My Exhaustive Psychedelic Tier List 2023 | PsychedSubstance

My Exhaustive Psychedelic Tier List 2023 | PsychedSubstance

Psyched Substance

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Anthony Ciarelli
Anthony Ciarelli - 21.11.2023 13:35

Psychedelic mushrooms really healed me years back. Totally got rid of depression, anxiety and illicit pill addiction. DMT, LSD, ketamine, psilocybin and shrooms are life changing substance

Doug Murphy
Doug Murphy - 13.11.2023 07:58

I prefer the sensation of LSD over that of shrooms, but one advantage of mushrooms is that the trip is more short lived - I find when I trip for 12 hours straight, I reach a point where I'm just so over it! If there were a version of acid that only lasted 5 hours, that'd be sweet.

Michał Krycia
Michał Krycia - 12.11.2023 23:47

literally watchi9ng on shrooms xddd

ちょうひま - 07.11.2023 19:27

where on this list would you put Krokodil?

Sraksso - 05.11.2023 13:08

If no test kit available - always swallow your tabs as sublingual administration gives no benefit to your trip, apart from the quicker onset. (if no other factors are at play, i.e. you're drinking iron supplements). That way you will evade the risk of getting NBOMb'd as that nasty compound is destroyed by stomach acid (LSD is not). Also, NBOMb's usually have a metallic taste to them where as quality LSD tabs are always tasteless. Testing is, of course, always the safer option.

KingKevo - 03.11.2023 07:53

DMT and 5MEODMT are nothing alike, it’s not twice as strong like you said, it’s its own substance, at least, in my opinion, I’ve done NNDMT before and that was beautiful, 5MEO made me feel like I was at the centre of a black hole

Ralph Stansal
Ralph Stansal - 30.10.2023 10:45

My top Psychedelics are : Shrooms,Dmt,Salvia,lsd ... weed 😊

mattslev - 30.10.2023 06:27

5-MeO-DMT is in a tier of its own for me

Dansk Mand
Dansk Mand - 29.10.2023 19:27

I am for sure going against your advice. Luckily this video makes it a lot safer to do that. Funn how that happens.

Nicolay Woods
Nicolay Woods - 24.10.2023 20:49

Now here's a teir list I can get down with.

J V N N I C †
J V N N I C † - 21.10.2023 15:11

junkies 🤡

blueberries254 - 18.10.2023 11:56

Aww are these the only ones you've done? That's so sweet!

ThatBigCactus - 18.10.2023 09:37

Is it really the S-tier if there's more in that tier than any other one..?

Scat Cat
Scat Cat - 18.10.2023 04:42

I got NBombed, I think I almost died. Looking back it was a creepy trip. I came to the realization that time was a circle, then kinda blacked out. I took two tabs and woke up in the ER in the morning with nurses and doctors standing what seemed like 20 feet above me, I was soaked in sweat and had pissed myself… to make a long story short.

Scat Cat
Scat Cat - 18.10.2023 04:32

Damn this is official, can confirm from what I’ve done his descriptions are on point. I remember when I smoked salvia I felt the entire axis of the earth tilting on my chin and I was drooling lololol it was crazy I felt like I was falling

stel - 15.10.2023 10:33

i was at a rave in and didnt know how much LSD i took because it was in liquid form and a lot of it spilled on my hand. so i just licked everything. it was also my first time trying it and i had shrooms 1 time and DMT 1 time before.
i had an out of body experience and the trip lasted for 12 hours. the setting at the rave was quite bad. two guys tried to kiss me (at least i kinda knew them and they respected that i didnt want to) and another guy was trying to make me paranoid by sayng stuff that didn’t make sense. but i managed to stand up for myself and tell them “no, i don’t want this. don’t do this again”
while i was uncomfortable the time seemed to move slower and as soon as i got home i could relax properly and time went by a lot faster.

it’s always best to have someone you’ve known for a longer time, whom you trust will not do anything to you. never do first trips by yourself with a crowd of random ppl, ever

Dr Doom
Dr Doom - 14.10.2023 16:11

I tried Salvia back in the day and thought it was weed also. It was a rainy afternoon and I went out to my sister's boyfriends car to grab his pipe. I saw some green in the bowl and took a few hits. As I was sitting in the passenger seat, I immediately started hearing a humming sound, accompanied by chimes. I thought "Wow, this is some strong stuff." Then my upper body involuntary jerked and I hit the stick shift with my hand by accident.

