Yojimbo: Final Fight

Yojimbo: Final Fight

Dr. Allison Rittmayer

12 лет назад

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рсрсвуолщрмп - 27.09.2023 00:28

Ух, ёшкин кот... Что наделал,а.. .

Mike Thaison
Mike Thaison - 21.09.2023 00:18

Gun dude is such a coward. I would have cut his head off before granting his wish.

angbandsbane - 12.09.2023 20:16

Much as I love a good Errol Flynn or Jedi/Sith style sword fight, this is awesome for how realistic this situation would've resolved (as I see it at least).

Mind you, I'm the most amatuer of amateurs at combat and martial arts, but as I see it you've got a trained and very experienced swordsman vs a bunch of two-bit thugs and bullies that were all previously established to be cowards (which is why they all hesitate rather than rush him all at once). None of them are wearing armor or presumably have the training or mindset to deal with the sudden shock and pain of a torso wound, and when they do attack, they do so with "baseball bat" wind-ups that leave their bellies open, which Sanjuro exploits (contrast his generally more controlled and shorter strikes, especially when another threat is close by).

Not to mention, if you've never shot a pistol before, take it from me: it is a lot harder to hit even a stationary target than movies and games would have you think. Unosuke, who's had his pistol for a few weeks at most, really would have had better luck just throwing the gun itself.

Giorgi G
Giorgi G - 12.04.2023 00:55

Kurosawa's fight scenes are simply awesome. Quick, brutal, chaotic. None of the choreographed dancing John Wick shit...

This Dude
This Dude - 11.11.2022 12:45

Ah, yes. Movies, where shallow draw cuts across the stomach result in either instant death or immediate incapacitation followed swiftly by death. At least Japanese movie makers didn't put people in full, steel samurai armor and then have a sword cut through it like it didn't exist unlike Hollywood with Knights.

Kenneth Kisser
Kenneth Kisser - 18.10.2022 21:43

I don’t know. The theme for Yojimbo has an edgier vibe for me. But both are great & your video is very well edited. The two sound tracks synch perfectly. Good job. Thank you.

Snakes - 18.04.2020 07:25

So that's where Swan got his idea for defeating Luther from.

Dr Deadbeat
Dr Deadbeat - 28.06.2018 10:55

He can taste the porridge already

Islamic school of meme studies
Islamic school of meme studies - 01.03.2018 18:34

This is why i loved old school samurai movie. No sword "tring tring tring" sound effects. This is what you most probably would heard during sword fighting. And it will be quick

lordxeras - 01.09.2017 23:03

They were all expecting an easy fight, but when their gun wielding boss goes down, they panic, unprepared. Notice not only how fast he is, but how calm and collected, every move deliberate. None of the wild, desperate flailing of his adversaries. A very well composed scene

J W - 30.08.2017 06:52

This is to me the greatest moment of the whole Yojimbo movie. Including how he brought a knife to a gunfight and won.

Ash Drums
Ash Drums - 14.01.2017 06:16

There's a character in the game Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven that is modelled almost exactly off of the guy with the pistol. Wish I was good with names...

Sean - 25.12.2016 00:06

You gotta love the charm and creativity in the way these old movies are filmed. If you slow down and go frame by frame you can clearly see the thrown Wakazashi fly past the enemy without hitting him. Yet cut to the next shot and it's stuck in his arm. xD

Rib Cagesteak
Rib Cagesteak - 23.12.2016 09:36

Darth Vader ain't got shit on Sanjuro.

Humberto Flores
Humberto Flores - 21.11.2016 07:15

I wish to have his skills to use knifes and katanas, that´s why I have one katana at home as a collection.

joeofmacabre07 - 03.03.2016 13:07

Revenge is so sweet

The Rage Collector
The Rage Collector - 15.12.2015 05:52

What I love best is how quick Sanjuro cuts them all down. It just goes to show you how skilled he really is.

DeathWishMonkey - 23.11.2015 23:29

Damn, talk about a curb stomp battle.

Ironheart73 - 12.09.2015 15:35

am I the only one who thinks this is definitely 10x more badass than the recent superhero duels with all that CGI bullshit?

The Dumont Show
The Dumont Show - 09.09.2015 20:46

incomparable. yojimbo is a bonafide classic. one of the greatest films ever made. a fistful of dollars was great too but it pales in comparison. first of, toshiro mifune's performance carries this whole film to a point you end up rooting for him, even though he is such a troublemaker and a vagabond. i never gotten that with a fistful of dllars. clint eastwood is definitely one of the greats but toshiro mifune played this role with such efficiency. and the script was better than a fistful of dollars. now the cinematography in a fistful of dollars is better than yojimbo but the fight cherography is hands down better in yojimbo. i can go on. let me stop lol

Daniel Folk
Daniel Folk - 15.05.2015 05:44

I happen to like this better than A fistful of Dollars. A sword vs. a pistol is more exciting than a pistol vs. rifle.

VonLodsch - 17.08.2014 02:59

So far greatest swordfight scene I have seen in any film and probably on of the best in the history of cinematography.

Matt Ferro
Matt Ferro - 09.07.2014 08:38

"Go home. A long life eating porridge is best."
