Israel and Palestine Origins with Dr. Benny Morris

Israel and Palestine Origins with Dr. Benny Morris

Coleman Hughes

1 год назад

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Richard H
Richard H - 21.10.2023 13:09

Good overview. Impossible to cover all elements. And agree/disagree with some of Benny's thoughts on how Israel should have acted post 1967. But that happens in life and politics.

Some additional points.

1920 San Marino Conference/Agreement. Gives essential context as it was not just the Palestinian Mandate that was being split up. French Mandate was also. Israel was not the only country being created around this period. Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon were created.

The only Geo area created under this Mandate system that has proved controversy was the Mandate for Palestine. An area of land created under the exact agreement as the others.

It was decided in 1920 in San Remo by the then league of Nations, that this area of land  would eventually be for the Jews, as they were the indigenous people of that land. No one disputed this, at that time.

Iraq,Syria, Lebanon were created not based on population numbers but based on how all new states were created around the world.

International law has a principle in place for the basis of what the borders of a new country should be based on.

It's called the UTI Possidetis Juris Principle. For creating these new States. ( It uses the last geopolitical borders of the last entity that existed there. It doesn't basis it on population demographics).

And in Israel's case the last geopolitical entity to exist before the land was occupied by various Empires, was the Jews. Hence why when you hearn it's Palestinian land' and they quote UN. The UN has no legal or historical basis to support it. UN decisions do not equal International Law. Why only with Israel. And non of the others. That will be the Jewish aspect.

Secondly under this 1920 mandate. All of Palestinian Mandate was offered to tje Jews. The British then went against this and gave 75% of this land and created Jordan (made up mainly of Palestinians). So already Jews lost 75% of land agreed. Then were happy to have 30% of what was remaining before 1948 War.

Regards Palestinian refugees. Could have been useful to mention that after 1948, 800,000 Jews were forcibly thrown out of neighbouring Arab Nations. (In fact all Arab nations have ethnically cleansed their land of Jews post 1948). Unlike what Arab Nations did to Palestinian refugees. Israel absorbed these Jewish Refugees into the population. Arabs have kept many Palestinian's in refugee camps.

Third and final historical point. After WW2 there were tens of millions of refugees around the world. All were absorbed by various nations and integrated under UN refugee plan. However UN created a unique organsiation called UNWRA for Palestinian's. And created a unique status for Palestinians where the refugee status is passed on to their children. (No other refugees have this status. Normally refugess children just become citizens of their host nation. Not so with Palestinians particularly within their Arab Nations hosts. Hence why there are now zero Jewish refugees out of the 800,000 made refugees from Arab nations but Palestinian refugees have actually increased from 700,000 to over 6 million..

Sad for them and for Israel who has to deal with this political creation. But the Palestinian leaders of both PA and Hamas have become Billionaires through the aid money given and squandered.

Carol Brom
Carol Brom - 21.10.2023 11:42


Jon ‘jaixzz’ S C
Jon ‘jaixzz’ S C - 21.10.2023 11:26

Even if you had 12 months fulltime study -- youd still need the other 99 years just to find your footing...

Stargazer H
Stargazer H - 21.10.2023 10:10

Coleman is worse than Sam Harris🤦‍♂️. It was not an expulsion it was an ethic cleansing

Jackson Okpale
Jackson Okpale - 21.10.2023 09:20

Great history-unbias....

Stargazer H
Stargazer H - 21.10.2023 09:17

It was so corrupt Zionist only owned 6% of the land🤦‍♂️.

Stargazer H
Stargazer H - 21.10.2023 09:01

You still don’t know enough…why don’t you go to Gaza and West Bank? You are brainwashed. Why don’t study Zionism. Bro what is wrong with you?!? Of course it’s a colonialist settler state.

Emin Jacob
Emin Jacob - 21.10.2023 08:48

1. The UN does not have the power to steal already populated land, and transfer it to another people. If that was legal precedent, the Turks for example could legally argue they should own the whole Middle East

R David Robinson
R David Robinson - 21.10.2023 06:55

Excellent, engaging throughout. Very good questions. Well balanced and clear.