All the sudden, the car started moving forwards towards my house. As the car creeped closer and closer to the house, I panicked and jumped out the vehicle, got in front of the car and started pushing the bumper with all my strength. The dirt driveway was wet from rain and I was getting mud all over my shoes and legs and continued to push against the car to prevent it from plowing into the house. After a minute or so, I was exhausted and covered in sweat and mud, but my efforts seemed to be paying off as the car was starting to slow.

Then I heard my sisters boyfriend yell from the porch. "Dude, what are you doing to my car?" I replied I was pushing on the front bumper to prevent it from crashing into the house. He's like "Dude, that car ain't moving, I have the e-brake on". Sure enough, the car hadn't moved at all and I imagined the whole thing. I was totally exhausted and covered in mud and sweat, pushing against a car that wasn't even moving. That's the last time I ever smoked Salvia 😂

Danny - 13.10.2023 19:13

The pictures of you modeling your merch are incredible! haha legend!

Symbolism - 12.10.2023 21:48

Hey Psyched…
I’m gonna come with a counter argument to 25x-NBOMe. I’m used to the compound and I’ve done it, been there so to speak. Upon reading about the structure and adverse effects of NBOMe it’s not that different from actual acid… What I wanted to say with this is the main difference between Acid and Bomb is the structure and the amount of active amount on each blotter. A regular blotter of acid would contain anywhere between 10-300ug max of acid. Whereas nbome would easily be concentrated around 200ug-1,5mg on each blotter.

All the death reports have been human error, one jumped out from the balcony and one choked on his own puke, one had mixed substances in his bloodstream. Which concludes that none of the other 25x compounds other than 25I nbome is neurotoxic. To put them all under an umbrella is quite irresponsable since every death has been human mistake and not a case of neurotoxicity. Read about it some more and get your facts updated.

I do believe that nbome is NOT lethal, it’s the overwhelming experience that makes people do stupid shit. And since they had it in the blood, there were a few reported cases of deaths and now the whole psychedelic community deems them to be “lethal”.

Tone Brennan
Tone Brennan - 12.10.2023 11:17

Anybody try mmda?

Joseph Bluffie
Joseph Bluffie - 11.10.2023 01:27

I bought a trip blanket, shipped to New Zealand was $160 😅 awesome wee blanket but damn 😂

Neil Lynch
Neil Lynch - 10.10.2023 16:22

Very little difference if any between them. You trip. Or you don't. Take a hero dose of any, you'll have a very intense trip. Factor in mood and location, too.

VaoDxArchAngel - 10.10.2023 12:34

Im so shocked that u dont get a lot of visuals from 2C-B. Taking 25mg gives me really nice visuals and once I did 50mg and I practically couldn't see anything, but hallucinations. 2C-B is definitely my favorite hallucinogen

AmFuzeBtw - 09.10.2023 12:32

Ketamine can be psychadelic aswell as weed

J S - 09.10.2023 09:40

A being appears and gives you the jacket he’s wearing after your first big acid trip. It’s to be your uniform moving forward.

BuckScrotumn - 09.10.2023 05:18

When my best friend and I were kids we used to go on yearly vacations to Ocean City, MD with our families. We would see the shops on the boardwalk selling Salvia and one year decided we wanted to try it, but fortunately for us it had been made illegal by our next vacation so we ended up buying K2 instead.

I cannot imagine what would’ve happened had two 15 year olds who had never tripped before got their hands onto one of the most vicious hallucinogens known to man while living in the same condo as both of their families at 2 in the morning. Undoubtedly would’ve ended up with both of us in the ER ruining the entire vacation for everybody. I’m 30 now and he’s 29, and to this day neither of us have ever tripped. 😂

R V - 08.10.2023 18:24

What happened to this guy? Why is he wearing a hoody like this? Didn’t he used to wear…different stuff?

chandiofan - 07.10.2023 20:18

So many junkies in this comment section imma believe im the only one clean

Claude Silverio
Claude Silverio - 07.10.2023 14:39

Salvia is best in sublingual use, but it s better as shamanic Tool, not really a recreational🎉 drug.

