Is League's Ranked system fundamentally broken?

Is League's Ranked system fundamentally broken?


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Alex Ibrahim-Bennett
Alex Ibrahim-Bennett - 17.09.2023 18:23

I pref coming into more Smurfs than be put in with MMR. Like my MMR is high cuz i play with friends who are high rank. Im in silver so im not that good in comparison, i look up these peoples MMRs its like wtf? Why am i not just put with the people who are just the rank and rank only with mixed MMR. Sametime i think they should be more generous with the placement to combat against smurfs and not allow people to just get rewards if theyve barely played. Like to me cuz of this MMR system your rank isnt determining how good you are, ranked feels the same as normals, just more toxic and sweaty. i remember playing 5 seasons ago and it was never this hard to be stuck at s3 and i was gold 2 back then. You can really feel its bs i really think the low elo players are struggling the most.

LSSJ Vegeta
LSSJ Vegeta - 15.09.2023 05:08

eomm/losers queue is the cancer thaty is plaguing ranked

TheShadowBoss - 09.09.2023 18:13


Strimbu Razvan
Strimbu Razvan - 04.09.2023 00:37

i would remove the demotion shield. that is legit bs. i`m at plat4 0 lp since the split started...i want to drop rank but the damn sistem wont let me...

John McClane
John McClane - 29.08.2023 16:37

look like the system is build to encourage this side industry of smurfs and buying accounts, since it is easier to make a new account and to promote it that otherwise...

somo - 28.08.2023 22:10

the reason why league soloq will never be good is beacuse it's soloq

you are playing with random people

anyone who played any game with randoms knows it's impossible to cooperate with ppl on the internet

im surprised you can even get decent cooperation in game tbh considering that the game doesn't even have public vx (not that ieven want them to add vc)

if riot tried to make something similar to a clash of clans sistem,maybe you prepare a match with 4 other people and create a temporary team for like one fight,it would make ranked faster

but this will never happen beacuse league players want to play 20 matches a day instead of a good LOL match with some actual teamwork

Uzzy - 22.08.2023 07:00

The games I lose is becuase the team don't want to play together. Play around the carry and peel for them don't go in 1v9 with an early game champ at 27mins thinking u gonna hit a nutty penta to throw in ur montage

Gunther Wolfgang
Gunther Wolfgang - 16.08.2023 02:02

Mad is an understatement.
Playing as bronze, meeting people in plat..

Zim - 06.08.2023 02:39

how come i get teammates who have played 3 ranked games in their life and im silver league already??????

Favs - 27.07.2023 19:31

Implement the system you just brought up, but Make it role based: There's a difference between 0/5/10 Yasuo and 0/5/10 Braum.

george atlas
george atlas - 07.07.2023 21:41

There are far better ways to rank players. Saying anyway to rank players isn´t perfect isn't a fucking argument. Just pick ANY better one.

justDenis - 05.07.2023 00:34

Not anymore because 13 years later and an undisclosed n^permabanned accounts they are finally removing the placements game. Praised be lord LP

Aldo Rodriguez
Aldo Rodriguez - 02.07.2023 01:52

Playing ranked gets more stressful every season it fkn suckks, I im playin solo/duo im in it for me not the team made up of strangers that couldnt care less about me so individual performance must be taken into account

Podcast Jack
Podcast Jack - 01.07.2023 00:27

It shouldnt be based on things that lowers or highers ur mmr Lose per game because OBVIOUSLY u cant count on that some rounds u have to do dif stuff sometimes u need to get the turrets sometimes u need to babysit a lane sometimes u have to farm less and gank more etc etc so it would be awfully the moment you realise u only have to better u stoo tilt

gage coutch
gage coutch - 29.06.2023 21:14

Every online matchmaking system should copy halo 3 perfect amount of carry games, try hard games, casual games, shitstomp games getting stomped games, and goofing off games

custom - 27.06.2023 12:13

Got motivated to play ranked again (edit: because of that video). Got a 2 11 adc, next round a vayne that splitpushed with no vision as adc and said to objectices.. while we lack dps.. then I had a winning team but the enemy jgnl jax was master tier+ and toxic.

