What happened with the AstraZeneca vaccine? - BBC News

What happened with the AstraZeneca vaccine? - BBC News

BBC News

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data709 - 15.06.2023 01:24


NightOwl Games
NightOwl Games - 28.04.2023 17:43

Dont say we didnt warn you.

Nathalie Grieves
Nathalie Grieves - 22.04.2023 16:37

Nothing wrong with AstraZeneca.

peter downey
peter downey - 12.04.2023 13:45

Well, this just about sums up The BBC and also Ross Atkins. How do they stand on this now?
What's interesting for me, is the truths that come out here. But they are ones that can justifiably be thrown back in the faces of The BBC and the mass media in general. Politicisation, indeed, has been a factor over the last 3 years. What about Hydroxychloroquine? The BBC's 'Disinformation Department', which has been a busy bee on this. I'm not sure whether it was Marianna Springer or Chloe Hadjimatheou that was responsible for the 'fake news' story on HXQ. A report that had the wonderful nudge and wink link with Donald Trump. So much energy used to defame a drug that was dirt cheap and safe - knowledge based on years of use. Oh, and demonising the many doctors who said it worked.
And yet, when it was announced, not long afterwards, that a trial published in The Lancet and The New England Journal concluding that HXQ was dangerous was not just bad but a fraud, where were the Beeb? Where was our Marianna and our Chloe? Nowhere to be found.
And what about the Russian Sputnik vaccine? Pow! As soon as it was known about The BBC was criticizing it for not having passed through sufficient trials (Hello? AZ, Pfizer, Moderna? Isn't that exactly what happened with their offerings. All dumped on the market without sufficient trials.)
Goodness gracious me, Ross, what are you like?

Bess - 23.03.2023 15:23

Sad really because it worked well in people ...

Jamie C
Jamie C - 22.03.2023 03:35

still safe yeah? what has happeded to the vaccine then

Leroi LaPue
Leroi LaPue - 26.01.2023 18:02

The convoluted BS is getting so ridiculous how can anyone still believe in covid or the government? Smh

Chuck Itaway
Chuck Itaway - 22.01.2023 10:30

They want u to take the whacky mRNA one..

💚The Sapphic Leo💗
💚The Sapphic Leo💗 - 14.01.2023 08:19

Also was never vegan, especially while tested on animals in their labs?

💚The Sapphic Leo💗
💚The Sapphic Leo💗 - 14.01.2023 08:18

Good job Africa in not allowing this and if targeting bl*ck and marginalized people?

💚The Sapphic Leo💗
💚The Sapphic Leo💗 - 14.01.2023 08:17

The one Matt Handcock supposedly exchanged money with, to some "friend" in a pub, before being outted with his pants down, by Dominic Cummings?

vAnara - 04.01.2023 14:09

This vacine has now also been withdrawn from the UK as of late 2022...(lol)

Robin Sattahip
Robin Sattahip - 29.12.2022 20:20

Pfizer vaccine causes your penis to shrink, pass it on.

Robin Sattahip
Robin Sattahip - 29.12.2022 20:17

American pressure to buy Pfizer?

Proverbs - 20.11.2022 15:48

😂 that’s why my black ass didn’t take that shit. I knew it was coming sage and effective bullshit

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith - 16.10.2022 20:35


Choi Angus
Choi Angus - 28.08.2022 11:06

It is good

Restless dj
Restless dj - 07.08.2022 01:46

Thr real problem is people are too scared to question the injection don’t poison ur body !!!! Please

hcw199 - 30.07.2022 05:54

Kasey turner died 2 weeks after taking it. In Manchester UK.

Edward Mcloughlin
Edward Mcloughlin - 28.07.2022 10:53

I’ve been bed ridden since Astra Zeneca vaccination.

J L - 21.07.2022 02:44

This AstraZeneca caused me to suffer multiple blood clots in both lungs, was told following a CT scan and that I will die. What did my GP and NHS do to help?

Took me off their care and now each day I struggle to breath

Pireu - 13.07.2022 00:11

m-a anprumuta si pe mn cineva cu 2 bete ca am lasa-to pe una cu burta la gura si nush csf , ajutor va rog

Kareenah - 10.06.2022 05:54

This is all about money. Astrazeneca is bad for business so what do you do. Paint it Black so people hate it and boom Pfizer is everyone's good meal🙄

ctwatcher - 15.05.2022 20:39

It made a mom pass out and her child died in the bath. Working on all your addresses, make sure your kids still live and know what all of you did. You are a hate crime. Life in prison.

