Pashtuns and Israelites

Pashtuns and Israelites

The Express Tribune

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@Khan-hy3cw - 25.01.2024 21:29

Im from Kakar tribe of Pashtoons

@user-so1sg5ve7g - 24.01.2024 15:29

But prosecuting without evidence cannot match israelites, but maybe they are mistaken

@muhammadwaqar9864 - 23.01.2024 02:52

Pakistani and Afghani pashtuns are Muslims. They are nothing less than an enemy of opressers.

@atifbangash - 20.01.2024 02:10

Alexander married the daughter of Queen Ester in Susa who was a Benjamite. He then took that tribe along with him into Afghanistan. Your current day Bangash is the tribe of Benjamin. I have my DNA to prove it.

@faraharslan1605 - 18.01.2024 04:57

I am a Muslim Punjabi and I respect my Muslim Punjabi brothers, Hindu Punjabi brothers and Sikh Punjabi brothers.

@jumawardi5287 - 19.12.2023 05:19

My dna from afghanistan and yunan but im indonesian

@meliousseplay - 18.12.2023 15:26

I m sorry but jews of israel (european jews i mean) are not the brothers of pashtuns for one simple reason because the européan jews are the khazar jews from the khazar kingdoom istablished in azrabijani land in the past the history said tha the king of this kingdoom decide to convert to judaisme and forces all its people to convert to this religion after many dacades the fall of this kingdoom pushed the almost of its people move to europe kiping their religion (judaisme) but their are not the descedants of the tribes of Israel their blood and race is the people of the region of caspian sea more close to turkish people of now days but in the other hand many tribes of israel which leave the falled kingdoom of israel went to the east called now afghanistan and pakistan the pashtuns are their offspring and almost of them convert to islam but they are the true descendants of bani israel mentioned in the holy Quran or sons of israel they have the true blood of bani israel israel leaders contact mola omar in the past and tel him this truth he answered that yes they know that but but they have set Islam ablaze and do not want to leave it in any case or any reason they are the true blood and race of bani israel (sons of israel) and you the fals one

@user-jn4yp6dg7t - 06.12.2023 13:49

Proud to be Pashtun. Proud of my ancestors 🤟❤️

@Reshare1 - 01.12.2023 21:00

I am afridi pashtun from pakistan and i dont care about israil becouse they dont care about palestine .i love my muslim brother palestine

@kamalkhan4428 - 28.11.2023 19:24

Pashtuna are lost tribe of Bani Israel and belong benyamen tribe. But they accepted Islam in the leadership of Qais Abdur Rasheed , alhamdollah. Now Pashtana all Muslims

@user-bj5vl5km8j - 25.11.2023 19:47

Very Nice

@farmansifat - 06.11.2023 17:32

All pashton afghan🇦🇫🦁

@zaeedaziz2213 - 11.10.2023 15:26

now the zionists are hatching a plot to gain a foothold in Afghanistan..

@kifayatkhan5463 - 10.10.2023 10:56

Proud to be
4.. To be Ummah of Muhammad PBUH❤ be a soldier of Khalid bin Walid💪🏻
5..allahamdullillah Allah give me a big gift ❤🤲

@kifayatkhan5463 - 10.10.2023 10:49

Pashtun only have one religion Islam and love Muhammad PBUH....proud to be GHAZNAVI PATHAN from Pakistan KPK....

@MAKK786 - 22.09.2023 08:49

I can prove that we are Pashtun Bani Israel and we are proud of it. We are even more proud that we are Muslims. That too fundamentalist.

@rohaankhan9018 - 15.09.2023 06:52

As a Pashtun I've hrsryd of this conspicuous story. Pretty intriguing..

@daoudahmady6613 - 18.08.2023 18:14

خطاهای بشری اول رهگذر، بعد میهمان و چندی نمی گذرد كه صاحبخانه می شوند.

‏ از آن روز این خانه ویرانه شد
‏ تروریست اوغانه را لانه شد

‫اوغانستان راستین کناره های کوه های سلیمان را مینامیده اند در هفت سد (صد) سال پیش، پس از تازش عراب بر سرزمین خراسان دسته های ز این تبار را ز خیبر عربستان ، اعراب با خود همچون چوب سوخت بر سر لشکر خود کشانده و به ایران باستان تازیده اند، مگر پس از دو سد (صد) سال در بند بودن، سرانجام در زمان پیدایش دولت سامانی، این دزدان سرگردنه نشین را ز شهر ها و دهکده ها رانده اند و فراری کوه های خشک ملتان کرده اند که در نوشته های تاریخی ز جنگ رستم با سرکرده این تبار که به نام (کک کهزاد) یاد شده است داستان های بجا مانده است ، در این شش سد سال جز سرگردنه نشینی و راه زنی کاروان ها، و آدم کشی ها،هنر بیشتری ز این آواره گان تاریخ دیده نشده است تا زمان که انگلیس در گوشه و کنار خراسان پیدا میشود!!! اکنون تو خود خرد را به کار انداز و برایت پاسخ بده این که جگونه است، تبار که جز راه زنی و آدمکشی هنر دیگری را آشنا نیست، یک باره دارنده نام و نشانی میشود و یک باره در کنار کسانی همچون نادر افشار پیدا میشوند و دسته دیگر این آدم کشان به سرکردگی "اشرف افغان" به سپاهان (اصفهان) میتازد و مردم شهر های سر راه خود را گردن میرند، و مگر در زمان شکست ز سوی نادر افشار دوباره فرار میکند به هندوستان! و چرا به هندوستان؟؟؟ این خود پاسخ گوی همه داستان این پلید ها است! از روز پیدایش انگریز بر این سرزمین ها این پلیدان جز برده داری انگریز و سر فرزند خراسان زمین را بریدن، دیگر هیچ هنری ز خود به جا نگزاشته اند!!!!‬

