Many of us working in the anti-violence movement are survivors and come to this work wanting to make a change, often without expectation to “get rich” or have great benefits. The low wages, high turnover, and the ever-demanding work culture of the anti-violence movement create workplaces that often do not foster healing and support for survivor employees.
We believe in a world where working in the anti-violence movements means you can make a living wage, and care for yourself and your family. Our question remains, how do we make this world a reality?
Historically, labor unions have been a tool used by workers to advocate for living wages, close gender and racial wage gaps, and improve working conditions. Join us to hear from Jannine Masoud, Kiki Montero-Reyes, and Jerame Davis - they have led union efforts in their workplace, advocated for higher wage and better work conditions, and supported LGBTQ+ folks in the workplace. We will be sharing about how to get the conversations started at your workplace, the lessons learned, and the importance of care and inclusion within our union efforts.