John Grigorian
John Grigorian - 21.10.2023 06:42

Excellent interview

رضوان Rad(1)ouane
رضوان Rad(1)ouane - 21.10.2023 06:39

Yes, the only main goal of these sponsored trips to Israel by the it's own government is for propaganda purpose. They want to give a good image to cover up the dark side of the oppression of the Palestinians.
Did they ask you to tweet about Israel every day while you were there. Lookup Aby Martin and see what's really going on in Israel.

Dominic Monaghan
Dominic Monaghan - 21.10.2023 06:31

From the recent horrific terrorist attack by Hamas in to Israeli territory, this is a very informative balanced account of the Israeli - Palastinian conflict, from the birth of the Zionist movement to the present day - 2023. Well done to both participants.

Humanoid - 21.10.2023 04:44

Dammed if they do dammed if they don’t. Israel has to protect itself.

Brad Holt
Brad Holt - 21.10.2023 03:52

How many democratic Arab states

johndoe - 21.10.2023 03:48

Where in history(even ancient), does Israel relinquish it's birthright?

Aliston Crawford
Aliston Crawford - 21.10.2023 03:47

Omissions like Lloyd George and the Balfour Declaration. Also the betrayal of Faisal and Hussein. The displacement of the Arab community on Palestine etc etc😊

johndoe - 21.10.2023 03:33

Israel could have easily conquered the entire Arab world during the 6 day war if they wanted to. They most probably still could today if not for political alliances getting in the way.

Henry Snowdon
Henry Snowdon - 21.10.2023 03:21

Great interview man, you're a really good interviewer!

johndoe - 21.10.2023 03:13

Strange the Zionists were considered/called themselves) secular "Jews" since the Jews are not a "race" of people. Semantics aside, those belonging to a religion can simply renounce their membership regardless/in spite of what said religion may declare by doctrine.

Nicky Gilchrist
Nicky Gilchrist - 21.10.2023 02:26

This was really good in helping us understand the history. Thank you

handymanny777 - 21.10.2023 02:15

This guy has a lot of knowledge I learned so much of this conflict

Colm mc inerney
Colm mc inerney - 21.10.2023 01:48

Coleman is bias Pro-Israel reporter ..Isreal is just a victim of its own crimes !!

santiago almada
santiago almada - 21.10.2023 01:31

😂 you are Not being spelled !!, you are just being followed by missile..
"THAT'S WHY THEY LEFT..😂 ..after that analogy you can't listen to this B.S any more...😅

Margie M.
Margie M. - 20.10.2023 23:50

The only time anyone screams about someone who has been attacked and mounts a "disproportionate response" is when Israel does it. Why is that?

Charles Scheinberg
Charles Scheinberg - 20.10.2023 22:44


Mohamed Rogers
Mohamed Rogers - 20.10.2023 22:24

The truth must❤ must be reveal and established, to bring peace in that region

JM Truesdale
JM Truesdale - 20.10.2023 21:43

The Jewish people made from different race of blood also divided by fraudulent toxic oligarchs cults influence.🔥🧐

Michael Nice
Michael Nice - 20.10.2023 20:25

Zionists were seeking to establish state that was safe for them to live in? Well so far it’s been an epic failure. Maybe they should have picked a different area, like in Canada or something.

M - 20.10.2023 20:19

Benny Morris is such a great grab for this interview. Many people will invoke the likes of Pappe, Finklestein, and Chomsky. Those three are bad faith actors, and dishonest brokers of history. Benny may not be perfect, but from the perspective of simply collating historical content and making sense of it, he is unmatched.

Crypto Crib
Crypto Crib - 20.10.2023 19:05

This guy is no doubt very bright. I listen to him all the way up to three minutes and 30 seconds. That’s when he lost me. Not because I don’t understand but because he said he’s going back to 1880 A.D. to talk about the subject. Right there. he showed his lack of understanding holistically for this problem. If you’re going to understand the issues here you need to go back to 1400s BC. This goes way back. These two people groups have been fighting since then. But, in fact, the Muslims were not even on the planet until 600 A.D. That is 2000 years of Israeli history, living in the land before Islam was even a religion on the planet. How can you dismiss that time.?

