Disadvantages of Will Trusts

Disadvantages of Will Trusts

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@ug1166 - 31.03.2021 22:14

I am a Trust & Estate Practitioner based in the UK. I must admit you do explain very well on all your videos and the advice is good and correct -Thank you

@williamkz - 03.07.2022 08:52

Nicely presented thanks. Much appreciate the blue text box summaries. Keeps the bullet points clear.

@consciouscitizen6211 - 08.02.2023 15:14

Thank you, very helpful.

@lottie6929 - 15.10.2023 16:19

Brilliant explanation of the matter. Would like to know what type of trusts can be life trusts? Any videos you would suggest to watch? Thank you

@shellski2001 - 13.11.2023 04:11

can you set up a lifetime trust for anyone? for example I have no children, but want to leave parts of my estate to my brother and my nephew. Can I set them up for those, or does it have to be children and grandchildren?

@helensmith8007 - 13.11.2023 19:55

Im due to marry my partner who owns his house outright, we have a daughter, its both our wishes that the house is left to her should anything happen to my partner after we marry, I'm willing to sign a prenuptial contract but thats going to cost thousands, am i right in thinking he can make a trust will for her to inherent the house n not leave me the house, but also states in the will im to stay in the property with her and look after it for her until she of age, some feed back would be great thanks

@eweandlamb - 21.02.2024 12:30

My mother set up a lifetime trust solely for my elder brother. When she died I handled probate and was hit by a £5000 (£350000 estate) charge by the solicitor to obtain the money in that trust. Also some of us do not have a million in assets and approaching our 80’s so surely some of these arguments don’t apply in the same way. I appreciate the points you were putting across but I would rather have seen a more even handed approach, even though it would not help your business. I have found in life it is very rarely black and white in these situations.
