Top 5 Centerpiece Fish for your small to medium sized Community Aquarium.

Top 5 Centerpiece Fish for your small to medium sized Community Aquarium.

Aquarium Co-Op

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Matt Byne
Matt Byne - 22.09.2023 22:17

Would a 70cm 100L (22gal) tank be suitable for a pair of Bolivian Rams?

Zarathustra - 19.08.2023 01:01

Dude... never put an angelfish alone in a tank. I'm surprised you don't seem to know this

Transcyberism - 16.08.2023 23:55

Cory, I heard that bettas like to nip mystery snails and eat their feelers. I want a betta for my 10gal community tank, but I love my mystery snail and his long pretty tentacles. Is this true? Should I go for a honey gourami or something instead?

SNAKEWCUE - 03.08.2023 18:37

Currently have a fishtank with a powder blue gourami, with four tetras, Kuhli Loach, three Cory’s and none of them have bugged each other-
Edit: The tetras “”bully”” the gourami and steal his food sometimes. 🤣

heaven - 03.07.2023 07:36

I've kept bettas for years, both wild and domestic, long finned and plakats and I've never had luck with them being with other fish. They either get picked on or they show intense untenable aggression towards other fish. Both situations become impossible. If you want to "try it out" I would only recommend it if you have a tank waiting for them should it not work out. Having a community tank that is causing duress to your fish will not only hurt or kill them but make you miserable and waste a lot of your time.

ABRAHAM NUTRITION - 18.06.2023 14:57

Cory, I have a 55 gal. community tank with Neocaridina. Small fish. What would be a good centerpiece fish? Thanks! By the way, I have been buying your products from a local store here.

Anastasios Christoforatos
Anastasios Christoforatos - 27.05.2023 02:34

I have a betta that now has four tetras as his crew and they will not allow anything new in the tank except for new kuhli loaches and otto’s.

Jeff S.
Jeff S. - 23.05.2023 20:25

I'm done with gouramis. Had one live for at least a month and then drop dead. Same with his replacement, only that one lasted only 24 hours. No apparent signs of disease, water parameters are perfect, the 14 neon tetra tank mates are all doing just fine. Ive heard gouramis tend to mysteriously drop dead pretty often. It's a fish known for doing that. Of course there is something causing this, but since no one knows what it is, its probably a good idea to skip the gouramis.

BeardedDonkey - 19.04.2023 05:03

but can i keep a ram with guppies?!?!?

Barry James
Barry James - 03.03.2023 22:52

I would really like to get a betta, but I am going from four nano tanks, to one "5x3x2"LHW. I also have puffers, but not sure what I can do with them.

Scott Borst
Scott Borst - 02.03.2023 22:13

I have a blue and black beta with a Pepper, Cory, catfish and about 10 ghost shrimp in a 10 gallon tank. No problem. Give the Cory catfish a place to hide plants for the beta fish and the shrimp. I use a four stage air filter.

blue collar worker
blue collar worker - 23.02.2023 01:30

I got two pair of veiled angelfish in a 50 gallon breeder and it's just big enough for the four of them depends on what kind of Angel and I wouldn't go under 29 gallons

Robby Crawford
Robby Crawford - 30.01.2023 01:13

I have 2-Koller Products 6-Gallon AquaView 360 Aquarium Kit with LED Lighting and Power Filter Clear fish tanks. I also have a 35gal cube aquarium (all fresh water). In the big tank I plan to have Assorted Platys, Neon Tetras, and Fancy Gubbies. But want fish can I put in each 6gal tanks(not snails)?

heaven - 28.01.2023 09:22

My female betta ate one of the smaller white cloud minnows. She was a really cool fish, but a hungry little rascal. I unfortunately witnessed it and it wasn't pretty. It happened so fast it was too late to rescue the poor little thing. So she had also been in the tank for a bit before she got just a cautionary tale.

