Food Storage: Not Just For Preppers

Food Storage: Not Just For Preppers


2 года назад

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@Melissa.Garrett - 04.10.2023 01:12

I keep huge stores of dry goods like flour, rice, oats, beans, spices, yeast, herbs, lentils, etc. Initially I did it to save on plastic packaging and some money, but now I’m glad that I always have those supplies on hand. You just never know.

@agabrielhegartygaby9203 - 28.08.2023 02:33

A year later your video reminds us of how de-skilled we have become. The loss of skills as well as the loss of local food production, local artisans who can do things if the supply chain really falters.....we are disconnected from the sources of our food, from the rhythm of our seasons.....I like your videos - food grown and prepared oneself is so much better.

@kellibrown3859 - 16.08.2023 16:49

Great video. It reminded me of my great-grandmother. She grew up on a farm in north Georgia. My mother told me of how she would love to visit her grandmother on their farm. They had crops and hogs to sustain themselves and never did without, even during the depression. Every time you visited my great grandmother's farm you would leave with many jars of canned vegetables or preserves, that was how she showed love.

@jamieholmes6087 - 18.04.2023 13:55

I don't even know what Johnny Cakes are made of??

@stephengonzalez2530 - 01.03.2023 08:05

Natural disasters and economic crisis can be times having extra food set aside is good. You can still eat. Not as well as you like. Yet you have a full belly ☺ 👍

@JamieBainbridge - 20.01.2023 12:31

These cakes seem like little individual cornbread. Cornbread isn't very popular here in Australia, but I regularly make it since the first time I tried it years ago. I cut down on the sugar from US recipes but you can see why people like it!

@branimirs - 15.12.2022 19:00

Last year, an Austrian girl asked me if I was preparing for the apocalypse. When I sent her a photo of my basement shelves. Jam packed with jars and jars of fruits and vegetables that I had pickled and preserved. My response was, this is normal autumn activity here in the Balkans.

@mountainwoodsman8116 - 02.12.2022 05:51

Sure do love videos in the cabin... really like the light from that fireplace!

@AG-ws9dx - 21.11.2022 04:31

Even murdered the night people celebrate "Thanksgiving ". Learn history. Investigate for your own. Not what you are taught in school. So much ignorance. Jesus Is Lord.

@AG-ws9dx - 21.11.2022 04:27

It was a beautiful time for those that can enjoy it. If is was not in the native states that were slaughtered and killed and robbed off their lands . They never abused it. Nor took more than what needed from the land.

@marjoleinverveer-tinbergen209 - 01.11.2022 11:13

Waar bewaren voor jullie her eten? En hoe maak je azijn?Groetjes Marjolein Verveer Tinbergen

@elizam9652 - 16.10.2022 05:56

Squash potatoes 10 pounds of flour and four pounds salt in the pantry always

@autisticallyaccurate - 09.08.2022 01:39

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times."

@autisticallyaccurate - 09.08.2022 01:32

Bravo, I love Homesteading! So Wholesomely Inspiring! Soulfulness!

@TheDragonageorigins - 19.06.2022 22:48

Lots of important things to store depending on your location, as it will be drastically different depending on where you live.

Dried food in the big tubs is a good idea, as well as some big water cooler jugs of water.

Have lots of fresh water nearby? Get water purifying tabs and multiple life straws.

First aid kits are very important as well as vitamins.

Dont forget that when resources become scarce you can always trade. Cigarettes, booze, medicine will be very hot commodities in the event of collapse of civilization.

@southernindianaoutdooradve7783 - 09.06.2022 05:09

This video is aging well

@GraceLJW - 17.05.2022 21:51

Storing up some extra things when you have abundant times is so important! Not for the end of the world, but for when maybe you're having a hard time in life and grocery shopping is something you can take off your list for a while. Or when your car breaks down in winter and the bus route to the store is awful. Things happen, and it's good to be prepared!
I have chronic illnesses (they're luckily a lot more manageable now) and my car did die in winter a few years ago. Having extra toilet paper and dried/canned foods was such a lifesaver so I could plan the long bus ride store trips around when I was feeling ok.

