32 Details You Likely Missed in Phantom Liberty / Cyberpunk 2077 2.0

32 Details You Likely Missed in Phantom Liberty / Cyberpunk 2077 2.0


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@stefanorodriguez2172 - 27.11.2023 08:59

Much as I love V I don’t think they will be the main character for the sequel

@SkullyB - 15.11.2023 19:06

About finding Reed before playing the dlc, there is another character you can spot and its at Kerry's quest where they all get together to play again, after the concert and on your way to walk out you can then see the character leaned next to the doorway- you can't really say anything to her or interact with her, just scan her to see info but pretty cool- Still not sure if she's supposed to be Songbird but i guess not since the design is different 🏃‍♀

@Jow-zx8nu - 10.11.2023 22:35

You can turn down all of phantom liberty by walking away in the start.

@gorefist3907 - 06.11.2023 21:56

I have a theory that V is infected with an AI during the "Rescue" mission.

Please indulge me while I rant. POTENTIAL SPOILERS.

During the "Rescue" mission to save Sandra Dorsett, V jacks into her and is infected with a virus. We all know this as V says so when waking up which leads to going to see the Ripper Vic. If you choose to not go immediately (and try to raise up the Eddies needed like I did on a alternate play through), you will see glitches every once in a while. These glitches appear more and more once you get Johnny and add more cyberware.

We of course think these glitches are because of the Relic and Johnny's engram. I now disagree with this and believe, that Silverhand's engram and the AI were both brought online at the time of V getting shot. Below is what I provide to hopefully prove my point.

Secure Your Soul Relic can only work with a body to transfer the thoughts and memories of the previous person into the body. This is why in a certain ending we do not have any issues when Saburo takes over Yorinobu's body. If it is not I, believe we end up with a person that suffers from what is perceived as multiple personalities also known as dissociative identity disorder. Where a person is unable to determine anymore what are their own thoughts and memories vs those of another person.

We see a bit of this with V and Johnny that first night. Where V is trying to take the pills, Misty gave them.

In Cyberpunk 2077 Rache Bartmoss created R.A.B.I.D.S. that caused the datakrash and took down the old Net. NetWatch put up the Blackwall in a last-ditch effort to buy time to prevent the AI from flooding any tech. As you find out in the quest "I Walk the Line" a Netwatch agent tells you it's not when the AI get through it's when.

Alt Cunningham's Soulkiller virus created what many commonly call "Digital Ghosts" in the old net. These ghosts are what the AI have used to learn the behaviors and other things that appear to be "human" or living outside the Black Wall. These AI oddly in a reverse deep dive of the net come through the wall to our side and gather information that is brought back into what is called ghost towns according to 107.3 Morrow Rock Maximum Mike, aka Mike Pondsmith.

My thought is the Skav's during "Rescue" being notoriously quick and dirty dealings had an AI in their systems that transferred to Sandra when turning off her Trauma Team, this was transferred to V with no way to return to the Black Wall. It slowly searched any and all tech V had (which isn't much at the beginning of the game) which grows after meeting with Vic, slowing down the infection process of the virus a bit.

Once V is shot all the systems come offline. Your dead right. The virus is trapped and is also dying. Relic pops online and since it's tech the virus hits it thinking it to be V, but it's different. Not the same memories, personality, and all other things that makes V different from anyone else. Thing is this isn't alive per say. We now have what the game shows us as 2 entities fighting for a body, Johnny Silverhand and V.

An AI being faster and logical without emotion realizes it needs V to survive, learn, and adapt past the black wall. Johnny/AI even states so on several occasions even as early as the dinner the next morning after coming online. Johnny Siverhand is a virus attached to the relic which is slightly verified by Panam when linking up to test the turret.

Where am I going with this rant, I haven't a clue anymore… wait yes, I do.

My theory of Johnny being an AI is also backed up by Rogue who contradicts several things Johnny says about his past. It is my thought that like today you can simply search for things that have an opinion and are not actually fact. Some say this could be Johnny is very narcissistic, which still plays on an AI assimilating the personality of Johnny.

Cyberpunk 2077 rehashes the notion that the relic is erasing who V is and replacing it with… wait a tic and a toc, isn't that the same as a virus? R.A.B.I.D.S. was a virus of military grade artificial intelligence placed into nanobot drones. Hmmm.

I think the AI like you were saying will be an overarching storyline into a sequel and I also believe those with the rings are at the core of trying to stop it.