Im about to quit league I dropped back to p4 bc that, and I literally always get these type of games literally almost 6 games out of 10 I need to 1v9 or lose.

warrior jesus king
warrior jesus king - 26.06.2023 08:54

That's not true I have 70% winrates on 4 outta 5 of my champs and I'm still stuck in silver gold area outta 200 games

Novince Inhosic
Novince Inhosic - 24.06.2023 06:57

The biggest problem is *time*. Nobody has time to invest (assuming you don't get banned because of mental boom) at the very least 200 games only to have a relative placing of your true rank. Many people want to play rank once in a while, 30-50 games, not 500. The semi-pro/high elo players play in average of over 2k games every single season, which is one of the main reasons they claimb, hence why getting chall with 50% is seen as trash nowadays. Since about S7 winrate matters more than rank. If you can get Dopa's level of 80%+ w/r to Rank 1# on the hardest svr, that's basically "beating the game", but other than that the game does not provide anything else. The system is designed the beginning, only increased in absurd efficiency over the years to be an endless climb so that you are constantly stuck, half of the time of no fault of your own, in order to keep the playerbase active. The orientation towards of team-game is to remove as much as possible from single-player agency in order to make the system more "RNG" (and by RNG more controlled by the algorithm) so you never understand the cause-effect relation and force you in an endless loop. It makes new players feel good at the game because they get carried by the team, while veterans cannot stomp and quickly climb up because of systems such as smurf queues.

Also a correction to your point: winrate does not decide your MMR. Your winrate is just the ratio of losses to wins. You can have lower MMR than your division/tier and still have positive winrate, the same goes the other way around. If you are at 50% and don't have hundreds of games played that season, you cannot simply "get better to climb", 50%+1 is not enough, you may beed to go as far as 60%+ in 200+ games in order to fix your mmr. Also divisions skips are no longer a thing. Back in the day you could do unranked to chall in 24, now they place you in bronze and just boost your LP gain based on an assumed MMR increase which withers away the higher you climb. Despite being more divisions (3 have been added since the system was firstly introduced), they shove you as much back as possible in order for you not sto stop in a few tens of games, but rather play over and over to chase that rewards and as we can see the more and more systems in the game force you to play ranked if you wish rewards.

If they would want to make a fair system, they have A LOT of options, from role-ranks, to showing actual MMR, getting rid of the smurf queues, giving you loss prevention if you have an objective inter (Back in 2019 people were banned for what Bausff does now, you can check for Singed main on NA go banned by the algorithm).

The game is simply not worth in terms of reward and the gameplay is not fan since 4/5 of what you can do in the game depands on your team, so every 20-30 minutes of the game are an RNG of whether you gonna afk under tower or get to actually play something. (without adding the high amount of dodges and long que timer at high elo).

Dynxa - 19.06.2023 19:32

It would put everyone on task too It might even inspire people to do better. I still think they need to have a 1v1 rank system as well.

Khaida - 16.06.2023 21:36

Man i got back to league cause i got bored of valorant after reaching immortal 3, and this game is making me so mad again, i went to promos 6 times and those 6 times i lost the 2 games and i only need 1 win to rank up, i always play fine till promos and then when i get there i get braindead teams and trolls and so much smurfs on the enemy team, this is so frustating, it really seems they do this on porpuse, i don't get it. Im done with this awfull game

Jessica Morgani
Jessica Morgani - 13.06.2023 06:42

When I personally say that an account is "doomed" I mean that it get's paired with trolls more often than a normal account, but that's not mmr or lp system, that is riot picking who wins and who doesn't so league becomes addictive!

Koroxo 11
Koroxo 11 - 12.06.2023 14:00

One of my best examples of why a system dependent on personal performance is too difficult is the existence of +150 champs that within them have differences and gameplay that only they handle, in the ideal system the system should define specific standards for each champion and role.

My star example of that is... singed, similar to inting sion only instead of dying to push your job is to be the biggest nuisance ever to the enemy team.
That work can be done in many ways and can probably be detected as inting or trolling but the reality is that your pressure is probably constant even if you go 0/4
Singed does not have the best versus or splitpush making his lane irrelevant, but when the enemy jungler has to go for the fourth time in the most isolated place in the world (Toplane) to kill a character that sometimes consumes you 40% to 60 % of your life to kill him and that in the event that you manage to kill him.
Singed players are terrorists for mastering such an unconventional style of play and turning it to their greatest advantage

pease05 - 02.06.2023 08:14

The main part is the ranked system FORCING YOU TO LOSE!

sl lll
sl lll - 01.06.2023 05:00

I got a demotion shield expiring from fucking winning?!?!?!?!?