El Project
El Project - 20.10.2023 18:54

Interview was amazing but the interviewer is so dry and cold that I wonder if his absence would have made this interview even better.

Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told - 20.10.2023 18:53

I love so far the very careful and intelligent way you want to preach this very sensitive subject. I will being making several comments as I go further into this video presentation. To get started and why i chose to stop the video here is to comment on propaganda... By quoting anyone as I will here does not mean I endorse anyones complete beliefs but rather support their thinking in this one area... Noam Chomsky said "should you have the power to persuade you shouldn't"... It is beyond important in this moment in time. I hope as I continue there is little persuading and careful delivery of the facts and personal experience. Personal experience doesn't make something true... Its ones experience clouded by ones identity, knowledge, intellect and recall... and limited to a specific time and place...

Glennis Holcomb
Glennis Holcomb - 20.10.2023 18:18

So I guess a real question to ask is if something that was in your hands 2000 years ago but not in your hands today should that belong to you?

Martha Randoo
Martha Randoo - 20.10.2023 14:37

Thank for the historical perspective and the spiritual aspects of both the Israeli and Palestinian. The truth is always hard to accept, this truth gives understanding thanks

Samuel Basye
Samuel Basye - 20.10.2023 14:28

So if the United States were to be approached by the United Nations and told you have plenty of land we are going to take Alaska away from you and give it to someone else. How would that work out?

Paul Fogelman
Paul Fogelman - 20.10.2023 14:18

This is nerfarious and European centric. Ignoring arab jews and their majority and influence. The old yeshuv communities that existed before zionism .especially Jerusalam where they were the majority . Further this is not a land problem its muslim idealogy

George Paul
George Paul - 20.10.2023 12:49

Tragic situation with no realistic resolution. Optimism will not resolve the fundamental differences that exist between people living in the Middle East. Short of suicidal extermination nothing can be done. Pathetic reality.

We Are one
We Are one - 20.10.2023 12:16

Incredible video.

Crystal Boyd
Crystal Boyd - 20.10.2023 10:48

Just read revaluations in the Bible

Troll of the Year
Troll of the Year - 20.10.2023 10:24

The only problem with Palestine is that they are Muslims. Muslims worship an evil diety called Allah. Allah demands much violence and cruelty of those who have been programmed to follow him. Muslims are required to terrorize members of all other religions. This is because Islam is a religion of pure hatred. Allah compells believers to rape women and kill children to prove their devotion to Allah. Allah = Satan

Chris Reynolds Tattoo
Chris Reynolds Tattoo - 20.10.2023 10:22

The Jews were awarded Israel by the British for getting the U.S. into WW1 back in the early 1900's. Israel is a criminal country filled with a criminal cult, they feed off the billions given to them every year funded by American tax payers. If they can't afford to run their own country without leaching off America, they don't deserve to have a country!

אלה קליוט
אלה קליוט - 20.10.2023 09:51

Thank you! Thank you very much, it was very informative. You can see both sides and understand well why there is no peace. The last question presents the situation very well - if Hamas can do whatever they want, there will be no more State of Israel. If Israelis can do whatever they want they will simply continue to live their lives and have no aim to kill.

Sherzod Kurbonov
Sherzod Kurbonov - 20.10.2023 08:56

Absolutely subjective and one sided interview…

I wonder if the host will give opportunity to palestinian historian to give his views?

My biggest takeaway from this interview is which 2 books is NOT to buy)

L W - 20.10.2023 08:46

The historian seems to justify everything from the Jewish perspective. He says well it wasn’t REALLY ethic cleansing, the Palestinians fled. The Jews couldn’t allow them to return because they wanted Jews to be the majority. That is textbook racism to me. The Jews poisoning the water of Palestinians was just a matter of self preservation in this professor’s opinion. On one hand, I learned a lot during this discussion, just wish there was more balance from the Palestinian perspective.

Carmen Rizzo
Carmen Rizzo - 20.10.2023 07:35

Nazi's infiltration

Carmen Rizzo
Carmen Rizzo - 20.10.2023 07:33

Moslem Jew Need too accept Jesus

Carmen Rizzo
Carmen Rizzo - 20.10.2023 07:32

It's Judea
