How They Caught The Golden State Killer

How They Caught The Golden State Killer


2 года назад

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Alexandre L
Alexandre L - 30.09.2023 22:28

People have lot of faith there is never going to be a n*zi working in law enforcement

Stephan Watson
Stephan Watson - 29.09.2023 15:05

This should only be used for serious crimes and if that's the case, more power to ya

O R - 28.09.2023 18:43

The cop on the right reminds me so much of that Rockstar FBI dude from Dexter. The one who was hunting the Trinity Killer, can't remember his name. I wonder if he was the inspiration in a way.

Cary Dominic Abejuro
Cary Dominic Abejuro - 28.09.2023 00:56

That deck of cards is SO INTUITIVE!! I'm so jealous that I did not thought of that before...

saubhagya samaraweera
saubhagya samaraweera - 27.09.2023 03:16

This is good and very bad in the same time where mass surveillance over public communication occured.... 😅😅😅

Vũ Huỳnh
Vũ Huỳnh - 26.09.2023 18:18

Now I know another way to help the world. Thank you.

eytschayim - 25.09.2023 21:48

I was shocked when the supreme court invalidated a constitutional right to privacy when it struck down Roe v. Wade. For me this changes the argument here. At the time I’m writing this in September 2023 no one should think they have a right to privacy, not murders and not regular people

Jez Fumbles
Jez Fumbles - 25.09.2023 21:26

This is disgusting. I cannot stand the attitude of law enforcement and their blatant contempt for "due process", "burden of guilt" or even "guilty till proven otherwise". Look at how chrome dome gleefully demonstrates how abuses of individual rights are now possible through spooky action from your distant relatives.

So the do-gooder's, those that never do good for others, are rapt. "Nothing to fear, nothing to hide officer, please come inside for a cup of tea".

Those that do not find violations of privacy like this to be some of the most pressing and important issues that need urgent legislation to limit all of this DNA skulduggery in EVERY CASE EVEN IF MURDER, RAPE, CHILD MURDER AND CHILD RAPE

Nothing would give me more satisfaction than one of the bi*ch commenters here will cry "it's for the public good", proudly taking up the vanguard position of the new big brother dystopian autocrat police state government. Only to see that same oppressive system ironically deny your elderly mother's health cover due to propensity over statistically significant amount for x,y,z expensive, terminal illness.

I'll be laughing.

Aaron Villegas
Aaron Villegas - 25.09.2023 18:05

A few interesting takes I have. Your public genealogy isn’t yours just like your family’s DNA isn’t yours. Your grandparents are allowed to publish that they birthed your parents and uncles. Another interesting take is that the potential for misuse of power is being massively under estimated or downplayed. What if in the future the AI overlords determine that humans naturally more immune to COVID and susceptible to super bacteria/antibiotic resistance are fundamentally cheaper and more productive than their less genetically privileged brethren? Or what if DNA information becomes so publicly available that people refuse to date people with certain genetic markers? You simply google their names and you see they have a genetic ranking of 2 out of 10. If you marry them or anyone from that family of genetic code you will have a poor and expensive life.

Companies refuse to hire publicly available results of people prone to ADD or pay them less.

How many millions of people make assumptions based off of others birth month because they are a Leo or cancer? We can guarantee it could become a cultural trend to judge others off of their families public genetic record.

This video cowardly and disproportionately presents the negative consequences of this type of database.

What if we discover the exact genetic markers that lead to homosexual tendencies and that becomes available to extremists with access to the data base?

What if certain genetic markers are found that identify people that are more passive and submissive and less willing to negotiate but more innovative? Could governments and companies abuse that?

The benefits are tremendous but in my opinion the risks are catastrophic and significantly worse. We could prevent repeat offenders more easily but we could also victimize so many innocent people.

Brody Scarlett
Brody Scarlett - 25.09.2023 05:05

Uncle Ted was right

Quo Vadis
Quo Vadis - 24.09.2023 04:10

of course its a former cop, ACAB

GinamosWithCherryOnTop - 21.09.2023 15:13

Imagine from 2 people comes thousands of persons.

Aster - 20.09.2023 23:44

Please bring this technology to my country, it's so dangerous here

XalkerWar - 19.09.2023 14:28

Cant over some time scientists just find DNA of every person just by taking 1's dna, finding relatives, then taking one of those relatives DNA, finding his relatives and so on, and all of that with a really few people involved? Making whole database of US/EU/Asia with just a few millions of samples.

N vL
N vL - 18.09.2023 18:10

in the Netherlands there's currently a discussion to start arresting peaceful protesters at 'illegal' protests based on DNA left there. Once the government is allowed to take your DNA they will abuse it.

Sam Stone
Sam Stone - 18.09.2023 13:37

I love that the conspiracy theorists can't do anything about us uploading our DNA onto Gedmatch.

Jhon Chen
Jhon Chen - 17.09.2023 20:15

The argument for catching criminals is such a shortsighted. The implications for abuse or data and misuse of DNA data out weights everything else, it will not only affect this generation but every generation there after. At todays age parameters of outrageous crime is set more or less democratically and reasonably. What about in the future, who sets that parameter and what would that parameter be, criticizing the government?

Jerald Butternubs
Jerald Butternubs - 16.09.2023 10:37

The best part that most people don’t make a big deal out of is the killer reportedly had a small pp. led to some humiliating this horrible man by calling him the centimetre repeater

Darcy_the_cat - 15.09.2023 17:07

i have 3 siblings, 6 cousins, and 7 second cousins. the number of third cousins i have is most defenetly no more than 60. how the hell do they have 175 third cousins?

Julien Le Saux
Julien Le Saux - 15.09.2023 01:58

Why is a private company deciding what is ethical? How long until they decide it's in their best interest to sell that information to health insurance companies?