First name
First name - 06.10.2023 16:21

I did salvia once after a nightclub when I was on pills and acid, wowser that was intense. For like 15 mins I though I was gone, was walking on the ceiling lost all control then came back to reality.

Dickey Dollaz
Dickey Dollaz - 05.10.2023 17:20

Where do i look please

a.m - 05.10.2023 11:02

I did about 15 BHWS unhusked and shotted with scotch. Didn’t do my research. Within 30 mins I vomited my guts up and didn’t trip like I anticipated. Probably the reason. I did feel rather happy afterwards though for some reason 🤔

Y Yeezyy
Y Yeezyy - 04.10.2023 16:55

I was hoping this would be more about euphoria then danger, if it was n bombs would be on top. Everyone that iv seen take it has said it was the best day of their life nothing else even comes close

Matthew Lindsay
Matthew Lindsay - 03.10.2023 20:47

How come no one ever gives legit sources? WTF do I care about what's this and what's that if I can't find them?

Dave Microwave
Dave Microwave - 03.10.2023 18:22

How about you stop taking drugs

Josh Staffen
Josh Staffen - 02.10.2023 05:34

I did a whole strip of lsd before, I refuse to touch them anymore, It scares me now

thr0w - 30.09.2023 04:55

I had some crazy salvia time I felt like my body was split in half down the middle, and the halves were uneven because I was standing on a hill. Trying to explain it to my friend in the moment was pointless, I was laughing so hard I almost pissed myself. Scary in retrospect, but for some reason the fact that my body halves weren't aligned didn't bother me enough to stop laughing my ass off.

simon simon
simon simon - 29.09.2023 18:55


Andrew Wilcox
Andrew Wilcox - 29.09.2023 03:43

Ah, the psychedelic cactuses. I've meditated with San Pedro several times, as well as Peruvian Torch. Had some mild or threshold experience on San Pedro, sometimes can be energetic, like a stimulant on lower doses. But I had a moderate experience on meditating with 30 grams dried P. Torch once. Other than some nausea though, I've never had a bad experience on them. They are very friendly. And the afterglow in the following days and weeks refreshes your outlook on life.

Leo Vicious
Leo Vicious - 28.09.2023 14:45

I smoked salvia for a whole week and ended up with sever depression hospitlized for 2 weeks.

Alex b
Alex b - 28.09.2023 01:24

I find that keeping a clean mind, having a reason for taking shrooms and knowing you will experience some unpleasant moments during ur trip will help and ALWAYS have a trip sitter

BigPepe - 27.09.2023 16:49

My mom used to tell me if you do psychedelics you would think you can fly and jump off a building and die

Edgar Wihervaara
Edgar Wihervaara - 27.09.2023 15:16

Yes Adam, you are hot 😏 Also, HBWR was the first beyond the ultra world experience that I have had. Sharp and fast moving, almost metal-like fractals minced me into atoms and propulsed me into the cosmos in every direction imaginable, as those individual atoms represented parts of myself. I was presented with the opportunity to choose which of the atoms that made me, me I wanted to keep as a part of myself, and which I wanted to get rid of..

Thatf22 - 27.09.2023 04:14

LSD will forever have a special place in my heart along with weed. weed as my everyday medication and LSD once every other month for a reminder where im at in life and like a reality check to a certain extent.Gunna be tripping this weekend and its been about 2 years since ive tripped, im excited🎉🎉🎉🧘‍♂️

Felix de Saracho
Felix de Saracho - 26.09.2023 10:13

On the lsd vs shrooms debate, I would say what I found different is that shrooms are a bit more emotional, which can be a very good or bad thing depending on your experience with them and if you follow my personal protocol (how much to take, where to take it, who to take it with etc). I’ve def taken shrooms tons more than lsd, but it’s been common to feel excitement about the beauty of nature and life or even great music etc, and on my last lsd trip, I remember waiting for that emotional boost and it never came naturally. I did feel that lsd has a bit of a fun mind bending quality to it and some things like art or certain knowledge were decoded better by it, but it lacked an emotional aspect I was used to with the other.

Jacob Van Ess
Jacob Van Ess - 26.09.2023 09:05

i feel so calm watching these videos while tripping. they really help with the strong come ups

Mikxly - 26.09.2023 08:09

i thought this was going to be about psychedelic music lol

localyokle - 26.09.2023 04:15

This video is idiotic