Nisa Chumnantrakul
Nisa Chumnantrakul - 14.05.2022 17:42

Vaccine development has become safer and more efficient nowadays. Healthcare infrastructures have to be more advanced in order to restore the well-being of people and the resumption of normalcy in people's livelihood.

C games
C games - 24.04.2022 15:36

Hướng dẫn đàn bài bethoven virus đi ạ

jack mehoff
jack mehoff - 19.04.2022 01:38

ở nhà xem hài là bao vui

Roy BPM - 17.04.2022 18:55

Giọng hát của ah Đức phúc hát đúng tâm trạng hay quá

Josephine Trebbien
Josephine Trebbien - 16.04.2022 10:37

Em chúc chị soi sáng tết vui vẻ ạ ♥♥♥❤❤❤️

Kaijuus - 25.03.2022 06:02

How many shares of AZ does BBC own?

meux meux meux
meux meux meux - 14.03.2022 06:47

All these people complicit in forcing it on people need to be publicly shamed.
The politicians should be on trial for crimes against humanity.

Ryan David-Joseph Sauvageau
Ryan David-Joseph Sauvageau - 06.03.2022 09:54


Ryan David-Joseph Sauvageau
Ryan David-Joseph Sauvageau - 06.03.2022 09:54


Tony Ally
Tony Ally - 27.12.2021 09:46

Let's go Brandon and let's go AstraZeneca blood clots

David Phan
David Phan - 13.12.2021 01:10

AZ vac was non profit so not safe for their pockets

anonymous human
anonymous human - 04.12.2021 20:03

I am suing AZ now

anonymous human
anonymous human - 04.12.2021 19:44

Stop deleting my comments please.

Free speech is important.

Mapas Ilustrados
Mapas Ilustrados - 30.09.2021 04:01

And time has proven that our BBC friends aren't right. Astrazeneca isn't that great, and percentage of people vaccinated in Europe now are wider than the UK. Conclusion: are we talking BREXIT again? XD

108 movies channel
108 movies channel - 17.08.2021 17:52


Make my body MAGNETIC

Robin Sattahip
Robin Sattahip - 16.08.2021 17:15

Pfizer/Moderna stand to make billions off this disease, it can be expected they will try to sabotage the not for profit alternative.

TrpManne - 31.07.2021 11:42

My main problem is that the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) stated Pfizer is recommended for my age group. I’m 32, however the Australian government has changed its tune & want everyone to get AstraZeneca vaccine, even though they know full well that there’re blood clot risks for younger people taking it. It’s pure negligence & no care for our wellbeing. They have low supply of Pfizer & heaps of AstraZeneca, it’s like they’re trying to get rid the AstraZeneca supply ASAP while putting us at risk in the process. As far as I’m concerned Pfizer is the recommended vaccine so that shall be the vaccine I may take. Screw the government!

TVPeople - 15.07.2021 12:19

The best tool is Vaccines

Sushil Barua
Sushil Barua - 10.07.2021 21:04

Bubb shadow

Sushil Barua
Sushil Barua - 10.07.2021 21:04

Bubble vacci

Ashim Todo
Ashim Todo - 29.06.2021 10:27

Astrazeneca is an English made vaccine and can't trust English.

K Dogg
K Dogg - 20.06.2021 18:28

Toxic pharmaceutical drugs are there to damage you. Doctors need you to be sick to earn lots of money. They will always tell you to drink alcohol in moderation even if you're sick &on prescription drugs, dangerous advice as alcohol enhances side effects. Alcohol is a toxic drug, poisonous, and cancerous. Big Corporations (GM Food, alcohol etc), the Government &the medical industry all want you to be sick and destroy your health!! See a naturopath/functional medicine practitioner for digestive and other health issues and you will be healed!

Jane Kennaway
Jane Kennaway - 18.06.2021 10:12

Macron.... bout dehors

Rahman Hassan
Rahman Hassan - 01.06.2021 07:33

My wife said it is better to die of blood clot than to die from covid 19, she is still alive.

Rahman Hassan
Rahman Hassan - 01.06.2021 07:29

EU like EU produced one only may not like UK produced one.I have been vaccinated using astra zeneca, no problem encountered so is all in the family, the nurse told it is safe .

Karilaksa - 26.05.2021 15:02

Let the idiots die of covid-19. This is a natural selection process to eliminate the degenerated scums.