Anonymous - 13.09.2023 11:23

I'm generally anti-serial killing & sexual assault but don't like how DNA, digital trackers, and surveillance cameras/spy satellites have made it practically impossible to evade the state.

highlandrab19 - 13.09.2023 07:00

As usual the masses of stupid people hand over information to dodgy places and then we all become that bit more enslaved

Adam Thygerson
Adam Thygerson - 13.09.2023 02:55

The lady playing the organ hits hard. Im lds and i cant image my wards organist nearly murdered while playing and the dna company policies state that they cant search it for near murder, thankfully the bad person was caught due to dna. they should always let them do searches in cases like these,.

Donactdum - 11.09.2023 21:49

“Visalia Ransacker” I love these Witty names for criminals

Nochethedog - 10.09.2023 01:31

why do we give murders cool names like “The Night Stalker”
we should call them “the stupid killer with a small d¡ck”, then maybe we’ll have less murders

Nimish Apte
Nimish Apte - 07.09.2023 16:07

Privacy is honestly supremely overrated. We all like to pretend to care about it and be morally outraged when it's violated. But honestly, none of us really care. I mean, whenever Google and Facebook or any website for that matter, presents you their terms and conditions which 100% includes them having full access sell your data, do y'all ever click no? If the State has my DNA, is it really going to matter to well, anyone?

Øyvind Lie
Øyvind Lie - 05.09.2023 21:49

make an informed decision
haha critical thinking is out the window man :')

Zeev Keane
Zeev Keane - 05.09.2023 18:56

The only thing I worry about is the misuse by the police, and don’t take it the wrong way, the east and the Middle East has a lot of problems but we also know the track record of such misuse, racism, and so on from law enforcement and government clandestine operations in the west, namely the USA. Otherwise, I would love to help law enforcement.

JS - 05.09.2023 17:36

So, apparently the guy was a cop?

... well, oof. Doesn't make me comfortable about handing DNA to law enforcement.

Preston Parker
Preston Parker - 05.09.2023 07:39

no gov has the right to my DNA period

maqicianmilk - 03.09.2023 11:18

damn that card trick was smooth tho

Herbert Waller
Herbert Waller - 02.09.2023 21:53

another concern is how this can be used against political dissidents.
if they get your DNA you will be found out.
could be quite concerning.

soonsims - 02.09.2023 20:07

that's why i'd never voluntarily send my dna to a company. you're giving away soo much personal information and dont know how its getting used

A - 27.08.2023 05:34

What about aflon enforcement can ask you if you would allow them to use your information to try to match something or other what about getting personal authorization?

A - 27.08.2023 05:33

What if a person with nefarious intent somehow gets a hold of your DNA and frames you? That doesn't sound like a good time to me and it sounds possible. What about that?

tony Merson
tony Merson - 26.08.2023 01:30

This is one of my top favorite videos of yours. It was incredibly interesting from beginning to end.... I feel the good that cones out of this so called new tool for law inforecment EXTREMELY out wieghs the bad

Ashish Koirala
Ashish Koirala - 24.08.2023 20:38

Stipe Miocic

K C's Vantastic Voyages
K C's Vantastic Voyages - 17.08.2023 20:04

Glad that DNA is going to catch a lot of these murderers!

Mauri B
Mauri B - 17.08.2023 08:20

Damn!! he was a cop!! thats how he was so informed and up to date! wild!

Paulest - 15.08.2023 20:30

So at the end the "genetically handicaped" people will get no health insurance, no job and at the end no life anymore. What a nice new world. If you make such a test, then its out, you cannot remove it anymore, and all the people who say now that this data will be secure, have you heard of panama papers or other data leaks? I don't believe in data security...

Mark 4 Motion
Mark 4 Motion - 10.08.2023 00:55

99% will never come in contact with investigations like this. We’re freaking out over super small odds of being used. Not even talking about misuses. Although I understand the distrust of government/law enforcement.

Justin Richardson
Justin Richardson - 08.08.2023 19:35

Why not discuss how DNA "evidence" has been abused by law enforcement?

Kylo Ben
Kylo Ben - 08.08.2023 08:03

It’s amazing how quickly people (particularly yanks) will abandon the principles of privacy

Marcel Mommsen
Marcel Mommsen - 06.08.2023 23:36

There is one thing that we have to accept: You can not prevent the existence of your data, you can only rely on the rules for the use of your data! If you think your DNA is a problem, how do you think you can keep your face out of the data pool ? Your face is everywhere, and you show it to everyone and everything all the time!
Also keep in mind, if your DNA has been found anywhere at a crime scene, you won't be convicted only based upon the DNA. You would have to have no alibi, and a motive would help, too. And if someone wants to frame you, there are many other ways to do so, you also can not really control. But also there are increasingly many ways to prove a frame job. So all in all, it is a mixed situation, as always there will be winners and losers (hopefully few to none). But the criminal is the primary loser. And since we can not undo progress, we have to make laws that secure our privacy. The only solution I can think of.
The concers regarding insurance for example, is an issue, and even without the database, insurance companies in the U.S. will start demanding a DNA test in the future, I am afraid. But here in germany insurance companies cannot deny basic health insurance, no matter what. Life insurance on the other hand might get hard to get in those cases, but would you like to have super high rates, to compensate that ? That sucks for those with a genetic disease... but nature is a real bitch sometimes and mankind is still working terribly slow on a perfect utopia.

Jesse Zeck
Jesse Zeck - 01.08.2023 22:37

I mean, it's not preventing anybody from getting killed though. All the people's still got killed, so it's really more about a sense of justice

Jonathan Think
Jonathan Think - 01.08.2023 00:20

try DNA-based poison........
