Columbo Star Wars

Columbo Star Wars

Gianni Matragrano

3 года назад

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@mendeta07 - 24.03.2023 03:59

"i dont carry a blaster" said columbo, holding a blaster

@ryanwoon3534 - 09.04.2023 11:26

So you’re telling me that your nephew is a Jedi padawon? But the order doesn’t allow padawons to have family’s. Surly you must’ve known this however. Since your “nephew” told you the Jedi code no? After all he did inform you about the story of darth Polagius the wise and how no Jedi would ever tell such a tale? Correct? How, is just bothers me, how could you have known about it? Hmm? It just something that bothers me.

@andosugi - 02.05.2023 20:43

The force is strong with this one

@wheezer6695 - 07.05.2023 12:12

Columbo does actually mean to pry

@perplxxd - 18.05.2023 09:23

dude, i love these. can you make more?

@claxvii177th6 - 28.05.2023 08:13

Columbo is a true Jedi Master

@frostyfizz7915 - 30.05.2023 00:49

"No, blasters are a bit too uncivilized. I like to go a little more "classic". The Colt Single Action Army, the greatest handgun in the galaxy."
(Proceeds to spin gun for too long)

@Saucisse_Praxis - 30.05.2023 20:32

Ngl, I would watch Columbo Wars if it existed.

@mrdreamy1747 - 18.06.2023 02:29

This video has better writing than 'The Last Jedi' and 'Rise of Skywalker' combined.

@Eyewarp - 12.07.2023 05:42

"Oh, oh I'm so sorry, I didn't realize dis was a consulah ship. Gee, dat's silly of me. Oh, but, uh, I just gotta ask: if dis is a consulah ship, where's da ambassaduh?"

@Abdega - 18.07.2023 05:30

I feel like he’d be great friends with Yoda

@mikelv1 - 27.07.2023 06:16

Main reason that Columbo is fine with exposing this stuff to Palpatine’s face is halfway because he knows that he has the chance to put him behind bars before any sort of power grab occurs. The other half is because in order to get Columbo into this universe, there had to be a Mrs. Columbo for him to talk about, and since there was a vacancy due to Anakin, Ashoka, and Obi Wan’s actions, Abeloth ended up manifesting a form for him to be with. Why? Well there are many a reason that she could have named, but for this I’d guess that she just found Columbo interesting.

@barryjeanfontenot4502 - 29.07.2023 23:25

Tera Sinube

@luizvictor9258 - 09.08.2023 05:09

Fun fact: Due to his name sounding something like "Fucked Himself" in portuguese, Syfo Dias name was slightly changed. Actually, many names in the franchise were changed due to the same reason, like Count Dooku being changed to Count Dookan because "Dooku" sounds in Portuguese domething like "Count of Asshole".

@mina7572 - 14.08.2023 04:27

Tries to kill him with a lightsaber and he pulls the crystal out of his pocket

@shortlived4303 - 20.09.2023 10:06

"I don't carry a blaster, too uncivilised"
-Detective Columbo, while aiming a blaster at his opponent

@british35 - 29.09.2023 22:00

(Heavily inspired by another commenter)
Col’um Boe (Born 67 BBY) is a detective within the Coruscant Police. At the start of his career, he made a name for himself busting murder after murder in the lower levels, making him an infamous name among any mob that dared cause trouble. More than once, he was commissioned by the Senate and (albeit to a lesser extent) the Jedi order to investigate many a high profile case, only increasing his fame. He’d go on to film a few of the cases he’d solved, becoming a role model and stand-up guy on the city-planet. However, his biggest case would place him as a living legend across the Republic after he thwarted the plans of Chancellor Sheev Palpatine after being commissioned yet again by the Jedi Order.

Despite these incredible feats, he refused promotion beyond Lieutenant several times, claiming to be right at home as a detective. On the day of the Republic’s victory against the CIS, a statue in his honour was commissioned.

The secret to Detective Boe’s success was his deductive ability. As sharp as a sword and as clean as a lightsaber slash, he could get to the bottom of any case that the department threw his way. One member of the Jedi Order even commented that his ability rivalled that of many Jedi in the order.

@FiksIIanzO - 30.09.2023 03:26

If Columbo was in Qui-Gon's place, not only would he survive, but he would arrest Darth Maul

@topitsound7689 - 02.10.2023 02:24

Considering Legends lore, Columbo would definitely wield a yellow lightsaber and he'd probably be pretty infamous for it.

@xanmontes8715 - 04.10.2023 12:13

Columbo's nephew is a padawan and knows that the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise is not a tape the Jedi would tell you?

