MAID | Official Teaser | Netflix

MAID | Official Teaser | Netflix


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@alexpuchala - 01.02.2024 01:03

Great trailer

@mhnoni - 21.01.2024 04:26

Spoiler ahead:
The comment section makes Alex sound like an angel, she was part of the problem, I say takes 40% percent of the fault here, the father tried to be better, and he did, he took a new job, started working on double job, but all she did is sending a mixed signal and false hope to him, she planned to go to another city with his daughter without even telling the father, that's not right at all, he is the father after all, you are taking someone's father away for the good of the child but you are forgetting the child perspective, a child needs bother father and the mother. she will never be ok when one of the parents is missing from the picture.
I'm not saying the father wasn't at fault since he was, I blamed him 60% here but not 100%.
Let's not even forget about how she treated Nate, she never treated him well, she just used him, there was a scene when we saw how he never paid attention to Nate when he was talking to him and she was obsessed with Sean. or inviting guys to Regina's house when she trusted the house to her.
I wish we had this show from the father's perspective. I felt sorry for both of them. but the most is for the child, a tragedy of nice people living in toxic relationships and the life was hard on them, especially Alex. but I'm glad It had a good ending and they ended it, there is no good future for such a relationship.

@rosnahmohd9326 - 21.12.2023 18:10

The best ever

@darknesshunter4476 - 21.12.2023 15:58

one of the best series ❤️

@jayjaytr1849 - 20.12.2023 22:32

This show really made me feel less alone similar to her struggles I felt it all, I knew exactly what she was feeling. Moral of the story in the end you really just have yourself to fall back on make sure it’s strong enough to hold your weight.

@josema56 - 01.12.2023 02:16

Hermosa peli ella me encanto …la historis en fin toda la peli y ella principalmente hermosa chica y sencilla❤

@bindiyaagnihotri203 - 27.11.2023 12:18


@calcontakemeaway9069 - 16.11.2023 02:41

Just finished season 1. Wow. What a story. I loved every minute of it. I as a single mother related so much. Thank you for creating this

@sujata831 - 04.11.2023 08:48

please let us know when is season 2 release date

@azisindratangara5384 - 03.11.2023 06:23

Aku harus ngomong apa?

@brooklynxxx4222 - 19.10.2023 03:15

such a good show but omg i cried every 20 minutes.. my mom went through the EXACT thing she struggled so bad.. she slept in her car, she slept outside, she did anything for work also while still trying to keep me and my brother happy. she would barely eat, could barely feed us.. she lost custody of us.. did anything to get us back but couldn’t because she just wasn’t stable.. she struggled and struggled until she just couldn’t take it anymore and she cut her life short just last year🥺 and what makes it worst, is her last job was a custodian where she would clean. this show hurts, and strikes my heart so damn bad but it’s so good..

@AS-wd5et - 08.10.2023 19:56

If I had watched the trailer before the series I would have not watched the series. This is a very good series about domestic violence.

@Luisa_961 - 08.10.2023 16:26

Никогда не сдавайся, несмотря ни на что ☽︎

@cat_catcat - 05.10.2023 18:50


@kristenfuller9168 - 29.09.2023 10:58

Just finished watching this on Netflix made it through the whole series. And I have been emotionally abused before back in high school he didn't hit me know. He made me cry made me depressed. It reminded me of cuz he was controlling. At least I didn't marry him and I didn't have kids with him.

@elpidasophiaagapetc3127 - 16.09.2023 21:53

as realidades são tão difetentes... nos filmes tudo acaba bem ( sempre quando é filme americano) ,mas na realidade vc convive com pessoas que também se aproveitam desta vulnerabilidade. pobr3 nem sempre é o vulnerav3l .
entre os ricos também é assim ,mas como é uma realidade pequena e quase inacessível, pessoas fora dela não conseguem ter a dimensão do que é ,a convivência e o preço que se paga em manter tanto dinheiro ( por isso fantasiam tanto, é mais fácil e suportável).
não adianta achar que a realidade desta mãe é a de todas ,pq se não, vira rotulagem . têm crianças que sofrem,tem pais que muitas vezes viram esta mãe daí ,tem mulheres que nem filhos teriam condições psicológicas ( com ou sem dinheiro) .
é ótimo podermos ver finais e transformações que dêem certo,pq na Vida isso quase nunca acontece.

