Patents: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Patents: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


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Bernard Manning
Bernard Manning - 01.07.24 21:43

unfunny nasty bully john oliver ben elton clone

@aargon3521 - 27.11.2023 19:19

This video is material for my college course, apparently you are the gold standard for information on patents.

@PercivalVI - 19.11.2023 04:27

Scratch and Lye
There are, in fact, no rules in engineering. Any material one may choose and any way to form, mix, grind, cut, or shape it can be used. Do not believe in theories such as "form follows function" or "less is more" or follow textbook formulas. Even legal licensing can be bid for or overturned. These textbook examples are only artisan tips and hide the basic roots of engineering. They will leave a person lost. Any material, any way.

@PercivalVI - 14.11.2023 09:15

On Equality Amongst Mortals "The Rat Race"
All men are definitely not created equal. This is a fallacy of democracy put into place to quash the argument and is a direct response to inequality running in a bloodline or a single race. What we are dealing with is extreme differences in both social physics and informdness over several hundred generations and possibly over several individual lifespans of potential rebirth. Social physics has to do with momentum and includes information and political secrecy and also engineering and the trading markets. Since the divine leap was made that separated modern humans from other animals a social physics has been elevating some and driving down others. There, in fact, has never been equality amongst humanity for this reason. Evidence of this exists in the gods and God himself. People who need more need more. What more could you chase after? Brrrrrrŕp. Look. I'm not chasing the alien monolith. You're chasing ME. Gods and vampires do exist and they are only seen in subtle spiritual ways. You'll be flying on a broom to the Sabbath for real. Mortal men are egocentric by nature. That is what drives progress, dangling the carrot the right way.
Dedicated to the Heroic Age of Invention
P.S. An energy station is basically an alternator hooked up to a combustion engine, or any way to rotate a spindle that breaks magnetic pull. Any magnetic energy station depends on heat, leverage, and the least amount of possible friction. Nuclear energy simply provides more heat which creates a faster spinning motion for magnetic break. If the leverage is streamlined for maximum output energy would cost less but then nobody would make money. Any explosion is simply made from trapped combustion in a similar heat equation. Sorry. Go!
P.S.S. Immortality requires time, a certain study technique, and a specific bibliography which leads to spiritual subtlety. This requires the inevitability of rebirth. Good luck.
We play for 21 to hold at 16 every time, poker to build a straight every time, or pull from the lead in at slots. Go!
Be sure and develop technology from behind historically. You'll never get anywhere charging the gates.

@Osamabahudila - 07.11.2023 04:11

هناك طرق عديدة للتسجيل. المخترع د-اسامه باهديلة

@originate2464 - 03.11.2023 06:31

A funny name for a Greek god that I saw on a t-shirt:

@maxheadrom3088 - 31.10.2023 18:35

This show is the best in American TV!

Patent trolls actually do some work - they find patents and people infringing on those patents. It's a hard job because they have to find patents that are owned by people who don't know they are being infringed upon by other companies. They produce nothing, though.

@lever.theeyeofthesource - 27.10.2023 08:22

The Reforging of Narsil
Ad Mockup To replace "Middleton Steel Works, A Family Owned and Operated Business, Since 1973"
Pythagoras says, "Check this hardness. Sink your western canines into Middleton Steel Works ^\M/^. It's a killer party every time, and we aren't just annealin', we're casting ball bearings!" (c) Copyright Protected, Hahaha 😂
-Alaric & Mutley
Free Fanta! (R) or Fanta! Free (R) and Pizza Slices! Miller (R) Beer if you're 21 or over with ID.
Cost for Reforging: $616,000
Discount: - $600,000 + Stocks

@elgracko - 18.10.2023 23:11

Did the Innovation Act pass?

@PercivalVI - 12.10.2023 15:49

Dorks, Serial Killers, and the Way "A Hudson Bay Hat"
Americans get their social life after high school from a company picnic once a year. America has created for itself an anti-social prison. The only way to resolve it is to stop selling cars and houses, disconnect electronic media, and create a more social-friendly city planning. In short, they are doomed to an existential Hell full of dorks. This is not Ancient Greece or Rome or even Medieval Europe. This is the true Goth formula and the key to its lyricism. This is where prophecy lies. It lies in the social grip and perspective. In the past, when one engineered it meant they were socially inept. Today, it is some sort of act of power.
-Palisade Bells
Uhgthvg c v

@PercivalVI - 28.09.2023 04:48

Tyrannosaurus Rex
It is no mystery that people with skills survive better. Although quality materials can be hard to get for engineering. People who can't work materials might go crazy. Stuff that in your corporate socks.
Right Guard (TM) is Satan.

