May 21, 1951, was a defining moment in the history of Pakistan. It is the day when Pakistan established formal diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of China. Over the past seven decades, our bilateral ties have grown from strength to strength and reached a pinnacle that finds few parallels in the modern history of inter-state relations. As iron brothers, we have always stood by each other in the most trying times. Our relationship has become an "all-weather strategic cooperative partnership." Connected by geography, history, and Asian identity, the ancient linkages between Pakistan and China predate the establishment of formal ties. Since times immemorial, many Chinese monks and ascetics like Faxian and Xuanzang braved the treacherous mountains of the Great Himalayas and arrived at the famous Buddhist seminaries of Pakistan and learned the traditions and teachings of Buddhism. The first highest-level official contacts between former prime minister Mohammad Ali Bogra and premier Zhou Enlai, during the Bandung Conference in 1955, led to the deepening of our ties and paved the way for the visits of prime minister Hussain Shaheed Suharwardi and premier Zhou to China and Pakistan. However, the signing of the boundary agreement between the two countries in 1963 became a significant landmark that built greater trust and provided a solid foundation for forging a closer partnership. Soon after, our national flag-carrier, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), became the first airline of a non-Communist country to begin flights to China.
Towering Chinese leaders such as Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou played a crucial role in strengthening our ties. Similarly, successive generations of leaders and people of both Pakistan and China made invaluable contributions to strengthen our ironclad relations. Over seven decades we have proudly built our unshakeable relationship around the principles of mutual trust, mutual support, and mutual understanding.
Pakistan facilitated the now-famous secret visit of the then US national security advisor Henry Kissinger to Beijing in 1971 which became a harbinger of rapprochement between the US and China and later changed the course of history. Collectively braving the rigors of the Cold War and the complex geopolitical environment, our cooperation expanded with multilateral institutions and Pakistan became a supporter for the restoration of the seat of the People's Republic of China at the UN in 1971. The two countries support each other on issues of their core interests. Pakistan adheres to the one-China principle and supports China on issues such as Xinjiang, Hong Kong, South China Sea, Taiwan, and Tibet. China has stood by Pakistan in supporting our key strategic, economic, and developmental priorities. China has played an important role in supporting Pakistan's just and principled position on the Jammu and Kashmir situation, underscoring that the dispute is an "objective fact established by the UN charter, relevant Security Council resolutions and bilateral agreements between Pakistan and India." Beijing has also underlined that "any unilateral change to the status quo in the Kashmir region is illegal and invalid." Pakistan has also firmly backed China's position on the Boundary Question between China and India, thereby becoming a supporter of legitimate causes fostering regional peace and stability.
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