The Power of Relationships in Schools

The Power of Relationships in Schools


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@KODATHETHU - 15.01.2019 18:44

Wherever we are relationship is the most beautiful motivation. Great work dear team.

@BeckieZullo - 01.04.2019 16:03

One of the best videos for PD that I've seen. Thank you!

@kizzycrockett4262 - 30.06.2019 22:06

I'm glad came across this video. It proves the essence of what I do as an educator not only builds relationships that last forever, but helps my kids learn in my present class and the classes they'll embark upon in the future. Thanks!!!

@bottle17528 - 16.09.2019 00:40

Our admin sent us here to watch this however all our class sizes are too big to make really good connections with all the students. Also admin does little to support the teachers with disruptive students, or the students that assault other students and even teachers.

@ITISkillGuruji - 01.10.2019 20:31

Learning should be joyful experience. Without connection you can't involve students in learning process. Let's prepare our students to face 21st century chaleges.

@ITISkillGuruji - 01.10.2019 20:33

Through relationship you can easily involve students in learning process

@camaraabdoulrachid5180 - 30.05.2020 03:17


@vpprimary7731 - 25.06.2020 21:04

Excellent video . Can we use to show this video for training teachers ?

@vpprimary7731 - 25.06.2020 21:07

Teachers can understand the value of relationships

@herminigildacainghug5925 - 26.07.2020 13:45

good relationships with the students is a very big impact to their lives.let them feel that they are loved. this is the most important.

@denkozlov4220 - 02.09.2020 01:26

Thank you guys, you are amazing =D OUr world needs more positivity and love

@gteelm1 - 09.09.2020 01:03

Thank you for this... Now, how would this be "adjusted" for remote learning?

@Wisebradley7 - 04.12.2020 11:57

And this why having a relief teacher is terrible

@darwinponcecano4662 - 25.01.2021 13:52

Yeah! That's true, that's why I'm very happy when I'm with my students. I'm Filipino.

@eia1957 - 08.03.2021 04:12

So, I have to like the person before I can learn from them, right? Or are we just optimizing the release of oxytocin? The lesson from this video is not consistent. And yes, I am a teacher. Go back and rewrite your lesson.

@Raganite31 - 29.05.2021 04:27

Its the last day of school. I didn’t know what I had until I lost it (probably forever) I thought my class was my family

@emmapaladino3386 - 06.08.2021 06:18

Hi There!
I loved your video it was perfect to share with teachers or parent to see why it is so important to support students and teachers at school. Is there a Spanish version of this video??
Thank you!

@plerpplerp5599 - 10.12.2021 09:19

For your students to care about what you know, they have to know that you care.

@petty273 - 22.04.2022 17:22

I agree! So heartwarming. This is true!

@emmics5652 - 15.07.2022 14:10


@cluelesscrispy - 14.08.2022 05:12

That's awesome on the teacher. I personally would catch up on marking. But I do eat lunch with my students.

@stacymcneely7284 - 14.08.2022 13:33

Thank you!

@nataliejohnson8981 - 27.09.2022 19:51

I was glad
to see that some of the things mentioned in the video are taking place in our classroom. One such being the morning greeting. Forming a positive parental relationship leads to successful teaching of intended goals and objectives.

@emilymiller-pena4578 - 25.01.2023 22:22

We watched this video during a recent PD session on trauma sensitive schools. I typically enjoy Edutopia and have saved a number of social media posts that have helped me stay focused in my teaching practice. In this video however, the moment where the teacher talked about using planning time to engage with students during their other classes felt toxic to me. My colleague agreed with me that there is danger in continuing the messaging that teachers should give all their time over to students. We spend enough time outside of our contract hours working. That time has to come from somewhere, most of the time it means sacrificing time with family or for ourselves. Please consider re-editing this video to eliminate this clip.

Supporting education means supporting teachers. Supporting teachers means battling the paradigms that lead to burnout. Make this right, Edutopia.

@karinasalazarjaquez9778 - 26.01.2023 17:41


@clementinabaxterpreschoolc2300 - 07.03.2023 01:50

Some times teacher get involved in tons of paper work and forget the the most important is to connect with the students. we have to show to our students that we are human too.

@OldJoeBlows - 06.05.2023 17:24

I disagree with teachers telling their kids they are struggling. Keep that to yourself. You are the teacher, not a friend, not a colleague. A teacher should not need the acceptance of a child, they should have their own peer group, their age. Teachers are supposed to be like superhero’s to elementary students. They are supposed to emulate having it all together, they are role models when with their students. They can unload and be moody or whatever with their friends and family, not their students.