@lever.theeyeofthesource - 31.08.2023 05:22

"Satisfy your desires!" -Satan

@PercivalVI - 17.08.2023 08:29

Sinking or Swimming in the Information Age "The Dawn of Laptops in 2012"
People, especially in America, may inadvertently believe that the modern media is delusional. The sad fact is that you yourselves are delusional. American media used to cater to the American workforce. In the computer age the media presents a much wider and larger possibility. You are, in a sense, no longer in a small lake or pond. The world simply had to throw you into the ocean. It is sink or swim now with the sharks. This is no "Truman Show." You either cross the gap or start to fail. The proofs that run the world are both available and presentable. Do you think you can crash an empire with the likes of Copernicus and Galileo? Good luck!
More heat equals more combustion equals more magnetic spin equals greater energy produced. What that means is either there is a new form of heat or a new form of translation in the pistons or a better frictionless part or a stronger magnetic production. Solve here the energy crisis. You are aware of how potentially dangerous that paper would be, right? Imagine every connected industry to energy all either collapsing or being forced to reorganize. That's a big potential for a World War. In the modern age a paper like that might be purchased by the industry in order to keep it quiet. Laptops only became functionally powerful enough to be worthwhile about 15 years ago. If you didn't notice the change this game is not for you.

@neilfleming2787 - 15.08.2023 06:37

is anyone surprised that there are more scumbags in the US?

@iceman7i - 26.07.2023 20:46

Did anyone in congress fix this issue?….. oh wait, I just assumed Congress does anything at all…my bad.

@Locked0Out - 15.07.2023 06:18

...I'm using pragmatus in my next DND game

@lever.theeyeofthesource - 28.06.2023 07:49

A Coke (R) with Lime at the D-Block "The Engineering Nightmare"
Hmmm. Mmmm. Good morning!
First, you find an iron ore pit full of dark grey magnetite. Then, you add it with coke and limestone in a blast furnace and separate the slag. This will give you pig iron, which has too much carbon as opposed to iron, which has too little. Then, the pig iron is smelted through oxygen, which removes the carbon content and makes it steel or carbon is added to iron at high temperatures. This is then heated, formed, and cut into usable steel products. The Ancient Greeks were the first to develop the blast furnace and went to great lengths to keep it secretive. Add in some Occult, Sacred Geometry, and linen dying and cart in some limestone to a castle site for an Iron Age castle effect. Steel produces yellow sparks while iron produces orange or red. This is how you can tell if it is steel or iron, will lose its magnetism quickly whilst steel will retain it. Steel was rare in the Iron Age but became common in the late 1800s. Recycling steel is just a matter of reheated forming, and other softer metals are easily recast in a crucible. Add various chisels, bow lathes, and wood. Mine some saltpeter from bat caves, add some sulfur, and charcoal, and hollow a tube for a rifle or gun. The rest is sand, soda ash and limestone sprinkled with metal shavings and magnetic breaks on an Archimedean wheel. Paper is just screened rag pulp and ink is candle soot, water, and binder. Plastic is just tree glue or epoxy basically. It's melted into a formed steel frame. A battery is just anything that will hold a charge. The first electric cables were run on batteries at a railroad.

@PercivalVI - 24.06.2023 00:51

Satan Shall Tell the Truth to the Nations
I love foul black Oleo! Bands are Dementors. Super hormone injection chickens and credit scams 99 cents. Irrefutable Reason! Angels are spirit guides. Free human mitosis and work labor farms. Pot heals. Weather and sports for life. Gristmill spit and city beer $200,000. Gandalf runs the NSA. Trust your neighbors. The Devil's Pandemonium is in Roswell, NM. Tobacco, 14 dollars, I pump the gas not you. Platforms and camera angles in your adaptation. Old Yeller and Kurt Vonnegut classics for classrooms. Wiccans to you all. Eden animagus. Dopamine at Golgotha to ring the gravesite bell. Fit in with friends.
Copyright ©️ Free

@paralegalerika_s6389 - 14.06.2023 21:37

I am IP Litigation paralegal. I have been to Marshall a couple of times. I missed the skating rink apparently. :(

@wedgeromewedgerome - 12.06.2023 07:35

Satan in the Ice of the Inferno
You're "moving on" like the world is fresh, huh? Let me tell a little something about those who "move on," okay? It means you have not conquered the world, yet. Do you know how boring and dull this world really is? You'll be "moving on" forever because we are literally ending judgement day until the humanity is a frozen lake because everything in the universe is known and done. The others like Satan have already seen most of it and sit around frozen. There are literally crumbs left for some. This puzzle is too dull. You plug it in right and then all the sudden your ambition is gone because there is nothing left.

