Let's Play Outer Wilds Blind - Part 8: The Sun Station

Let's Play Outer Wilds Blind - Part 8: The Sun Station


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@ekuu8918 - 15.03.2024 21:15

I literally didn't even know it was possible to jump onto the black hole forge as it raised... and I tried it a number of times myself! Congratulations and well done.

@danielospinacastrillon70 - 15.03.2024 21:18

Oh man it was so funny watching you get to the blackhole forge just by jumping. I literally laughed like, I've seen people do all kind of stuff to get there without using warp towers but that one was so simple like... why didn't we all did the same thing? And it's even funnier considering you had such a hard time getting to the other side of the sun station (which is usually quite simple) but then you found the easier way to get to the BHF.

@rk13567 - 15.03.2024 21:18

I imagine you’ll be pained to know you can just float across that gap without pressing any directions, and you’ll make it into the door haha

@jplace524 - 15.03.2024 21:25


Supernova - 13 (+1)
Flew/Fell into Sun - 9 (+6) Today's lesson: Orbits are very sensitive when you are that close to the sun.
Asphyxiation - 8 (+1)
Ghost Matter - 4
Crushed - 3
Cactus - 1 (New)
Eaten - 1
End of Loop - 1
Displaced - 1
Crashed - 1
Sand Column - 1
Total - 43

@jplace524 - 15.03.2024 21:32

When I played the game, I didn't notice that the order of the warp towers is the same as the order of the astral bodies until after a completed the game.

@Archine115 - 15.03.2024 21:33

I tried jumping to the black hole forge so many times that I am both impressed with you for getting it on the first try and disappointed in myself that I never made it that way

@MasonLopez - 15.03.2024 21:46

I tried so hard to jump onto the blackhole station. I figured it was impossible!

@TacticusPrime - 15.03.2024 22:02

I think you're the first person I've seen successfully jump on the Forge as it goes up and make it inside.

@ReverendTed - 15.03.2024 22:15

So it looks like you never actually ran the experiment in the High Energy Lab? It's pretty neat!

@s1m700 - 15.03.2024 22:46

I actually tried to jump onto the black hole forge and never got it. Skill issue I guess

@LaloMartins - 15.03.2024 22:48

I've been wondering for years if it's possible to get to the forge this way 😹😹 no way I have the skill to try, so thanks for the answer!

@YannBK1608 - 15.03.2024 23:09

I love how you cheesed the Black Hole Forge, I had never seen it done that way before!

@mastajake09 - 15.03.2024 23:39

Oh man, I tried and tried to get to the black hole forge area the way you did but couldn't. Nice job!

@DimaDevgru - 16.03.2024 00:25

My jaw dropped when you managed to enter BHF using THAT way

@galaxxy_foxx2583 - 16.03.2024 00:40

I've been watching several Outer Wilds letsplays and its made me realize JUST how much of a space nerd I am about like comets, supernovae, black hole/white hole theoretical dynamics, and also I had background knowledge about quantum things and LITERALLY WAS TALKING ABOUT QUANTUM STUFF UNRELATED WHEN I FIRST PLAYED THE GAME

@galaxxy_foxx2583 - 16.03.2024 00:48

I love the usage of the kazoo cover for this... You ARE meeting a terrible fate

@UntoldOrbit - 16.03.2024 00:59

Despite the struggle, it was cool to see someone make a complete orbit around the sun while floating through space in the wreckage of the Sun station

@cyberfoxvii6253 - 16.03.2024 01:52

Aah, what a rotten time for your game to crash! Right when you looked like you were starting to go back into the High Energy lab to investigate some more! And then the ship log said you got all the info, so you didn't go back!

I guess reproducing the Nomai's experiment isn't critical, but it is a fun thing, in my opinion. Especially if you start conducting ill-advised experiments of your own...

@Felix-kd8tn - 16.03.2024 02:07

The montage was so painful ;~; You have more persistence than I do!

@Felix-kd8tn - 16.03.2024 02:14

Have you forgotten you spacesuit yet? I don't think so and thats pretty impressive.

@brentlehman5028 - 16.03.2024 06:12

I was really hoping you'd shatter the space-time continuum in the high energy lab, but it's cool

@Johnhamsta - 16.03.2024 07:18

Great episode!

@stealingzen - 16.03.2024 07:46

"Gamers can't look up." - John Nintendo


@neshrammc - 16.03.2024 10:20

Excellent choice to use "A Terrible Fate" for the sun station montage. I'm looking forward to seeing if you encounter it in-game. At least, I don't recall that you have already, and the game crash took you away from the closest opportunity yet.

@Thinkcrown - 16.03.2024 20:05

Owlk-spamming-the-slideshow-gear-for-a-taste-of-something-he-can-never-experience-again reporting for duty.

@metalspringpro - 16.03.2024 23:34

That black hole forge jump was something else, loving your playthrough!

@snorlaxdayo - 17.03.2024 08:26

The next episode might be a banger

@ArchaicTravail - 19.03.2024 06:13

I really hope you revisit the high energy lab. The experiment you can run there is one of the coolest parts of the game.

@ocean037 - 20.03.2024 07:31

This playthrought has been a constant: "what is she doing?? ...wait... HOW did she do that!?!?" It's awesome!

@Yggdrasil42 - 23.03.2024 00:43

I hope you'll revisit the High Energy Lab and try the experiment there. It's cool to see it work, but you can also disrupt it on purpose, with consequences...

@annabunches - 28.03.2024 22:19

"Is that how you're supposed to do it?"

Absolutely not, but it was impressive!

@ericksepulveda3411 - 29.03.2024 04:55

the thoughts you shared after your game crashed… chef’s kiss also all the enthusiasm and excitement when making discoveries has been really fun to watch 😁

@Comeoutwithyourhandsup - 01.04.2024 12:55

I cant express how much I love this. The kazoo theme was magical

@jons42 - 04.04.2024 09:00

These intros are great!!

@AninoNiKugi - 05.04.2024 18:52

The thing about that "jump" to the Sun Station is that it gets harder if you overthink it. If you just go and think to yourself it's easy, it's actually easy 😄

I myself had to try twice or thrice.

@procrastinator99 - 22.04.2024 12:34


I still can’t breath. That kazoo version of the theme. I’m nearly dead lol.

@tinystegosaurus587 - 24.04.2024 22:28

Sun station log: "Star has reached end of natural life cycle. Now approaching red giant stage."
Becca: "Can we stop this?"

@RicochetRita1989 - 14.05.2024 16:44

This is by far my favorite playthrough to watch! You figured out so many things so quickly in this game and even the things that take you a while you have so many plausible theories until you find the truth! I love this game and your playthrough is so entertaining!

@Charles-xu7pu - 19.05.2024 17:21

I'm so glad to see someone struggle as much as I did for the sun station jump. I came so close to rage quitting on that part 😂

@alexredcherry88 - 23.05.2024 21:55

Kazoo was shef's kiss! :D
You are amazing.
Feel you on every level

@Vastin - 26.06.2024 19:05

Ok, the Kazoo Montage at Sun Station was hilarious.

@SingularityEngine - 11.07.2024 16:34

A kazoo OST montage about flinging your way between the sun station points is something I didn't know I needed