@Juwayriyyah-Noor - 12.09.2023 00:06

Is this based on a book

@evangelinacamargo895 - 09.09.2023 16:34

Me encantó,me sentí muy identificada en muchas cosas, adoré y también,en muchas partes, largue el llanto 😭, hermosa y muy real

@__knull6554 - 08.09.2023 05:20

Just a rant:
I despise people who hire maids. If you purchased a house too big enough for you to clean yourself, then you shouldn’t even have the house. yes I get it, you’re helping them. Increase the pay, to give stability to their finances. They didn’t come to America just to clean shit stains out your toilet just because you’re too grossed out by your own bodily discharge. Of course there are companies specializing in home services. Just something I witnessed growing up that made me hate the idea.

@trufflezerenkitty - 31.08.2023 14:07

One of the best series Netflix has ever given.

@Boonyaist - 29.08.2023 00:47

low quality

@imaeachu1 - 16.08.2023 07:01

Sobbed way harder that I should have through this series. It stuck with me in the weirdest of ways. I understand why now. Dec 2021 in the middle of the night, I ran away from my abusive ex of 6 years

@pathosderdistanz9341 - 15.08.2023 11:20

I cannot give it more than 3 stars as it has lots of stupid behaviors and situations they put.
Especially when the Maid found a strange movement in the woods she just goes there without nothing on her hands.
So many absurd things to pinpoint that it shows either the writer or director's 'not-that-being-careful-of-details'.
'Best-selling memoir'? It doesn't prove any quality. It's just a pitiful soap to its core.

@motulifelikefigures1987 - 13.08.2023 09:37

So no conflict? Please tell me there is one, i am at episode 3 and bored to death. Dont know why this series is such a praise.

@carolesavoie5516 - 11.08.2023 12:54

I binged watched this I have 2 episodes left . I love it . I feel the emotions as sad . Happy , frustration along with the main character. I’m hoping there’s more to come . ❤❤❤❤

@pragatipandey9271 - 05.08.2023 10:27

Hands down one of the BEST series I have ever watched

@awesomealie8179 - 01.08.2023 15:06

The Maid is a series for women who are lazy and thinks their partner is abusive. The reason why her partner was mad is because she didn't clean the house or wash dishes but then when she left she is so happy to do that to other people. Weird. Kinda dumb how they call this series maid. If she has been living with this guy for that ling and just take care of her kid that's laziness. She expects him to pay bills while she just stay home be a couch potatoes and act as a victim if partner tells her to do stuff. What a queen!
For all the ladies out there, it takes two to make a home. If your man is working hard paying bills, be a support and make him food and clean the dumb house. Taking care of one kid is not that hard. This whole thing started because the man got fed up from her just freeloading. Even if this bitch is your kid, I would like her to do chores around the house.

@rebornshoebag - 28.07.2023 22:15

Perfect series ❤❤❤
I need more seasons of maid

@pavanpatil5293 - 27.07.2023 22:59

👌👏👍 writer, director, actor

@akaDarya - 15.07.2023 04:16

Just finished watching it and I am tears.

@layla8604 - 11.07.2023 06:40

When I tell you this show made me cry so much. The way Alex cares and loves her daughter is how every mother should be. I cried so much while watching and finishing this show.

