see the innovation into computer cooling fans. Where we aim for more sore w/ less noise.

Trusted Stationery
Trusted Stationery - 28.06.2023 17:52

why are we saying this is a propeller and not an impeller please remind me

HouseZebra - 28.06.2023 14:17

I wonder if they can use this design in pumps also.

sayochi kun
sayochi kun - 28.06.2023 11:20

How do we even compare these two? New design might just have sharper angles on its curved flips in total. Did these comparisons also equalized the torque input? Underwater footage just looks like it was strapped to an average ship tail

Andrey Kolobikhin
Andrey Kolobikhin - 28.06.2023 08:27

Pretty interesting!

- But moving parts are not connected through hybrid connection, thus they don't interfere each one with another one bringing new 'whole construction' effects. They are rotated through axis constructing being doubled in working side. Thus enforcement is not that wondering.

- First of all any dynamics going through flows make moving parts (and not only) more solid as construction. Birds, insects, any animal has it naturally. So we can mark such dynamical part as another one detail. Having changes in vibration, shape, etc it transmits, with own value.

Symmetric, opposite load of moving part of propeller's moving part is not broken on construction it is fixed to, with mixing with another one from another moving part. It goes through and back making whole shape, with accumulating of not broken physical and not only effects, bringing new features, effects. Fuel, being organized at micro-macro level, have it in dynamics of explosion, as organization is prolonged in further dynamics. Such part in blood flow has chemistry etc organized co-connections, leading to overhybrid, having self-renewal from entropy as part. It is one of differences of overhybrid to hybrid, simply keeping it much better than 'less-hybrid' types.

Thus for making new antena you need to pay attention to connection of parts. In static, either dynamics. Overhybrid may make moving parts - overstabke antenna with context usage. In statics either dynamics. Skipping huge part of detail with AI effects inside from physical design. Thus your head is not too big. 😅 Bringing co-thinking enforcements to brain. Full dual reusage requiring not simply complex co-consolidation.

As for propeller - it can raise up addition power force from organized noises, besides organized shaped constructions, leading to appearance of new co-flows, like strong camertone, with taking noise energy even from env. With self-organizing by organized plasma, bringing jump in power.

Barry Muaror
Barry Muaror - 27.06.2023 22:05

Would be useful in submarines being quieter too

Jean Tsang
Jean Tsang - 27.06.2023 20:56

I think it's nothing new for Military submarines to have had this technology long time ago. We just found out today when they have been using it 2 decades ago.

Lee - 27.06.2023 18:49

Great job on video

R.Javier Yepes De V.
R.Javier Yepes De V. - 27.06.2023 16:55

Great video.

Quito-Ecuador 🇪🇨

Timmy - 27.06.2023 13:33

Clever design

Sebastian J.
Sebastian J. - 25.06.2023 15:56

Clickbaiting with that fake 108% efficiency increase. Pathetic

Rylanor the Ancient of Rites
Rylanor the Ancient of Rites - 20.06.2023 09:29


Mark Munro
Mark Munro - 19.06.2023 13:40

The blades from Bushnels turtle submarine.. Humans always reinvent and forget.

Mehmet Türkeş
Mehmet Türkeş - 17.06.2023 20:39

Dört ayrı motor yerine tek motor , helozonik dört kollu pervane daha güzel olur bir motor çarkı cevirse çarka ucu dişli tel konsa sipral diyer ucuna pervaneyi tak dönecektir

kcutoob - 09.06.2023 16:34

Down-voting on the +105% efficiency thumbnail. Obviously done as click-bait. Simply say 105% improvement in efficiency (if that is the case), that is defensible. I can't trust any numbers from this presenter when this sort of mistake is made right in the thumbnail.

Robert Hummell
Robert Hummell - 08.06.2023 23:05

Toroidal blade; the push pushes the push, adding force to the next blade. (~9.32%?). Cavitation could be reduced by narrowing the prop flow, and agitating less volume, I recon.
Visualize a torus. (A torus is a sphere, turned inside out, basically. Spheres are the most stable shape. (Both the donut and the hole, so to speak.))

XPLAlN - 29.05.2023 12:38

What the internet needs is some insight into propeller theory because the big efficiency gains being claimed for this prop do not even exist in theory. It is unremarkable for a prop to achieve 70% efficiency, hence losses are 30%. Not all those losses are drag. When the blade is operating at its most efficient angle, induced drag is half total drag. This toroidal prop is said to improve efficiency by reducing tip vortices, which are induced drag. Even if you hypothetically reduce them to zero you can only save half the blade drag which is less than half the losses, which is less than 15%. So the claims of “105% more efficient” prop, or “46% more fuel economy”, are ludicrous. They may be getting these things but it is by a bogus comparison not by a design ‘breakthrough’.
Furthermore, when it comes to airplanes, typical prop efficiencies are higher still, tip speeds are transonic and the last thing you want is the extra wave drag you are going to get from that toroidal tip design. So don’t be thinking what may work on a small drone will work the same on a full sized airplane. Aerodynamics does not scale up like that
