1968 Marlboro Cigarette Commercial

1968 Marlboro Cigarette Commercial


3 года назад

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Yossarian67 - 29.10.2023 00:29

It was around 1967... Dad was out of his regular Marlboro Reds (always the soft pack because he said they were different) and instructed Mom to bring a pack home from her shopping. She returned from Pantry Pride to see they'd put a pack of the Longhorn 100s in by mistake. Dad hadn''t tried them but immediately liked them and smoked them until he was 72. So thanks, Dad, for passing on to me your handsome looks, your thick blond hair, your wicked wit, high IQ and a certain other "attribute" I won't mention.... but damn you for passing on to me the gene that craves Marlboro 100s!

Bantha poodoo
Bantha poodoo - 18.10.2023 00:22

Growing up 60’s I still remember seeing cigarettes brand names ads on everything clothes,tv ,magazines, trucks, billboards he’ll even stock carS.But them days are long gone ,I knew as a kid growing up they were bad for u and I never picked up the habit thank God and many that did well a lot of users couldn’t kick the habit sad to sad say 😢 I lost my oldest brother who just turned 62 over a yr ago w C.O.P.D.

Vaporland - 14.10.2023 10:21

middle aged rich dude flying around with hot younger blonde: smoking is good for you!

Jbb - 09.10.2023 07:33

Flying & smoking. Gotta love it!

조장희 - 09.10.2023 05:32

담배는 역시 비행기에서 펴야 제맛

J St.
J St. - 06.10.2023 21:28

that pilots gonna get some leg faShow

dogila jokodo
dogila jokodo - 20.09.2023 16:37


Mr. Resin
Mr. Resin - 05.08.2023 02:42

Hey kids, a guy who smokes here. There is no flavor when smoking cigarettes other than smoke. Don’t smoke. It ain’t worth it.

When it comes to weed, talk to your parents.

Ramblin Nelson
Ramblin Nelson - 02.08.2023 22:44

You're really gonna put your watermark on something that isn't even yours to begin with?

Karl P. Horse
Karl P. Horse - 02.08.2023 17:50

You are young and smoke a cigarette at a bar that someone gave you. You think "It's such a small buzz, how could anyone get addicted to this." A couple smokes at the bar turn to several. Several at the bar turn into a few when you are sober. A few when you are sober turn into buying your first pack. Buying your first pack turns into a full blown addiction.

Now you get to spend the rest of your life terrified of cancer and COPD, but too addicted to stop. Until one takes your life.

Don't pick it up kids. It is a bitch of an addiction. I would have been better off picking up coke. At least there is rehab for that.

Lynn Trisinscius
Lynn Trisinscius - 29.07.2023 17:10

We need to go back.

Arlo Arthur Cordell
Arlo Arthur Cordell - 10.07.2023 02:43

I used to smoke with cigarettes because I thought it was cool

The American Storyteller
The American Storyteller - 12.05.2023 02:25

For me, a part of it is nostagia. I was 7 when they took them off, but get the warm and fuzzies over the Viceroy "Some of the taste some of the time," Santana's commerical for Winchester (do they still make those?), Dutch Masters, and of course the Marlboro Man. They remind me of a soundtrack to my early childhood. The ones I dont remember are interested in a kitschy way and I can see why they were popular, even though I don't smoke.

Snoopydoggydog - 29.04.2023 20:07

These commercials have killed so many.

Ivan DS
Ivan DS - 20.04.2023 11:50

Any one know what type of film stock was used to shoot this comercial ???????

voltaic - 29.03.2023 11:49

The 1968 one sounds good, is it an actual music orr?? If yes please send link in the reply

Luzviminda Jubahib
Luzviminda Jubahib - 16.03.2023 21:31

(c)1968,2023 Philip morris international inc.

Scott Slotterbeck
Scott Slotterbeck - 15.03.2023 20:53

When America was great. Once
cigarettes were disfavored, America went in decline. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Let's start smoking again!

Hn - 09.03.2023 12:14

I smoke marlboro reds since 1983 and i own a ranch! You could say im in marlboro county.