‫ننگ و نفرین باد بر آن خرد باخته گان که با این دزدان زمان در اندیشه کشور ساختن هستند!!!! ‬
‫یک بار اگر شده است ز خود بپرسید که چرا شهر خیبر عربستان یک باره گورستان شده است و در این هزار و چهار سد سال کسی دیگر در این شهر مرده ها زندگی نکرد؟؟؟ کسانی که در آن شهر در هزار چهار سد سال پیش زندگی داشته اند چه شده اند؟؟؟ چوب سوخت عرب شده اند و درنده ترین درنده ها.‬

@muhammadshafi5444 - 03.08.2023 22:47

I'm a Pathan from Pakistan. Our DNA is of Hebrew ...

@abdrsmaziz3595 - 31.07.2023 10:34

We pashtoons eat camels who said we don't

@user-dc4bl1cu2k - 21.07.2023 05:21

They descend from Bronze Age Eastern Iranic steppe nomads. They are not Hebrews. But Afghan pashtuns maybe.

@AsifKhan-hv9bs - 17.07.2023 00:19


@harriskhan3900 - 12.07.2023 18:40

I saw many of comments from historically illitrate and non sense people who are debating that we are from Bani Israeel and other one is saying we are not from Bani Israeel, the reality is that if we are From Bani Israeel then no problem and no issue because Bani Israeel Meaning the Ancestors of Israeel, Israeel was name of Hazrat Yaqoob Alai Salam, Bani Israeel is generation of holy messengers Hazrat Ibraheem and His sons, its a proud if we are from their generation because Hazrat Muhammad S.A.A.W is also from Hazrat Ibraheem Alai slaam Generation and Arabs , Jewish are in real a Cousins, if Pathan is from Bani Israeel then its meaning Pathans are Also cousins of Arabs, so its a Proud and Holy Generation, now the religion is a different matter, Pashtoons are muslims and jewish are Non muslims.
Tribe and caste is not an issue its a Blood relation only and the believe is different.

@Farrukhakhtar6Akhtar-ls9bl - 11.07.2023 22:05

Pashtuns are never bani israeli.Its is only fabrication without any authentic proofs.I

@rayhansakib5273 - 08.07.2023 00:48

No one is greater than others accept piety. So, we are Muslims and we are brothers. Yahudis are trying to devide us.

@hoslabara2703 - 28.06.2023 17:34

Pashtuns are Indo iranian aryan groups lived in Hindukush region.

@anwarzada2750 - 21.06.2023 19:23


@tenantjames2967 - 20.06.2023 22:46


@JADOONWORLD - 31.05.2023 06:46

Alihamdulliah my ancestors followed Mosa ( PBUH)/ and I am the follower Prophet Muhammad(PBUH).

@JADOONWORLD - 31.05.2023 06:42

I am proud to pakhtoon/ Afghan/ Beni Israeli

@MustafaAli-lb8dq - 10.05.2023 13:57

DNA test suggests that Pashtuns have Central Asia a.k.a Iranian blood in them. Plus the word Khan comes from mongol. So I think this means that Mongols and Iranians mixed with one another. The Jewish theory also makes sense because before Islam most of the pashtuns were Jews and Zoroasters. Some Pashtuns have more Arabian while others have more Mongolian features. But they all have one thing in common I.e they all are mixed with ancient Irani's. That's why have white complexion.

@elections2024 - 10.05.2023 07:26

LOL Indians trying to drive Pashtuns and Pakistanis against each other again. Yes jews lived there and mixed with some of the people there but there is no proof that Pashtuns are jews.

@miavogel4903 - 05.05.2023 15:10

Paschtun from Afghanistan and Alhamdulliah for Islam ❤ Ya Allah grand my ancestors who revert at first to Islam ❤

The Noble Quran / Sura Al Imran Aya 67:

Ibrahim (Abraham) was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a true Muslim Hanifa (Monotheism - to worship none but Allah Alone) and he was not one of Al-Mushrikun (polytheists).