@toddshook1765 - 15.05.2022 03:45

There are story after story of how food storage saved families in these modern times.
Our church has been promoting food storage for years. It feels good to have that extra items we normally use in the pantry.
It is about 12 years ago when I got laid off from work and that transition period of looking for work and starting that our storage got us thru.
Thanks so much for talking about it and bringing awareness.

@michaelthayer5351 - 10.05.2022 05:40

A trick my Russian wife, who lived through the turmoil of the 90s, taught me was that to keep flour from getting rancid and have it keep for a long time, was to keep it in a plastic bag with some bay leaves.
Useful since most people nowadays don't have a mill, and its easier to get flour than it is the grain.

@garyjohnson801 - 07.05.2022 02:27

If you want the Johnny cakes to taste even better just put so peanut butter on them with the maple syrup it's so so good that way . You probably wouldn't want them any other way after eating them that way

@garyjohnson801 - 07.05.2022 02:22

I have a years worth of food stored away and putting more away. I want 3 years worth to be on the safe side but it's hidden and even if someone took over my place they wouldn't find it for a long time

@nealbeach4947 - 03.05.2022 06:38

Some people prefer to live with their head in the sand and they make fun of those that dont do the same.

@UsuallyQuiet - 25.04.2022 10:39


@dianaharris3777 - 20.04.2022 04:08

I myself cook from scratch. What that means is no cans, no boxes items and no frozen ready made meals. I make what I need to survive. I eat to survive, not survive to eat.

@jeremyfink7805 - 16.04.2022 19:13

Important lessons for society, resiliency and future planning, instead of the instant gratification mentality too prevalent these days.

@cbsboyer - 31.03.2022 02:30

We usually have 3 weeks to a month worth of food stashed in the pantry cupboards and freezer. You just never know when you'll have a reason to fall back on it - bad weather, job loss, global pandemic, whatever, something comes up sooner or later.

@1John5-13-Lisa - 28.03.2022 05:07

Bible prophecies are flying off the pages, there will be famines, ( revelation 6:6 pestilence, wars and rumours of wars, one world order, leading to one govt, one world currency and one world religion, setting up the stage for the antichrist and mark of the beast. A mark the antichrist will make you get in your right hand or forehead and you can’t buy and sell without mark. If u take it you’ll be damned to hell. This is all conditioning for that. Please you don’t want to be here for what’s to come!! The great tribulation and Gods wrath!
Believe in Jesus today!!
The Gospel ( good news!!)
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Believe in your heart Jesus shed His blood to cover all your sins, died , was buried and God rose Him from the dead on the third day as it is written in the scriptures
Call out Jesus is Lord ( Romans 10:9-10 )
Ephesians 2:8-9
King James Version
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
religion, , church, or anything we can do, it’s about believing in what Jesus already did on the cross for the world
John3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever, believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life
John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Acts 4:12
12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved

COME AS YOU ARE!! Jesus wishes no one to perish!
Admit your a sinner like we all are and can’t save ourselves. Except Jesus as Lord and Saviour. BELIEVE He shed His blood to pay ALL your sins, was buried and rose again on the third day
Call out Jesus is Lord
Jesus is coming soon to take up all believers!! And no it won’t be alien abduction like they’ll have you believe and conditioning everyone for pestilence, wars and rumours of wars, one world order, leading to one govt, one world currency and one world religion, setting up the stage for the antichrist and mark of the beast. A mark in your right hand or forehead and you can’t buy and sell without mark. If u take it you’ll be damned to hell. This is all conditioning for that. Please you don’t want to be here for what’s to come!! The great tribulation and Gods wrath!
Believe in Jesus today!!
The Gospel ( good news!!)
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 Believe in your heart Jesus shed His blood to cover all your sins, died , was buried and God rose Him from the dead on the third day as it is written in the scriptures
Call out Jesus is Lord ( Romans 10:9-10 )
Ephesians 2:8-9
King James Version
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
religion, , church, or anything we can do, it’s about believing in what Jesus already did on the cross for the world
John3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever, believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life
John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Acts 4:12
12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved

COME AS YOU ARE!! Jesus wishes no one to perish!
Admit your a sinner like we all are and can’t save ourselves. Except Jesus as Lord and Saviour. BELIEVE He shed His blood to pay ALL your sins, was buried and rose again on the third day
Call out Jesus is Lord
Jesus is coming soon to take up all believers!! And no it won’t be alien abduction like they’ll have you believe and conditioning everyone for
God Bless everyone

@bethdepot-jackson7054 - 09.03.2022 12:26

Let's not forget the importance of water collection, storing and purification.

@bethdepot-jackson7054 - 09.03.2022 12:25

Food security comes not only in the preservation, but growing is critical. I would love to see communities come together to learn together and work together to secure themselves. Learning how to smoke and store the meat. How to dehydrate without electricity (building a dehydrator using the sun) and how to store it. How to water bath and pressure canning. Not to mention the many other ways you've taught on your channel.

@Marcus-qw9sx - 08.03.2022 20:29

At this point in my life, this definitely hit me differently. I took a lot away from this video as I reflected on this in a historical context, many thanks for sharing this perspective.

@GeckoHiker - 25.02.2022 20:40

We like to make this recipe using pantry staples, in case eggs, milk, and butter are hard to come by.

Coconut oil or ghee are long-term fat storage options. Ground flax seeds can substitute for an egg. Water is an ok substitute for milk, or use powdered milk.

I tried johnny cakes with coconut oil, fine ground flax seeds, water, a pinch of salt, and a dollop of peanut butter. Whisked that together and added corn flour. I use masa. I like the taste of nixtalmalized corn. These can be made thick or thin. I plan to make some to go with today's mystery soup.

@paulschwartz2464 - 22.02.2022 04:44

This really hits home. I took stock of my ability to provide for my family with my skills - not my income - and found myself quite inadequate. Since then I've been doing all I can to learn new food preservation techniques. That's one of the many reasons I love this channel. People back then had the skills to build the GREATEST nation on earth. I don't know if that is still true today. We've forgotten too much.

@asskicker4000 - 16.02.2022 00:12

.... some people choose to have no food storage?

@JacksonDunnoKnows - 12.02.2022 13:07

The crust on corn cakes is so good!
My grandpa calls em Johnny cakes. Grandma used to buy big bags of corn meal when I was really young. As she aged jiffy mix became a nice substitute.

@DeeDee-pw9pm - 11.02.2022 06:16

I've started storing food because in these days, simply not conforming to certain mandates can mean being refused basic services.

@Phil88210 - 06.02.2022 11:57

9 minute video and he said nothing about how to store food

@johnrobinson4445 - 03.02.2022 03:52

Living in earthquake country, I try to have about two weeks food provisions on hand at all times. This simply amounts to keeping MUCH larger amounts of my favorite foods on hand. Anything with a shelf life longer than the two weeks it would take me to finish everything, is A-OK. And that covers a lot of fresh food as well as canned and boxed and dry food. Lettuce might go bad in two weeks, but potatoes and onions, apples and oranges, will not. The biggest change for me was in buying dry milk for storage. I try to keep a gallon or more on hand. Last big earthquake, that was the food I had the most trouble getting enough of (3-11, 2011).