Donepikk - 31.05.2023 19:29

i just joined the game a 2 weeks ago and i am fighting 600K of Maestry or above '-'

anubisisbored - 28.05.2023 09:42

make it a duality, have the current system for a total baseline of LP gains/losses but also implement a mitigating system that is based on performance metrics. If I do extremely well in game, but my Midlaner ints 20deaths pre 15, me and him should not get equivalent losses. Ex. In this example I would have a -20 base +5 performance mitigation = -15LP loss overall, maybe my top laner also did alright and got a +3 mitigation but my inting mid gets a +0. It would be a system that rewarded individual skill and improvements while keeping the overall score heavily weighted towards the team aspect. This would also make an incentive for people to actually improve their individual gameplay in the form of personal metrics such as objective taking, kda, CS, etc. Adjusting the mindset from "my midlane is inting, this game is an auto-loss" to a more healthier "well this game is probably lost, i may as well stay focused and try to mitigate what i can".

CentipedeKid - 25.05.2023 07:09

Studied my vods, watch challengers, ward for my team, track jg, do damage control for my team. Went from consistently winning easily to losing non stop. Fuck this game. It's not even fun. Being told to kill myself everyday and getting griefed sucks. Before it was bots in ranked now it's hardstuck trolls that want to ruin games so you'll say something reportable.

Bruno Bertapeli
Bruno Bertapeli - 20.05.2023 05:11

The system already take in consideration how you play individually.

And the algorithm track role and the type of character you are playing.

So if you are playing an assassin the algorithm give more importance for kda.

If you are playing a tank, DMG mitigation

The Baus example isn't good. Because for a top laner towers + gold lead at @15 are very important.

You can see all the data riot collect on the client.

They use that to see how you impact the match on the elo you are playing.

The dark reality about that is that:

- if the system read you are below where you are supposed to be, it helps you climb with better teammates.

- if is the opposite, well, welcome go losing queue.

- if the system read you are around where you are supposed to be you will flip a coin for some games, until you go up or down of where you are supposed to be, and REPEAT.

so the ranked is rigged ? Completely. But you Elo is exactly your Elo.

If you really better than the gold 1/2 player population, the system will put you on plat.

Ps: this is a fact. I know a guy that know a guy.

Miguel M
Miguel M - 13.05.2023 19:43

since everybody is using scripts even in iron and people buy accs mmr is just broken

NoTieMing - 08.05.2023 11:57

Great video overall.
I think the current system is great, it's not perfect but if you try to fix the imperfections you will just create other problems.

Alberto Marini
Alberto Marini - 02.05.2023 00:27

Hi, im finding myself since yesterday with unranked guys and im in a 10 streak loss, i can't carry them because i have vs me all silvers 3 and 4 that is my rank, my commrades did also 1/20 and so scores, is really frustrates, someone got this great experience?

Battle Penguin
Battle Penguin - 18.04.2023 06:23

Riot had over 10 years and +200 patches to fix their game and they didn't, the only thing they can do is actually adding content and hoping that changes the game enough so players don't notice all the flaws in their system. Also moving away resources from league in an attempt to become the next Valve was the worst commercial decision Tencent did and just make things worse apart from only focusing on skinlines in their core franchise.

It's painful to hear that, but it's what several years of bananas decision making and balancing gets you.
-First they need to hire people that actually stick their neck for the game and with the company, not using the company as cv boost nor to boost their personal twitter/reddit accounts.
-Second, whatever thing they do they need to be passionate about it and it has to be made from a position of technical skill, why my last good memory of League was the 10 years anniversary in 2019? Why was the last gamemode I enjoyed eons back with Odyssey?.
-Third, not everything should work, but everything should be viable, I truly want to say give players agency, but there are strategies that are not healthy for the game, roaming Janna top, inting Sion, Zeri, etc. But it's not like you want to remove those champs or force some unfun strategy/champions, they just need tuning so they can naturally progress to the most fun strategy people want to play and win with them, and maybe you let it alone with alternative playstyles. (Based everything on skill not 50% enforced winrate). Making everything work is just too big of a task for Riot to handle, maybe in the future they can do it, who knows. But right now, they just need to aim the champions to have at least a playstyle to have fun with, no nonsense nor forced playstyle.
-Fourth preserve competitive integrity, the state of SoloQ just keep getting worse year after year, even Faker wanted to boycot SoloQ, it cannot be that people troll and goes unpunished, I'm not saying permaban them, but just restrict them from playing ranked if they go 0/10/1 for example, even if they didn't 'troll' just 2 hours cooldown, also Smurfing, actually botting in lower ranks, accounts with doomed MMR, toxicity, people abusing the already problematic and restrictive metastrategies and then not holding up to their rank, boosting, are issues aswell, rank and MMR has become so screwed overtime because of those reasons, people who grind at plat+ they may just be addicted to the game to tolerate all the nonsense there is.
-Fifth proper systems, with each addition of new champions the class/subclass system league has suffered a lot and there is no direction in the changes. With proper class systems I mean, if you are a Warden, then your primary goal is to protect, if you are a Burst Mage, your primary goal is to burst squishy targets/deal a lot of damage over a short period of time (not talking about cooldowns), and so on. Not the do it all mentality with 500 hidden passives and % life damage. In addition reward players who play good, punish players that troll or say bad things, the community needs that, report system and honor system needs further work. I don't understand why they removed the ability to give honor to the enemies and every teammate you wanted.
-Several other points: use challenger players/grandmasters players to help you balance the game, do projects with content creators, treat well your proscene casters, treat well the proscene, do not focus in marketing in order to decide what you want to do next, make things the devs are passionate doing, dedicate resources back to league, try not to have game breaking bugs.