@woodironworks1636 - 27.03.2023 02:41

I believe that Pashtuns must be righteous jews. Thats why they accepted Islam without any hesitation as they were already on the path of truth. And the reason they don't like state of Israel is just because of atrocities of Israel on innocent Palestinian muslims. And that make sense.

@cronoscruise8501 - 21.03.2023 21:20

Iam pashtun paki and I love my israeli genes

@shukeelc5177 - 07.03.2023 01:45

Yes we know the Pashtuns of Pakistan and Afghanistan are the Bani Israeel. However we also need to understand that the European Goray Ashkenazi Jews are not from the Bani Israeel, but are converts from the Khazarian Empire around 1200 years ago

@shaikhdanishahemad7344 - 10.02.2023 21:14

Proud to bePushtuns ❤️

@evaulrikajansson62 - 03.02.2023 20:42

O'boy, its very simple , Kyrion the II , the Persian king invaded Babylonia ( todays Iraq) 536 bc , When he did that he was taking advantage of the King Nebukadnessar instable kingdom and concured it. But before King Kyrios the II of Persia did that , Nebukadnessar had concurred Judeah ( todays North of Israel) and inslaved the judge Zediania , that was " instead of the King " in Judea, he keept jews in Babylonia Mesopotamia for 70 years + and When Kyrios the II invaded Babylonia he had also concurred the problem with Nebukadnessar captived jews, so what does he do? He send Them home to Israel and 42000 jews returns to Israel, but 100 000 jews stays, they are born in Iraq and now they live in Persia they Still live in Shiraz were their Queen Ester tomb is Still worshipped today, and keept in houner by both muslims and jews, the Pasthuns speak pastho a dialect close to saka, so the pastus most likly originates from the Bakthans region, Bakthani region has given name to Afghanistan , Bakthani and Afghani its Close , Bakthani comes from a indian Word that means the Crimson coloured Sun, and its s refernce to the lapzis lazuli that was harvest and mined around the Oxsam river , the Pasthuns was called the White huns, but most likely they run into the exciled tribes of Israel When they were fleeing from Nebukadnessar , or after that they had been freed by Kyrios the II, If one tribe meet another , what happens? Maybe they fight of maybe they emerged? If its benefitial in Numbers its very likly they emerged , some of the tribes excepted the jewisch customs and religion others did not, they simple mixed and emerged changing custums and ideas and finally Mahmud Gazhawi comes along and make Them all muslims , but they Keep the customs of their fathers emerging Jewisch custums and tribal ides with islam , nothing to be so surprised about. Besides , jews and Pasthuns has both a 4000 year history , of course their regions are not that far apart , regional exchange and trade must have put Them into Contact most likly through the trade with lapsis lazuli , it was shiped of as far as to Thebes in Egypt , they must have past through Israel maybe merchants broght home Israeli wifes and converted to judaism far earlier?

@watanvlogs3497 - 25.12.2022 21:14

مجھے نہیں لگتا کہ پختون بنی اسرائیل سے تعلق رکھتے ہیں ۔کیونکہ بنی اسرائیل اور پختونوں کی تاریخ میں واضح فرق ہے۔
جنگوں کی تاریخ دیکھ لیں پتہ چل جائے گا

@shahidyusafzai2061 - 04.12.2022 14:01

اللہ اکبر

@mrkhan1450 - 16.10.2022 22:03

Proud to be pushtoon kp

@abdulraufnasar8033 - 09.10.2022 17:38

M PASHTOON from Zhob (Balochistan).

@yosephramsesben-omri6020 - 05.10.2022 00:06

Most Pashtuns are sons of Israel, this does not make you Jewish. Jews are the tribes of Judah, some of Levi, and some of Benjamin; Samaritans are the ten northern tribes of Israel that were scattered around the world. The Pashtuns descend from these 10 tribes and like I mentioned this does not make them Jews, if anything it makes them Samaritans. Islam was suppose to be Samaritanism/Judaism for non Israelites; for those who are not the sons of Israel they are to join themselves to G-d in what was proto Islam but the Sons of Israel should stick with either Judaism or Samaritanism.

@YTChannel344 - 10.09.2022 14:02

This is just absurd. Tauba astagfirullah.

@munirkhanpakistan5834 - 21.08.2022 11:15

Every pashtoon now this v are from bani Israel but alhamdulillah v are muslim and proud to bi a pashtoon and Islam

@fa4997 - 09.08.2022 21:44

When my father was young people in his village told that but I think not true Pashtun is Pushtuns before Prophet (SAW) come they believe in Allah and when Prophet (SAW) came they respect in Islam and they’re kindness love their brother Pushpins and value in their language with chase British out of their village and they love in Islam in past they didn’t care to study so today other people from other countries then try to take their land and try to change them to not be Pushtun.

@SherKhan-rd9uw - 05.08.2022 00:00

Whats intresting is Arabs back in the olden days used to call Pashtuns specificly..... Sulaymani or bannu sulaymani meaning children of solomon