@moseskimoseski - 09.07.2023 01:48

This tv show just shows how we are products of our upbringing and the cycle can continue for generations until one brave Alex breaks the cycle through rational decision making and being persistent

@shanonw1936 - 03.07.2023 12:14

Amazing show one of the best I've seen in a long time ❤

@issemxfi - 02.07.2023 00:26

The usual nepotism from Hollywood... no talent here.... just a stupid useless anorexic ho

@MrAdrianVincent - 01.07.2023 02:40

Awards for everyone, it is brilliant and brave. Margaret Qualley, Andie McDowell, Nick Robinson and Anika Noni Rose - each should get an award!! Beautifully drawn characters with actors giving us full dimensions. Bravo!

@killerb.5606 - 27.06.2023 21:53

SS2 please

@yvonaj3493 - 18.06.2023 21:16

This show was really touching. I almost can't believe that it's not full of some propaganda like most series on Netflix

@RockyUgsod - 18.06.2023 18:26

The Best Series I saw, and Margaret is a great actress.

@slaptwin7867 - 11.06.2023 07:56

bad decisions and gets bailed out every last one of them

@lutaayam - 10.06.2023 16:36

I'm on the second episode. Still not getting what all the rave reviews are about

@Vash610 - 10.06.2023 09:26

I trusted the comments here and gave this show a shot. It's not what you think. Learned a lot about how parents action can affect a child even when they're young. Amazing show give it a shot!

@benjaminbeudard628 - 08.06.2023 17:01

the American Film Institute named it one of the ten best television programs of 2021.[5]

@annadrew4 - 08.06.2023 15:25

I can relate so much to this story. My current partner is emotionally abusing me. My mom doesn't understand me and even advices me to f*cking marry him! She also abused me when I was a child. I don't know where to go with my daughter. I don't have any degree, and I feel so guilty that I didn't build a stable career before having a child. I was 20 years old when I had my daughter. I worked a few months ago, but I was kicked out of my job place. Since then I have searched like crazy for a job. But I also have my daughter and I can't work a minunium of 8 or 10 hours. If I would have someone to watch her, I will work even 12 hours per day. I am preparing right now to start studying English Language and English Literature. But I have to wait a bit because I am a foreigner in not my native country. I also like to read and write. In fact I have some sketches. Sometimes I feel like maybe it was better if I wasn't born. I hate my curent life.
I hope one day I will win. Just like Alex.

@gi9547 - 07.06.2023 03:10

Does anyone know any series like this one??

@aligmal5031 - 06.06.2023 09:04

great show but felt a little bit manipulative they don't show good sides of sean and the dad as if their own struggles doesn't matter like Alex or the other women and Alex said she was emotionally abused the entire show but in the last ep she emotionally abused her father to make him testify against sean with some BS does that not count ? why does Alex give unlimited chances for her flawed mom but not her dad who she saw nothing bad from him at all unlike her mom who cause her trouble all the time?
the show make us see Alex perspective all the Time but not one time did they shown us Sean struggles at work with his double shifts at work or the fact that we was working 2 jobs when Alex came back to him they didn't even bother to show one meeting of his addiction recovery but only show the meetings that alex and the other women go to ? the story is about flawed ppl who all share the same goal and that is protecting Maddy the little girl but it focused only on Alex and the Mom imo

@yojjjyoj1116 - 02.06.2023 23:20

I thought Alex was insane like her mom

@MrMuseta - 02.06.2023 19:59

I wouldn mind if there isnt a second season, this one was completly awsome, and leaves you thinking the kind of future they were about to have in Missoula

@joeltorres518 - 02.06.2023 18:53

Wtf she pisses me off. Defend yourself dammit!!! 😢😢😢

@_A4A - 31.05.2023 12:08

Just binge watched this show over 2 days!... It is so well written, the acting of every character is spot on and the videography really pulled it all together. I'm definitely buying the entire series, this is a must see series and a very heartfelt one at that!.... 💯💯💯

@starlightsprinter - 29.05.2023 10:52

I'm a guy and after a long week I just watched this on Sunday, cried at the end of EP 10. Great acting all around and story is so heartbreaking for all DV victims out there.