I don't want to sound pessimistic but given Riot record, including this season and preseason, I don't think they can solve any point, let alone all of them together, and with the work done this leap year for them, I lost all my faith on them and they need to do more than sugarcoat a promise in order to gain my faith back, but I'm just a player that played their game for a long time, what am I to a multibillion dollar company?

Joe Mama
Joe Mama - 13.04.2023 21:25

It doesn't work and encourages surfing due to a terrible system, however I guarantee their is a financial incentive behind this and probably some EOMM too. I smurfed and climbed to diamond 3 from being hardstuck gold and P4 over only 120 games with a 56% winrate. On main I get 53% and so many smurfs with terrible lp ratios. It just does not work and smurfing being this bad is just evidence.

JL Tha Kad
JL Tha Kad - 09.04.2023 21:52

Green Light logic.
Only considering win or lose as a metric… Thats equal to deciding to start driving when a light turns green.
Not looking left or right to see if there is someone crossing the road.
Not checking left or right to see if a drunk driver is about to smash your car the moment you start driving.
In my system iLP inclusive to tLP
tLP is that green light saying its ok to drive.
And iLP is checking left or right, for further confirmation, to see if its ok to drive.

My point in bring up players losing on purpose in this comparison, is to say that, right now, you cannot just only rely on the green light to move forward.
With the vast issues this current system faces, we have to also be looking left and right, to check our surroundings.
Because too many people are crossing the road when they shouldn’t be, and too many cars are ignoring their red light which would force a head on collision if we decide to only look at the green light before deciding to drive.
In comparison, too many players are losing on purpose, feeding, afking, with a system only checking win or lose before issuing out LP.
All of these issues have a direct negative impact on our ability to win the now largely unfair game.

These players see their red light, and they are continuing to drive anyways ensuring a head on collision, which in turn means that if you only follow the green light, you will end up getting hit.
If you only check to see in the light is green before driving, you will injure someone crossing the road, directly impacting your ability to continue driving forward.
So, we need a system that will check if we won or lost, aka green light tLP.
And, we need a system that further tests our driving skills, by testing our ability to look left and right for people crossing the road before deciding to move forward, aka iLP.
It is factually accurate to say that this extra information would ensure a more accurate MM system, & ensure we cross the road without any accidents.

This is the basic environment league has turned into following the hard reset after season 9.

It has only gotten worse, players losing on purpose, and the system only considering wins and losses means that the system as it is now, can’t possibly be accurately placing us in our correct rank.

There is literally zero down side to making the MM system more accurate in the way that I suggested.

If you are as good as you are making yourself sound, you wouldn't have a problem earning iLP in your games.

So, I want you to assume that riots iLP system can accurately evaluate how well you performed in game.
(Because they can, A dev can create systems that do not exist as of yet, regardless of the fact that league of legends already has a pretty advanced system dedicated to tracking, and evaluating our individual performance.)
The only people who would or should have an issue with a system designed to also include individual performance, are players who troll, and players who want to ruin others peoples ranked experience for fun. And duo boosting companies, because if a player is bad at game, it will take longer to carry them to their desired rank.