@ccaffie1231 - 30.01.2022 12:20

people are supposed to have enough saved to last a few weeks or months without income
it's weird how the same isn't expected of food and water, even though they're two of the most important resources to have on hand
the value of a dollar constantly changes, the necessity of a meal doesn't
(unless you go robo)

@indianaconstitutionalpatri9576 - 29.01.2022 21:52

Thumbs up

@CreachterZ - 25.01.2022 09:58

What type of container would someone use to carry lard on the trail for cooking? Thanks so much!

@andrewmantle7627 - 23.01.2022 09:51

Thank-you and bless you.

@joannumberger864 - 21.01.2022 08:25

Long time subscriber and customer
For your catalog thanks
Enjoy watching your demonstrations of various
Preservation techniques. They
Were able to preserve foods
Long before Canning Lids came
Along. And baking in your Built
Oven. So many Colonial Skills
You share. Thanks for teaching
And sharing what might be our
Survival skills

@user-dd7fw8ox3c - 20.01.2022 15:33

People often say "...Survival of the fittest..." well that is not true, "Co operation" is the best survival strategy, the intelligent tend to survive best, sharing is ok if you have enough, also it allows to to conscript others to do work for food, but it is better to get together before an emergency, with other like minded individuals.
Water, heat and shelter are always needed, dried food always is best, i have found, surplus crops can be dried and vacuum packed for later, tinned stuff is just too heavy to carry round but dried food is much lighter and easier to transport. if you have a good base then you can store heavier stuff, crops to grow , potato's, Bush beans, carrots and onions, these are the staples to work around, besides fresh seeds, essential vitamins/minerals are really needed, get yourself a gravity water filter plus spare candles for the filter, some form of light is needed, solar chargfalbe torches and radio, but it is essential for some form of weapons, depending on your local laws, crossbows catapults bow and arrows, if you cant get guns, an air rifle that does not need co2 cartridges, i have an underlever BSA Airsaporter, single shot with a good scope, you can always get rabbit, squirells and pidgeons with it, some form of fishing kit as well. once you feel you are ready, that is the time to look to other objects like a spile for tapping sap in the spring, knife axe and sharpening stone. There are lots of other items to aquire, deep sycle batteries a small solar panel to re charge them with, we lost power a while ago, in came the battery and it ran LED lighting for hours without even draining the battery, I have a small rocket stove, so less fuel is needed. Bless you all and i do hope you are all ready...

@keralee - 20.01.2022 09:14

I am thinking early spring was the worst, in Northern climes. Not much is really growing except dandelions and garlic greens until mid-June. Which means 6-8 months food storage, plus seed stocks for next years crops, was bare minimum.
Goes a long ways toward explaining Lent timing...the pantry would have been down to dregs by then, so all the healthy adults traditionally would have fasted to save what was left for the elderly, the sick, small children and pregnant women. Fish could safely be caught as rivers and lakes had finally thawed, but its not a smart time to hunt or slaughter your cattle when the animals are preparing to birth their next generation. Easter dinner would be finally getting to enjoy that last ham and a few potatoes held back in case of emergency (late snows), and the first of the new spring greens and eggs. A celebration for the life that has returned to the land, food is available again. It would have been ancient customary practice, not necessarily a religious need.

@keralee - 20.01.2022 09:00

Root cellar episode! And how to dry and hang foods in kitchen!

@kaiteemitchell9453 - 19.01.2022 03:15

Truckers on LOA Jan 22…. Glad you’re sharing now. Many people get ALL their food from the grocery stores… could get a bit “Great Depression” looking here for a bit..

@aaroneagleburger6349 - 16.01.2022 17:54

The ant and the grasshopper. Can every year.

@virginiavoigt2418 - 14.01.2022 18:56

The voice of wisdom and comfort.

@gwendolynnowlan2427 - 07.01.2022 20:40

I don't listen to preppers. i listen to you, i'm not a fan of all the fake stuff the stock pile. at least you teach us how to stock pile real food.
not little packets of powder

@Mr1nferno - 05.01.2022 09:06

I like the idea, but if communism takes over, the government will most likely confiscate the supply
