10-BALL ▸ 2021 CSI Michigan Open ▸ A. Yapp vs W. Kiamco

10-BALL ▸ 2021 CSI Michigan Open ▸ A. Yapp vs W. Kiamco

CueSports International

3 года назад

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@Rubster760 - 22.09.2021 21:42

Yapp is hitting them well.

@tupac2672 - 22.09.2021 21:51

Where's Jimmy Mataya?

@jaimemolina1777 - 22.09.2021 22:32

who is commentating?

@mimikemorgan.shoots2643 - 22.09.2021 23:42

Does anybody know why this format is the same as the diamond 10 ball open a couple of weeks ago? I would think that being the predator open the format would be the same as the predator world 10 ball a couple of weeks ago??

@nicholasleow6692 - 23.09.2021 03:00

There's a clear difference in WPA ranking between these 2. So the more cool as a cucumber player won.

@richdaigle1031 - 23.09.2021 05:35

Adjust the guest mic going forward.

@and1l1em - 23.09.2021 10:04

this dude Yapp is getting better year by year..

@michaelbardeleben4519 - 23.09.2021 12:44

very great free coverage thankyou so much... I hope we get treated to a world class 8 ball tournament soon. I love 8 ball cos there are so many different variables and options and I think imho at this pro level anyways that there are not enough 8 ball events

@monkeyd.bubwit2034 - 23.09.2021 15:56

Is that Ronnie O'Sullivan commentators of that match

@raystanczak4277 - 24.09.2021 10:10

Thanks to you folks at World Billiard TV for some excellent pool! Nice presentation, interesting format—which didn’t sound appealing at first, but it works—and always appreciate knowledgeable commentators.

@gman5051 - 24.09.2021 20:46

Hi all ! I have a question for anyone , I’m relatively new to watching of these matches .. tournaments etc… is their a site that gives up to date results or a tournament board that shows how your players are doing ? Advancing.. thanks

@guymanges3628 - 25.09.2021 22:50

Thank you Warren and Aloysius

@jefferydaley1919 - 28.09.2021 12:02

Who are the commentators?

@ranilomanalo3935 - 01.10.2021 19:17

Laos kna idol dpat c itik nlang nilaban jan