Now that's a rant. WOW!
Curious of your thoughts if you read this lol.

@troybannister1669 - 06.11.2023 17:25

Anyone find a Bill and Ted Excellent Adventure Easter Egg, just figured Wyld Stallions would be one that would fit in perfectly with Night City

@BHrobry - 06.11.2023 14:59

If you cock up the stealth requirement in getting the car with flame Holo Ashley hired assassins to get you, it's a short gig you get through txt message. I didn't realize until after.

@kemurinokami5899 - 03.11.2023 02:20

Imagine if one day, chat gpt goes rougue 😂

@robnalexstewart2387 - 01.11.2023 18:47

TEZ!!! Very long time no see, I used to come watch your streams and chat when I could. It's good to see you putting out more great content, I will try and get over to a stream soon. I am loving the new revamp on cyberpunk and will look out for things and secrets you find!

@johnforde7735 - 29.10.2023 08:31

Reed Solomon is an error correction code that is used on things like CDs to make them tolerant to scratches etc.

@trevv2x - 27.10.2023 22:56

Also the party if you didn’t do the jitaro side gig he’s there to siting next to Miko and also at the airport during the quest Fiona is there with her prodigy athlete I think it depends how you did the gig

@kaosimian - 27.10.2023 01:44

Weldon Holt looks like a Fat Heston Blumenthal. Same glasses and everything!

@smotherytable394 - 26.10.2023 20:36

the bd gets given to you by alex after the gig where the performance happens, she says its a gift or rememberance of their first thing together

@slantedglasses7242 - 26.10.2023 18:26

"Arif Iqbal' is an arabic name and quite popular name in Indonesia. So the first time I see it, wow

@marcofreitas17 - 23.10.2023 21:30

If you pre-purchased on Xbox, you don't get Quadra. CDPR has informed us that they are checking the problem, but after a month, it's safe to assume that we won't have access to the vehicle.

@XWALKINGDEADx - 23.10.2023 06:28

Really down vote bad vid

@petersonl1008 - 20.10.2023 03:39

Hey hey hey..6th street boss man is a good guy.

@Dannyheal - 19.10.2023 20:55

They really needed a psionic dolphin in this game.
Another Wick reference is the Quadra Sport you receive in PL being named the Charon. It is the name of Lance Reddick's character in the Wicks who passed recently. I think that is my favorite Wick Easter egg since it doesn't come right out and hit you over the head with it. Unlike the gun case.

Currently doing yet another playthrough and trying to really pay attention to Reed since I am curious if they tossed in some references to The Wire that I somehow missed.

@FreeBandz658 - 19.10.2023 03:10

Funny thing with the BD alex gives you, mine was showing Hansens funeral but the dancing was still happening. I thought it was intentional for a joke but maybe it was a bug

@KoudZ - 19.10.2023 01:12

dude, I have hair like mr. Hads and sometimes even beard also. And I am certainly not called the morgan BlackHand, despite I HAVE hand in my surname....

@CameronHuff - 18.10.2023 16:44

I came across a Matrix Easter Egg (maybe others had found it, but it was new to me). I found a body that looked like it had fallen from a building. Johnny says "Oh fu*k" and when you read the shard on the body, it's the conversation that Neo and Trinity had in the first movie to get him out of the building and away from the Agents.

Very cool I thought. I'll have to look for the John Wick one now.

@Afterthought_ - 18.10.2023 07:33

CDPR is definitely setting up the fifth corporate war and rogue ai being the main events happening in the world at the time of the sequel. This can lead to a drastically changed night city which could be under martial law or something similar, with the city likely expanding outwards more into the badlands.

@Tigerbro6 - 18.10.2023 05:01

Ilusive man looking mfer

@billdow1106 - 17.10.2023 16:52

Anybody else tried electrocuting the weird junkies? I beat one with the electric gorilla arms and some crazy shit happened after. I think theyre possessed by rogue ais from beyond the blackwall. They all have the same dark circles around their eyes like so mi

@Childishxmarkeeloo - 17.10.2023 03:48

V a better person than me I would’ve risked the whole operation for Ruth dzeng

@IAmKry - 15.10.2023 04:34

Maiko doesn't seem to react no matter what at Sapphire. I've gone through that quest with a few outcome variations in Judy's questline and she just ignores me each time so far.
Also, pretty sure Gunner''s dialogue varies based on if you did the 6th side job or not, cuz I don't recall him commenting on me being a vicious murderer.

