What If You Only Drank Energy Drinks?

What If You Only Drank Energy Drinks?


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@ElskaTheBestReal - 08.01.2024 19:38

I watched this video like a month ago and now my science teacher wanted my class to watch it 😂

@WannyGamingGOAT - 15.12.2023 01:26

But the mother I’m drinking has 150 mg caffeine , 2.0mg vitamin b6 , 3.5 uh vitamin B12 and taurine 2000 mg which taurine is good for ur liver and it has 7.39 g of sugar so not bad if u think about it and that is what’s in a tropical mother .

@WannyGamingGOAT - 15.12.2023 01:24

Im drinking tropical mother .

@BruTheThreat - 13.12.2023 00:07

I’ve been drinking monster since I was a kid. However, it’s been my morning routine (aside from weekends) to drink a large zero ultra everyday. Last week I’ve gotten heart palpitations. Every 20 seconds (sometimes less) my heart skips a beat. It’s been doing this for 6 days straight now and I’m concerned enough to go to the ER afterwork and get it checked out. Problem is I turn into a nervous wreck in hospitals. I hate needles, terrified of surgery and I’m stressing over the bills.

I’m really hoping it’s as simple as “Don’t drink that and take these meds”. I don’t want to get cut open :(

@guitar_jero - 20.10.2023 17:00

It’s pronounced Guaraná and it comes from the Amazon rainforest in Brazil…

@nursultannazarov8379 - 02.07.2023 15:32

Such a BS. Too much of anything is not healthy.

@thoughtvibesz - 17.06.2023 17:14

I never never drink energy drink

@Ellieee1117 - 11.06.2023 04:03

I feel so energetic and smart when I consumed my first energy drink. Now I feels like energy drink makes me feels dumb after consuming 2-3 energy drink a day

@BEACHDUDE71 - 31.05.2023 11:42

I use 300 mg or more daily

@andrew6089 - 14.04.2023 17:01

if you only drink soda and energy drinks they will explode you and cabom you and make you go crazy

@krispynachos9980 - 09.03.2023 15:29

I don't drink this shit, a cup coffee is all I need.

@salatatoe6812 - 29.01.2023 03:46

Thank you Sara! So I drink monster, but not to boost my energy, but simply because it tastes amazing. I consume it only in the weekends (1 can friday, 1 can saturday). From my understanding from this video, it's safe?

@Keith_E - 07.01.2023 00:03

What if you don’t eat any food and only drink red Bull and water?

@RobsonRoverRepair - 27.11.2022 21:48

What do you mean "if"? Someone clearly only has one 9 2 5 job.

@adorable_yangire - 30.10.2022 13:41

-talks about serious life-threatening things
happy music in the background

@Unstable69HaidenDeegs - 19.10.2022 05:53

Litterly me💀

@footclan2750 - 18.10.2022 05:04

No Pain No Gain.

@I_Am_NiiTA - 13.10.2022 17:12

I've tried redbull. Didn't like it. Never tried monster and I'm glad I didn't lol 😅😅😅

@SillySwampGhost - 13.10.2022 00:31

totally did not drink a monster while watching this

@foxdavani4091 - 28.09.2022 05:00

I manage about 40 ounces of coffee a day. Sometimes up to 60. Lol. I'm surprised im still alive. And yes it's dark roast. And yes I do drink water to.

@billie1605 - 24.09.2022 01:31

I have a energy drink and go to sleep😂 is this normal

@ryno_8848 - 13.09.2022 16:31

Energy drinks taste disgusting the only reason I drink them is to keep me alert while I’m at work.

@redbu11 - 15.08.2022 21:07

I am drinking like about 4 liters of energy drinks every day for over 10 years now, I can say it's all bs, nothing happened really

@NewEnglandPatriotsfan - 06.08.2022 07:26

They are cocaine in a can for sure

@joshua25k64 - 12.06.2022 03:30

These 2 kids drank monster drinks every time they went into my school they would Drink it all the time but I never drank one so idk what it tastes like.

@jakeshaperd4948 - 11.06.2022 19:27

Well, what I started to do some time ago is, that I drink only 1 can a day, but use a lot of water with it(like 2-3 litres).I can still feel the effects, and it's obviously cheaper, but I also do this cause lately I started to not like carbon dioxide that much.I tried those gaming drink powders, but still nothing beats monster for me .

@dangerousjay9028 - 17.05.2022 18:15

Dont listen to that kids there good for you go mix them with liqour im tellin ya rn best thing ya can ever doo

@ericawalker7695 - 17.05.2022 06:47

Aren't energy drinks disgusting ? I've never had one and I probably never will. That's just what I've heard. And I've heard five hour energy is ABSOLUTELY AWFUL!

