Insurgency: Sandstorm - Honest Review

Insurgency: Sandstorm - Honest Review


1 год назад

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Марлен Нурмаков
Марлен Нурмаков - 05.09.2022 19:39

I'd say one of the worst things is how devs (don't) evolve the game. Updates are slow and far apart and introduce very few content and rarely game changing mechanics.This does not attract new players. It's a shame they cut competitive mode.

Ronin - 24.09.2023 14:46

Get a life bro get a job

Delmus "Wu-Tang" Broadnax - 18.09.2023 07:55

I pretty much only play solo so the only things that really annoy me is the weird hand placement on the welrod when you run and the m1 garands rifle grenades magically spawning back in when you switch back to normal ammo. Also how scopes sometimes glitch and are either not there or just a wall

Nicholas Matthews
Nicholas Matthews - 18.08.2023 20:57

Bought game pass for the first time yesterday just so I could try this game. I am impressed! The sound design is incredible and it’s fun to play a more grounded shooter that isn’t full milsim

I’m Just Me
I’m Just Me - 16.07.2023 09:50

They Fail by making it a 1st person only game.
It’s why I like the Ghost Recon series so much better.

Jason Davis
Jason Davis - 28.06.2023 20:40

I just found out it was released for consoles and have been playing it for only a week, but damn this is the most fun Iv had playing FPS since battlefield 4

Canadian Reaper
Canadian Reaper - 22.06.2023 08:11

Great video! I only partially disagree with one part: the rogue spec ops mask may look unrealistic and ridiculous, but it was worn by Iraqi SOF, so it’s more realistic than the Softshell jacket with rolled-up sleeves.

Kristian Kappen
Kristian Kappen - 07.06.2023 01:01

All bad things aside its still a very fun game to play

konna - 22.05.2023 05:56

i used to enjoy this game, but recently i have not because nowadays i fell like i cant hear walking footsteps at all. yes you shouldnt be able to hear somebody when they are sneaking but you should be able to hear somebody walking right next to you or in the next room like you used to in this game.

Pazij - 16.05.2023 20:09

Bro, the ringing ears started when the grenade exploded by you not from the .50

Tommy Jommy
Tommy Jommy - 12.05.2023 11:34

For me, 42 years of age and only have 2 our in week time to play its just frustrating. Low level, you die the whole time. I didnt see anything, just die
Its a game for kids without a life

ALEXonYT - 09.05.2023 03:57

I’m so interested in this game but idk if I should buy it

Jeff Bourke
Jeff Bourke - 15.04.2023 12:54

Are there many cheaters though?

Nelson Jackson
Nelson Jackson - 06.04.2023 08:38

Very much worth playing in 2023

Nuno Sousa
Nuno Sousa - 05.04.2023 17:22

Just bought it half price

Ricardo Rodrigues 777
Ricardo Rodrigues 777 - 31.03.2023 12:41

From 0 to 10, how much does this game compare to MW2?

T- -W
T- -W - 27.03.2023 17:58

Nobody uses the pickup correctly. It’s not for rushing, it’s for very mobile support.

Sunshine Skystar
Sunshine Skystar - 23.03.2023 12:17

I wish they continue on their one of the dev's single player project "underhell". it's one of the most satisfying gunplay in a source mod around but the dev abandoned it once he got accepted into NWI.

MrBaconChops - 20.03.2023 01:12

this is an amazing and underrated game, you wont be disappointed in your purchase

G G - 18.03.2023 22:40

I just started playing, and man, it's such a potentially amazing game. No bs straight strategy. I can see how it leaves you a bit wanting though.

Markypoo - 17.03.2023 06:51

I found this on xbox today thought it was only on pc lmao fml

Łukasz Matuszak
Łukasz Matuszak - 11.03.2023 13:58

The best FPS for me.

Ben Barthelemy
Ben Barthelemy - 07.03.2023 20:40

GameStop give it one star rating

LoveThyNeighbor - 04.03.2023 21:49

superior to MW in every regard

Emperor Leader
Emperor Leader - 26.02.2023 23:31

Ever since I started playing Sandstorm I've avoided PVP at all costs, I think I've only played between 3-5 games and I hardly enjoyed any of them, the PVP parts of the playerbase seems to be filled with fail trolls and really strange edgelords, PVE though is amazing for me, getting off COD I was used to some insanely weak PVE experiences and with Sandstorm, it pulled me out of the mud and put me on the clouds, I honestly think it's my favorite game just cause of the PVE.