@AndorRadnai - 14.10.2023 17:44

Occupation: Bouncer
Affiliation: classified
That’s cool!

@RoxyLuffer - 13.10.2023 22:18

Charon is pronounced like Chris. Charon is the boatman over the river Styx in Hades, also Charon is Pluto's Moon.

@thedeadestchannel0989 - 13.10.2023 19:21

If you shoot up Gunners party, in the mission where you take a shot then shoot, he calls you a murdering piece of shit. I always talk shit after I beat them and the contest and the turn hostile. Then I butcher them all with sandy camo swords pistol and shotty

@rosshaikenleonen1416 - 13.10.2023 13:46

There is a car crash on a ditch near the stadium, It's someone who took a car stealing gig from muamar and fucked up big time. You can get a katana crafting spec from him.

@b.3713 - 13.10.2023 00:56

The cat on the magazine is the spitting image of Rache Bartmoss' cyborg cat named DeathWish. It had a human consciousness he downloaded from the net. Pondsmith has stated that Nibbles is a descendant of DeathWish.

@sickmit3481 - 13.10.2023 00:38

There is new Dialog if you finish Phantom Liberty (the cynosure ending) with Alt about rogue AIs behind the blackwall and that the AI´s have a sort of backdoor to their future through the Chip in Vs head. Check it out might have missed that too

@Freestyle_HD - 12.10.2023 23:35

Loving these videos man, keep it up <3

@vonGhostile - 12.10.2023 12:41

tbf, the "wick flick" is just a regular mag flick, invented god knows when.

@johnroberts838 - 12.10.2023 12:07

Thank you Tez, excellent video ,👍👍👍

@zeus0959 - 12.10.2023 09:48

I think the suspicious traveller in the airport is Songbird taking over people or as hologram form checking up on you. If you take a picture with the boxing fan that you can encounter there she talks to you as the npc/hologram way and their eyes light up blue.

@Leaninmyfanta - 12.10.2023 07:29

I never saw Miko I think it's cuz I blew her head off with guts cuz she had a loud mouth

@jamesscott857 - 12.10.2023 01:47

Morgan Blackhand and Mr. Hands now that one sparks a ton of questions

@fxrisxmxli - 11.10.2023 21:41

I hope the sequel for Cyberpunk, they would let us explore space

@bioshyn2426 - 11.10.2023 20:49

oh when you didn't do the peralez' quest you can wish holt good luck for the upcoming election
the lottery text comes as soon as you finish konpeki plaza
the flame effect is technically a headlight, if your headlight breaks it's gone, there is a mod that lets you increase headlight durability
regarding blue eyes, he is also kinda the center piece of the base game, the voodoos after all only wanted the relic to get past the blackwall, which is how that whole thing started
money is not that hard btw. just don't dismantle guns, sell them, dismantling clothes will get you enough mats and guns sell for 10 times as much easy as clothes

@rabb1tdotcom - 11.10.2023 20:24

There's also a Death Stranding baby in a case in the lab that's during the River quest line.

I didn't see the Takemura lines in PL. (Just a 'he died' response line.) Probably because he died in my playthrough. Apparently there's a way to save him during the raid? Two playthroughs and I have no idea how to do that.

You are assuming the second game will follow the first. In the first version of the pen and paper game events take place in 2020. The current/following rules are in 2045. There is a full history dating back to the 90s. They have a LOT to pull from. Also, I'd heard it was just an open world game where you did whatever until VERY late in development where they threw in the Johnny Silverhand / Keanu Reeves stuff. It's tough to imagine it without, but I wouldn't be surprised if the second game was just that, a more pure open world game where you don't have a ghost in your head.

Other reviewers have said if you nope out of the PL questline, that's pretty much it. I'd assume you still have the zone and things like random gigs, but the majority of the DLC is apparently blocked if you nope out. (Which is mind boggling it would be a permanent choice for the character like that.)

@dontwannabeahero1570 - 11.10.2023 18:27

I dont think this really counts as a small detail but
when finishing off the chimera, theres a unique animation for each bit of arm cyberwear
mantis blades will stab the core
gorrila arms will grab it and rip it out

ive yet to see what PLS and Monowire do though

@paultatum2114 - 11.10.2023 17:31

You can set the Chimera Core down on the desk AFTER creating one of the mods as well.

@jaylarkin4331 - 11.10.2023 17:20

I see characters that look like mine all the time