@RealAyoTark - 30.04.2022 12:09

It makes me happy that I'm drinking water rn

@agentk1930 - 14.04.2022 03:08

But it says in the can it only has 35 mg of caffeine

@Native2music - 11.03.2022 15:44

I'm wondering about what happens when you use zero sugar low calorie energy drinks

@Stillmrnew - 08.03.2022 04:09

I knew my wife was passing away. Doctors gave her 3-4 months left. She was only 27. I'm 31. In saying that both before and after death I consume energy drinks to make me happy. I do. Like my gambling addiction, it's the same for energy drinks. Need to have them. I drink 3-4 a day with little to no water in between. Let me say this, it's been maybe half a year now in between her passing and that's all I do is drink energy drinks because it makes me happy and I'm addicted but now.......it's hurts to urinate all the way. Warning adult talk here Semen has turned a slight tinge but very noticable color of yellow. Idk if this is directly in contact with the yellow monster energy drinks I consume. The left over urine coming into contact with the semen. I know it's not an std as I am still not able to move past my relationship so I haven't had any partners. I am just worried. NOW worried. My kidney hurts and my pancreas is hurting. Heart palpitations are of course present. I feel very crappy all the time. I twitch alot. Like it takes a looooooooooooooooong time to get the symptoms I got. Trust me I'm a professional lol but still I think it's time for me to stop. It's time to put the drinks down and go on a healthier route. This is just not good.

@DuckiLikesScience - 12.02.2022 00:34

This is why I only drink water before and after working out. Drink water!

@KendKiL - 04.02.2022 04:48

Saves my life. Head leech victem.. actually. Like almost 20 differant species killing me. In my wound. I drink energy drink to ward. Water parasite.. water kills me bad.

@SADXV - 29.01.2022 09:04

I drink 3 a day

@ethansully - 10.01.2022 03:47

I’ve gotten wayyyyy too addicted to drinking them. I’m most likely going to die a 30

@me-fg1yd - 09.01.2022 19:03

how does this change with adhd

@jasonhounsell3297 - 31.12.2021 03:27

I’ve drank between 4-12 pints of energy drinks everyday for around 15 years. There was maybe a couple of years every day was 8+ and never below 4 pints a day. Average is likely around 5-6.

Overall I think I’m ok, I have felt terrible for the last year or so, however I also chain smoke, vape and have a lot of mental health issues and health anxiety as well as a codeine addiction so it’s hard to tell if it’s depression, or any of the above that cause a problem.

At the start of decemeber I stopped smoking and only vape (just over a month) and for the last 4 or 5 days I’ve cut down the energy drinks to less than 1 pint a day and am drinking around 6 or 7 pints of water instead and sipping the energy drink as I pass the fridge.

I fell healthier now than I did before and I think it’s one of the best changes to make. As for cutting it down, obviously it’s not easy, and I have a headache until I take a sip in morning, I don’t feel like I have less energy as I imagine it didn’t do a lot anyway, I feel like I have a bit more now actually. Previously I had chest pains (nothing serious but with health anxiety it doesn’t help) - I had a lot of gas, fatigue etc (although many are symptoms of long term depression so hard to say)

Honestly after hearing so many videos like this I’m surprised I’m alive and healthy by alot of people’s standards I do however think it was unsustainable given the length of time doing it and the amount far exceeds anyone I’ve heard of who’s had troubles.

@josvanderspek1403 - 25.12.2021 07:47

I don't think this video has aged well... Apart from the sugar, the caffeine claims seem greatly exaggerated. A Red Bull (now) contains some 80 mg of caffeine, roughly the same as a good cup of coffee.

@Angie-dj1wc - 12.12.2021 02:21

I didn't drink anything else then zero energy drinks for like 2 weeks...

@random-ic7ox - 06.12.2021 01:20

coffee actually contains more caffeine than most energy drinks at 91mg per 8oz (1 cup). In a 16oz Rockstar for example there is 160 mg synthetic caffeine whereas 16oz of coffee would contain 182mg. Most coffee drinkers drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day more like 2-4. Also most coffee drinkers add sugar to their drinks.

@blaze3184 - 05.12.2021 14:56

uhm so my energy usually goes down when i drink energy does anyone have a explanation?

@smudgy264 - 26.11.2021 01:06

Energy drinks taste disgusting

@thatchick7249 - 25.11.2021 03:15

as someone who just drinks them very occasionally because im aware of how they are bad for your health, it kinda dissapoints me how everyone just kinda mocks this

@reece005 - 22.11.2021 15:46

We were talking about thus today in collage. Thanks for the info 🤝

@zclockyt - 15.11.2021 16:06

I drink 1 energy drink everyday but I'm still ayt

@DanielNHofficial - 08.11.2021 21:55

Shit then

@rigaudrobin9324 - 02.11.2021 05:38

What happens if I drink 200 red bulls..... Lucky me

@brucealmighty2862 - 28.10.2021 21:25

Good advice thanks guys….. but I also know a healthier alternative, which according to Dr. Oz, matcha & almond milk is better…..🧠/🍽