Mike Ditka
Mike Ditka - 20.02.2023 05:04

It gets boring Real Fast. If they expanded on it to make more game modes and larger maps with more players they will nail it......Until then it's pretty basic and bland no matter how you cut it.

TheBeeMan - 18.02.2023 18:17

Once an arabic man was talking in a high pitched voice saying “you smell how my poop looks” before laughing. This guy would not stop repeating it. Funniest thing to happen

Hot Blooded Demon
Hot Blooded Demon - 18.02.2023 12:14

Is vs addbot available in game modes of this game?

Ke Lw
Ke Lw - 16.02.2023 22:53

What happened to compettetive?

Demale - 11.02.2023 22:10

If this game had ranked game mode with actual ranks that mean something and some actual rewards for progression, it would be the best first person shooter, other wise, it's very fun, but I get tired of it pretty fast

probably not an Agent
probably not an Agent - 11.02.2023 17:32

As a man who frequently fired the m107, can confirm that the sound design is spot on. First shots not bad. 2nd takes your lunch money. Eeeeeeeeeee

Chadlynx Gaming
Chadlynx Gaming - 10.02.2023 02:39

The game overall graphics, smoothness, gameplay is awesome. But unfortunately the game is dead, the community is toxic… The fact that it only takes one bullet to kill you, people will camp every game. Sometimes the whole server will camp… lacking fun , run & gun. Briefly people will camp unimaginable spots that you’ll have to learn and preFire those spots before entering objectives. If you want my opinion this game is not worth full price for PC gamers mostly because you’ll join the same two games over and over again since the player count committed suicide. I believe that console players will have a better experience since they have no aim assist. Buy this game when it’s on sale. I’ve got (1000+ hours on this game)

Kentucky - 08.02.2023 06:42

I would like to say, this is not my type of game. Too many open maps, limited customization, lack of updates, mediocre cosemtics, and toxic community

God Killer
God Killer - 06.02.2023 06:22

One small issue for me that annoys me is the fact you can’t hear the spent brass hit the ground on console version. Nothing that ruins the game just a small detail I love in video games. Makes gunfights so much more immersive.

Santoroz - 05.02.2023 00:08

Ringing of ears is kind of stupid if you consider nobody deploys with a 50 in real life without ear pro.

123 456
123 456 - 28.01.2023 20:05

I love how game reviews include good humour

WORLD OF SLEEPERS - 26.01.2023 16:04

The only thing I don't like is the spawn system and just need more maps

British Guy
British Guy - 24.01.2023 18:49

I understand the skins, yet atleast they aren't fornite dances that are coming to squad.

FatherCrowley - 23.01.2023 23:17

Getting this game tomorrow, honestly after watching this my views are better than before, I got a really good headset so sound design is gonna blow my head off. Graphics look good and now that I know the guns recoil ain't bad I feel happy, especially ttk. Thanks for the help man!

R-UBBERD-UCK🇺🇸 - 22.01.2023 13:30

I have a deep love for Insurgency.. but god damnit stop making us play in a tiny area on these MASSIVE maps.. we need a 20v20 or something like that. Objectives being fought over all across the map, all at once.

d silverleaf
d silverleaf - 22.01.2023 05:16

No it's not. It's old. The graphics r dated. The gunplay is a far cry from smooth. And the maps dude. 🤮

RealAxm3d - 21.01.2023 23:26

Is this like Squad but in BF style?

Gung Ho
Gung Ho - 20.01.2023 22:35

Lol… the .50 doesn’t make anyone’s ear ring.. that was an explosion that made dudes ears ring in the vid..

Shooter gang 216
Shooter gang 216 - 19.01.2023 20:57

Update it I love this game but it’s in bad need of a update

Condor Gaming
Condor Gaming - 19.01.2023 20:49

Thinking about buying this when I get paid tomorrow. Is it worth it? Like do a decent amount of people still play online?

Papa Pete
Papa Pete - 18.01.2023 12:58

I used to play this game day in and day out. I've been playing Insurgency since the original. I quite Sandstorm about a year ago just because how awful the direction of the game went. The immersion and realism went out the door when you have guys running around in clown costumes. It's just ridiculous and I couldn't look past it.

Lesko Brandon
Lesko Brandon - 18.01.2023 03:17

This game is amazing on Xbox. Absolutely amazing

sean fitzgerald
sean fitzgerald - 17.01.2023 07:45

Just started playing on the last gen Xbox. Even with it's problems, I can't say I've experienced a more thrilling shooter.

Rudundant Fresh
Rudundant Fresh - 14.01.2023 03:45

this is kinda nit picky but the m1 garand is not pronounced like grand its pronounced like gair-rand