ChrisH811 - 07.04.2023 12:03

League needs paid queue, it is animals ruining games lol. Pls paid queue/id verified queue

Clauraz - 07.04.2023 03:51

when i first starterd i was iron 4 and would get 13 lp and lose 25. like bro i cldnt go any lower

ThermalPizza - 07.04.2023 02:35

Add a lot more nuance to LP gains, say you average a high KDA high Kill participation high CS (all the stuff that is taken into account for you getting S ranks) now use all of those statistics to either padden the blow of how much LP you lose on a loss, or to amplify how much LP you gain on a win. That way, your teammates like your bot lane that collectively goes 0/20 together can be punished accordingly with the flat rate of a 20 LP loss + the extra penalty for their performance. Meanwhile you, who won lane or had a large impact in that game with split pushing and high CS, rather than getting a flat rate of a 20 LP loss your good performance will subtract the amount of LP you lose so instead of 20, if you were basically the mvp of a losing game lets say you only lose 10 LP. The most important part about this is that the nuance of the LP gains should not be microscopic, these should be large differentials between how much LP you as the mvp are losing in comparison to the laner that is solo losing the game for you. If you do well and they do bad and you lose, they should be punished heavily while you should be punished very lightly, it seems like the most fair way to distribute LP to me.

Krunket - 07.04.2023 00:58

I mean this is how Valorant does it's ranking system

Eugene Haven
Eugene Haven - 07.04.2023 00:57

Using an updated version of the mastery system would fix this. If you LP gain/loss was base on your performance, it would move people closer to their actual rank. If your team loses and you still got an S+ because you were a 20 kill Katarina, then your loss would be mitigated(say -10 LP) vs the troll jungler that took won no objs and when 0/10(-25LP). It should be a scaled system, base on average letter grade of the team playing. If you get a C, average performance, average LP won/loss. This would move people faster up or down, when there MMR doesnt match.

Jacob D
Jacob D - 06.04.2023 23:54

The ranked system is fine. I don’t care if you’re consistently going 20/0 on katarina if you can’t CONSISTENTLY WIN games in your rank (in spite of bad teammates), that is the rank you should be at.

No0bish1 - 06.04.2023 23:38

Get rid of LP and use MMR values to determine rank. Simple.

Benasaurs - 06.04.2023 23:11

congrats on plat 4 :D

There's no tool, in this pool
There's no tool, in this pool - 06.04.2023 23:02

Sometimes a big losing streak will certainly mess up an accounts ability to climb but I do believe the ranked system works. I can always consistently climb to my rank when starting a new account and when I start to struggle it’s just because I’m no longer good enough to outplay my opponents consistently. It’s not a perfect system, I’ve definitely given up on “doomed” accounts but for the most part it works.

xHunterx - 06.04.2023 20:07

i'd say riot should remove duoQ , it's the worst thing happening for the ranked game, let's say jungle is premade with top, 95% of the time he will only play for top and ignore other lanes, if his top lane premade does bad he will defend him and two of them will flame everyone else and have some kind of ego that it's not their fault the whole team is losing even tho they are playing only for themselves, if a jungle is duo with someone they only care about that one lane which is really bad for the game imo, it's also unfair that there can be two people going bot as 2 vs 2 random players who just met for the first time, premades have the advantage of knowing the champs they play and each others playstyle, enemy random bot lane has 0 info. And new account MMR has to be fixed, its unhealthy for the game that gold-plat level players can make new account and get diamond-masters that they dont deserve, because for some reason you can win 5 games in bronze-silver and be in diamond+ lobbies, tyler1 was 2-6 in gold EUW and was matched with diamond 3 players, it is too broken and so many bad players get to higher elo than they deserve. Last but not least someone who ffes the game or is bringing the negative energy to the team should lose more than the rest of the team, it happens so consistently that someone starts the game 0/3 and has a bad start, and starts spamming ff and refusing to play a winnable game, some games are lost but the way people vote ff is like every game is over in the first 5 minutes, below master that should never be the case, FF should be available either every 10 minutes or each player has only 1 FF vote call per game, if you can FF every 3 mins no one is going to even try to win and is gonna complain and go next because they started the game bad, that shouldn't be allowed in the first 5 minutes of a ranked game and be so consistent

Aleks - 06.04.2023 17:26

i have an idea.. make ranking up easier plus BUFF AZIR

Kefka Kafaer
Kefka Kafaer - 06.04.2023 16:37

I feel like majority of complaining people just don't understand how system works and how it should works, for example many high elo players complains that they are loosing more than receiving but this is eactly how it should work if you are constantly climbing, more frequent is situation that you are against players that are worse than you so... I don't think that league's system is perfect but there isn't really many ways to make it better.

Wan Aise
Wan Aise - 06.04.2023 16:36

I was thinking about adding the similarities of world of tanks rating game mode or rank game that usually rates your performance for higher points, because having a system thats only viable for rank position only is missing a tons of good players versus trollers. I found this info interesting btw ^^

Mathúš - 06.04.2023 16:11