Pillsnpie Gaming
Pillsnpie Gaming - 19.01.2023 14:31

the 1 size aquarium i would really like fish suggestions for is 15 gallon (66 litres+-) i know they are not common in america but in other countries they may be.

a random guy
a random guy - 21.12.2022 15:28

i think i might get apistogramma cacautoides for my 15 gallon possibly a group of 5 small tetras aswell :)

Love Animals
Love Animals - 20.12.2022 20:23

i saw a list of most beautiful fish in the world at a channel named 4EverGreenYT and it was great

Bilal Ahmad
Bilal Ahmad - 20.12.2022 18:34

I Love Fish This channel helps alot , also a channel named 4EverGreenYT has some great content on fish too

Jesse S
Jesse S - 17.12.2022 08:34

One apisto??? I've been told never keep them alone. My local store only sells them in pairs.

Chris Watts
Chris Watts - 20.11.2022 01:01

What is white floaty stuff in tanks? I have this issue and am new to fish. I clean weekly.

Alex - 18.11.2022 19:17

I have a Bolivian ram and a pearl gourami in my 40 gallon. The ram is a bit territorial and likes his personal space. He often chases the gourami away, my corydoras don’t like to stay by him for too long. Mine is a male but maybe a female would be more docile.

Afor Allie
Afor Allie - 16.11.2022 08:28

Love the subtitles - "I can't find pizza Grandmas"

Calye Brown
Calye Brown - 28.10.2022 10:06

I have a paradise fish with some white clouds n snails in a 10 gal. It doesn't bother them at all n makes a great centerpiece

Steve B.
Steve B. - 15.10.2022 20:35

I have a beautiful betta in my 29 gallon community tank, and even though he's small, he's fantastic. I lost my big roseline shark last week due to old age. He was over 7 years old!

DannyBonsai - 08.10.2022 17:05

What are some cold water centrepiece fish?

Dyl Oak
Dyl Oak - 31.08.2022 08:22

Can you mix honey and powder blue dwarf gurami?

SnarkyRC - 18.08.2022 05:54

Yeah I had a female Blue Gourami in my 20 gallon planted tank years ago. Great fish

Patty Kake
Patty Kake - 11.08.2022 09:28

Female plakats are so much more mellow than the males. I have a beautiful female who is super gentle, and never hunts shrimp….👍🏽

Asphalt And Tacos
Asphalt And Tacos - 26.07.2022 04:45

Keyhole cichlids are pretty docile.

Katherine H
Katherine H - 28.06.2022 23:50

Can you put an angelfish with guppies?

Niels Bohm
Niels Bohm - 28.06.2022 20:02

first of all do not keep angelfish in 29 gallons its better for the fish to be in 60 or more!!!
the guramis in 30 gallons and not in 5 or 10
and to the beta keep them in not more than 15 gallon because otherwise they won't come to the surface and drown because of their long fins. when the fins are shorter the fish can go to bigger tank but you should make sure that the aquariums are not too high

Capn Smashem
Capn Smashem - 17.06.2022 07:00

Subtitles "I can't Find Pizza Grandmas" XD

TheLastSamari - 12.06.2022 09:16

How big do your snowball plecos get and are you selling apistogramas

joey - 06.06.2022 22:13

Can betas and rams be kept together with a elephant noise

PinkMellow - 02.06.2022 12:20

I had the hardest time trying to find a centerpiece fish. Eventually I just gave up and decided to do bigger schools of little fish instead. However I realized I sort of do have a centerpiece fish already, my dalmatian molly. She will grow to 5 inches big and is absolutely gorgeous. She has no interest in the little fish or shrimp in my tank.

I think a Molly could be a good centerpiece fish, that not many would think of. Sailfin mollies can be so beautiful and are generally non aggressive with tiny fish. (Though can be very aggressive with each other and fish who look similar to them. You may see recommendations to keep mollies in groups but in my experience it really depends on the Molly. For example mine tries to murder her own reflection and used to horribly bully bigger tetras I initially kept with her. I would never put in another molly w her). And sailfins get decently big too,as I said up to 5 inches. They are also very lively with big personalities and swim all over the tank, and recognize their owners and will swim up to greet you. For those reasons I think they'd make good centerpiece fish in this scenario.