@ericgraf1127 - 10.06.2023 22:49

Greed is ugly, but as humanity.
We should have some checks and balances.
Unless you actually invent something.
How do you get a patent?
That's a scam.
No other word for it.
That said.
Most lawyers are the lowest form of evolution.
In my opinion.

@MoreUkesLessNukes - 10.06.2023 08:05

Surprised he didn’t mention drug patents / the pharmaceutical industry!! One of the most evil…

@michaelhelium - 07.06.2023 21:12

8 years later, still a problem, yet this video was the highlight of my day.

@BLindsay-qj6mh - 02.06.2023 14:29

I learned about patrng trolls and nothing else from Drop Dead Diva

@ANTheWhizkid - 17.05.2023 11:05

America, the only country where you can randomly sue people with a high chance to become rich.
Of course everyone who only gets the slightest chance will do everything necessary to take advantage of it.

@lorddomigon - 24.04.2023 14:10

I am on my second assignment where I have cited this video

@dudewiththehacky - 07.02.2023 07:31

top tier journalism right here

@jamesweldon8118 - 09.01.2023 08:55

Little parrot boy

@itzyfan88 - 20.12.2022 03:07

Patents are decided by God and the patent office is 1) the messenger 2) the database

@adelepattonxxx - 11.12.2022 19:16

I still don't understand how i can be educated by great journalism about really difficult and serious issues and still laugh.
John oliver ♥

@AquaCoalaNest - 11.11.2022 11:35

In 2022 rich people just outright extort your patent.
If you are an innovator, and invested (probs a lot of credit) in your innovation, you cannot wait for decades, until you can use it. They can. Until that point "see you in court". I mean you never get to court, see you in the waiting list rather.

@TheGood747 - 01.11.2022 03:11

Great video

@Andy-gg4xw - 18.09.2022 07:22

Wow, patent trolls exist? That's cruel. I hope we find a better system against them.

@wildcard9370 - 16.09.2022 21:21

Why the f*** didn’t John Oliver have that guy draw a cat for him??

@damenwhelan3236 - 07.09.2022 17:43

Trolls lurk under the hard work of others and exploit that hard work to their benefit.

Trolls is exactly what they are.

@sarielizard1 - 01.09.2022 19:47

2022, was anything ever done about this

@elguapo1690 - 11.08.2022 01:45

So, did we fix this? No? Ah, well, that's America for you. Shame that.

@minkotter1242 - 09.08.2022 13:40

John.... You went from a worthy heir to Jon Stewart , to a shrill shill. I watch your old videos and miss this so much. Shame

@Quader417 - 30.07.2022 06:21

John was later sued over patent infringement for that song and dance

@annareads1532 - 21.07.2022 22:18

I would legit watch a “Pragmatus” movie, see this Greek hero being hilariously practical as shenanigans around him escalate to cartoonish levels.

@shermanthompson871 - 05.07.2022 08:21

Most patent lawsuits of any real value are interpreted for the defendant. This extortion is real, but new tech is a using the inability of the justice system to assign valuable penalties for stolen ideas.

@AliHSyed - 04.07.2022 16:10

This is one of the funniest episodes of LWT ever.

@spacegandalf4052 - 25.06.2022 23:22

It sucks that he doesn't even mention the main reason that things like this happen. That reason is, of course, that people SUCK.

@handlealluppercase - 25.06.2022 12:02


@frandsenphilip1 - 13.06.2022 04:14

Trial lawyers, generally, are total buttholes - and if you're a trial lawyer and don't like it, sue me.

@tesd. - 08.06.2022 22:07

I love the fact that he uses raccoons whenever he can 😂

@user-sf9gs2pg1b - 04.06.2022 06:45

I like how John Oliver has side tangents and jokes. Really keeps the attention, like this is a great channel for people with ADHD.

@PickeringSamuel - 31.05.2022 21:51

If I ran a company that helped disabled people get work, and I got sued for using my own photocopier. I would probably just kill that person then myself.

America is just a scam in disguise.