Sounds to me like the Jedi told his nephew about the Tragedy of Darth Plagueie the Wise.

Which is curious, Mr. Columbo because you said that the Jedi don't tell that tale.

Oh and, one more thing...

piano trill

Execute order 66

@Treepuncher1211 - 10.10.2023 08:37

We out here Columbo maxing fr

@Double_D__ - 17.10.2023 18:50

I feel like Obi-Wan and Columbo would be best friends because they both excel at obfuscating stupidity to leverage an advantage against people too cocky for their own good.

@testshietchannel - 19.10.2023 14:04

That Blaster remark actually could be Columbo's

@Sandmann629 - 25.10.2023 09:31

yeah why the heck would a BOUNTY HUNTER assassinating a SENATOR want to go and leave such a CONVOLUTED trail? you'd think if he was experienced in bounty hunting that he would have left a card or heck just turned himself directly in if he was any good at bounty hunting

@beastwarsFTW - 25.10.2023 14:29

Columbo: "These clones have some sort of mental programming. My wife see, she knows a thing or two about sleeper programs, says they're horrible. Now supposedly they can go off with a key word like say. Execute order 65."
Door opens to reveal a whole legion of clone troopers

@BattlewarPenguin - 25.10.2023 19:58

It's so suspicious he fits too well in every universe

@elonmust6844 - 26.10.2023 05:46

Blaster? I hardly know her!

@Senriam - 31.10.2023 02:52

Please do one for RuneScape

@historytales202 - 31.10.2023 17:36

A Star Wars detective show would be sooooo good

@Numatruehome - 02.11.2023 09:30

He would be a next level jedi

@Chickenland-Official - 06.11.2023 22:08

Bro has the best gun in there time,
A revolver.

@alexcrazy1492 - 07.11.2023 23:03

Not only that, but that assassin that hired the other assassin was hired by a space wizard who is commanded to kill the sender by another space wizard

@levongevorgyan6789 - 08.11.2023 04:05

There actually is a character is Star Wars who resembles Columbia. A Coruscant police chief, Pol Haus, who dresses shabbily, and acts dumb, but is clever enough to sense secret Jedi. He’s not as polite as Colombo but other then that it’s a good homage.

@trampoline11x - 20.11.2023 15:55

Imagine a samurai jack plotline but its just Columbo. He doesn't belong here, but he's still has that passion for his job.

@lemonlefleur6236 - 30.11.2023 20:53

Not only could Columbo stop Palpatine’s schemes, I’m confident that he would’ve been given the rank of Master before Anakin with him mastering the Jedi Mind Tricks despite having no training in the Force.

@DSPsWifesBf - 09.12.2023 19:58

Love these Colombo bits, Gianni.

@carrot708 - 13.12.2023 14:31

"If a planet is not in the archives, it does not exist."
"Well, ain't that the darndest thing. Alright, I'll get out of your hair"

@justinfalzon6854 - 28.12.2023 21:46

Epic 😂🎉❤

@SnausageKing - 06.01.2024 02:12

Columbo Plinkett is making some good points here

@hoborg98 - 14.01.2024 10:29

You guys have it all backwards. Columbo isn't cracking the case; he's pointing out all the plot holes.

@technomage6736 - 28.01.2024 06:25

Omg what dafuq? 🤣

@xandermarque - 31.01.2024 01:08

The cosmonaut variety hour reference caught me off guard

@mcjtls7 - 07.02.2024 06:10

Never thought i see the day Columbo investgating about star wars 😂 hope all have a blessed year 😊 John 3:16-21

@kwloy - 30.04.2024 03:00

Master Col Umbo was considered one of the most gifted investigators of the Jedi Order.

@zachary4268 - 14.05.2024 22:33

“I don’t carry a blaster” he says while holding a revolver

@laf4891 - 01.06.2024 14:09

Hilarious ❤

@moonmannd7501 - 20.06.2024 03:19

Columbo travelling around sleuthing up Sidious' conspiracy ladder in a desperate attempt to discover the endgame before it's too late, with the viewer knowing it'll tragically happen anyway regardless of how close he gets, is for a shitpost an incredibly compelling concept. Like a bigger version of what Fives tried to do

@GeahkBurchill - 03.07.2024 00:11

Not a SINGLE ‘Hello there’!

@mekelwander6551 - 08.07.2024 04:00

Goddammit, now I'm tempted to find Colombo crossover fanfictions now, anyone got any recommendations?

@Pumpkinshire - 11.07.2024 20:46

Just a slug gun for old cumubo yes sir finest revolver that has 6 Jedi lightsaber penetrating rounds the lapd can afford