Gerrit Hue
Gerrit Hue - 18.05.2022 00:13

Like your video!
Can you put a pair (one seems a bit lonely) of Honeyguramis in a 7 Gallon Tank with some coreys, or is this overstocked?

Joy Rice
Joy Rice - 13.05.2022 22:31

My female kribensis is my centerpiece fish in my 20 long. She is literally a water puppy. Is super sweet with the guppy’s and minnows :)

Mal Henning
Mal Henning - 11.05.2022 16:33

My son had a little tank in his room. The show piece ended up being one very large apple snail. It knew it was the alpha critta and just did funny things

WyaLarry - 08.05.2022 06:41

I got a betta and 3 platys in a 10 gallon and there chillin

Jaroma - 27.04.2022 02:02

Can some of these fish live together? (Not including gouramis and bettas together as I already know those wont work)

Photo Man
Photo Man - 09.04.2022 23:37

Hi like the video. But, I would like to disagree on Bolivian Rams. These are my wanted fish. I liked them when I was a teen and I like them now. But I have a hard time keeping them. My water ph is 7.6, water changes every 7-10 days. 40 gal tanks. When cycled tanks. 3 years up. My first rams where from a mom and pop fish store where I bought 2. They looked like they were thriving in the set in the tank. Rainbows and and BNP. Tank was not over crowded at all. Very planted. Twos weeks one died 2 after that the other died. Second time 6 smaller B.rams from a breeder at a fish swap. Same tank 1 year later. Within 2 months all died. About 3 months ago I bought another 6 at a swap. Now I was told to keep the temp around 84 degrees. But they will do well at 82. So put them in the tank. After 1 week down to 5 than 4 then 3 which where living the longest bought a month. Nice colors and such. Than down to 2 fish. I having a clue why I cannot keep B.rams. Feeding is frozen Brine shrimp, blood worms both once a week. Than dry flakes from a small M&P producer and insect commercial flakes. I haven't a clue why I cannot keep these fish. The other fish in the tank are all doing well. I have the rainbows for 2 years already. So to say these are good small tank fish I disagree. A lot harder to keep than angels.

EKBANJO's WORLD - 27.03.2022 14:05

An Angel in a community tank ? Are you serious ? Well while you're at it let's throw a really cool looking Pictus Catfish in there too ! That way you can buy even more fish each time you go to the fish store ! That Angel fish will pick off your smaller community fish like it's at an all you can eat buffett at Golden Corral !!!

Adventures of TIG ;Tourette’s in gaming
Adventures of TIG ;Tourette’s in gaming - 27.03.2022 03:34

Love my dragon scale male betta

Samuel Rowan
Samuel Rowan - 25.03.2022 10:25

Hey, got an established 17G and am wondering what to put in it-- how would a double red apisto do?
It's planted with driftwood and hides.

Peter D'haene
Peter D'haene - 22.03.2022 19:12

gurami with apistogrammas is a bad combination

Anthony Lepard
Anthony Lepard - 22.03.2022 04:47

My girls has a 40 gal with tiger barbs one fighter fish two decent size angels and they all get along well it’s been more then a year of having them and I believe they are fully grown now just some cool info for some of you guys that have fish. Tigers get a bed rep

DeniseSlack - 15.03.2022 17:53

Which one of these would be ok in a nano community tank ? Especially with ember tetras? (55 gallon tank)

chris vallejos
chris vallejos - 09.03.2022 08:02

i have a male blue powder dwarf gourami in a tank with about 20 other mosquito fish in a 20 gallon and he seems to be pretty friendly considerring most of the mosquito fish are under an inch n some under half an inch.
