as a both sploosh-o-matic and aerospray main,
….yeah. painfully accurate.
....plays undercover brella....litteraly carries team in both ink coverage and kills....well rather I just get the worse teams or you just need skill to use it right....possibly both....I'm only mentioning this cause I feel like nobody gives it a chance
Ответитьone time i got a kd of 16/1 with golden aerospray which i find kind of funny
ОтветитьWait whats happening *disappears in mini splatling main*
ОтветитьSplatershot Nova for life!
ОтветитьThat Splatana Wiper section had me good xDDD
ОтветитьAs a Tri Stringer main, I can confirm I've been in a constant rush to get away from all the 🐱🐈
ОтветитьYes I am a re fux main 😂
ОтветитьAs a Gold Aerospray main, I can assure you that I have won MANY Turf Wars with the weapon.
ОтветитьI wish someone would actually SAY something about Bamboozler and not just the generic "i MiSs MpU"
Ответитьim a range blaster main, ever since i used it in alterna, i grinded to get it, im stilll using it
ОтветитьI agree with the 52. Gal one splatoon 4 please remove this weapon i hate fighting it because i am a tetra and i have some much n lag
Ответитьoctobrush main. absolutely
ОтветитьI only spam missiles when my team is hella stuck 😭
ОтветитьI only use Inkbrush because of the Killer Whail 5.1
ОтветитьI loved the one with tri slosher and its true!
ОтветитьWhat about foraged
splatershot pro
Please do another video for the new weapons!
ОтветитьCurrently maining the forge splatershot pro. Really enjoying it a lot
Ответить| click if you use dapple duiles
The Dallas Cowboys is wild, i live in Texas and I second that. GO TEXANS
ОтветитьI use a mint deactivator
ОтветитьI miss the dual squelcher so much
ОтветитьI main custom splattershot jr and bloblobber
Yes, I press the R button more than the ZR button with splattershot jr
No, I don't use math when playing bloblobber. I throw ink bubbles in the general direction of enemy players and it gets me #1 enemy splatter 80% of the time
clearly haven’t meet a battle big swig (yoy can oneshot if your right infront of them)
Ответить"naut is not a top tier weapon" uhm it is literally better than shot it is in its midline category rank 3 while shot is rank 4 btw stamper and squeezer are higher if ya ask
ОтветитьI'm one of those reef lux players who does like to ruin everyones day, specifically my one friend I play splatoon most of the time with.
Ответить... So when's the updated version-
ОтветитьSplatana stamper is the most underrated weapon because you need high precisions and combos, unlike some other weapon who spam and use no skill ahem ink brush ahem huh who said that?
ОтветитьThe "First try, Baby!" actually killed me 😂❤
Ответитьundercover brella hate is so unnecessary 😭🙏
ОтветитьSlide to the left. Slide to the right
ОтветитьDapple duiles main here i HAVE 30 kills on all of my games and i never diee
ОтветитьAs an Inkbrush main: Accurate
ОтветитьGlad to have Sploosh & Aerospray right off the bat cus they're the only thing I've ever mained 😃👍
ОтветитьRewatcbing this and I got to Sploosh
Oh how I miss you Eeltail flank
Erm actually 🤓👆
funny thing is I'm an Aerospray MG main and I get like...10-ish kills and 3 deaths per round for turf war (It's actually probably all thanks to the reefslider lol) 👁👅👁
Reeflux is what I do… I ruin the squid parties, and target aeroprays (idk how to spell it😭😭)
Ответитьwhen i use jet squelcher i ALWAYS rush, and sometimes get a k/d to 6 5
ОтветитьFun fact they did a study and figured out saying vanilla ice cream is basic as a favorite is more common than vanilla ice cream as a favorite
ОтветитьAs someone who hasn't played splatoon 3 in years and forgot my favorite gun, I have no commentary
ОтветитьAs a mini main I can confirm I don’t exist
Ответить2 that I left out:
Hero Shot: You are very proud of yourself for beating the single player...But we all beat the single player. It's not that hard.
Gizzco Weapons: You love Salmon Run and only play Salmon Run and have a black or white suit in Salmon Run...But you might not be that good at Salmon Run