ОтветитьFood is responsible only for your 10% of your cholesterol, most it comes from your own body. Food by itself won’t
do any miracles.
Thank you!❤
ОтветитьHDL is also bad cholesterol? That means not all this food are meant to be taking for specific diagnosis.
ОтветитьThank you for this video!
You saved my life!❤😊
ОтветитьMa'am for fatty fish, what about white snapper, is it safe to eat
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ОтветитьGreat Video
ОтветитьUse more graphic pics in videos as you used other videos
ОтветитьOkra; avocado,apple,eggplant,barley, fatty fish, oats,flaxseeds, dark chocolate,soya,nuts,garlic,beans,berries, chai seeds, kale,olive oil,grape fruit,quinoa,shiitake mushrooms,spinach, cinnamon,pomegranate,