how soap sells a myth

how soap sells a myth

Answer in Progress

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Answer in Progress
Answer in Progress - 07.10.2023 01:37

Corrected captions are up! Sorry about the mishap 💛
- Sabrina

Stephane Nouafo
Stephane Nouafo - 11.10.2023 08:43

The comments in this video are a treasure trove of information! Amazing.

Comma Man
Comma Man - 11.10.2023 07:59

For guys, and yes this is specifically for guys I’ll explain in a bit, mixing in about 30-50 drops of peppermint essential oil into a bottle of avocado oil. Don’t use the oil for cooking after 😅. The peppermint oil will decrease acne and stimulate hair growth. So if, ladies, you put it on your face, you will start to grow out hair where you want, or might not want, it to grow. This is based on anecdotal evidence as I have been using this on my face and the acne clusters I had disappeared completely. And I have observed a non-trivial increase in growth for my facial hair.

jobriq5 - 11.10.2023 06:30

RIP Taha

Luiza Bonetti
Luiza Bonetti - 11.10.2023 05:23

I loved how, when you asked the others and yourself why you all do skincare routine, the answer where "Childhood Trauma"

Rachelle’s Designs
Rachelle’s Designs - 11.10.2023 05:17

I make my own facial lotion with Shea butter, almond oil, and orange essential oil. It is so smooth, and great for sensitive skin (a lot of lotions make my skin burn). It’s way cheaper than buying in store, and it’s just ingredients melted and mixed together.

I don’t have a big skincare routine, mostly because I don’t see how various other products actually help. I could research more of course, but it feels like it’s here-say/biased research/personal Annecdotes to some degree.

Thomas Reese
Thomas Reese - 11.10.2023 04:38

It's all a lye!

Fendy Liauw
Fendy Liauw - 11.10.2023 04:33

Melissa's face is a spectacle. She's so pretty

Blaze2377 - 11.10.2023 04:25

wash less, conserve water if you don't need to do a full body cleaning every day. Personally I just clean my hair and face most days with a wet microfiber cloth, put on some deodorant (really non damaging ones because my skin reacts really bad to even things like lume which are supposed to not cause my skin to burn for actual days holy shit like I did shower a lot to get it off why was it on for so long??), and if I want people to say "wow you smell really good" and then sniff my hair for a strange amount of time more than they normally do I will put some orange scented oil on the microfiber cloth

silver - 11.10.2023 03:17

i just did a presentation about advertising and how its evolved, and i chose soap as my topic!! so this was really cool to see in my feed :) amazing video as always!

Amelia Adams
Amelia Adams - 11.10.2023 02:38

I have skin drier than the Sahara Desert, so I only shower 2/3 times a week and have to put moisturiser on all the time. If I don’t moisturise enough, it HURTS.

Sage - 11.10.2023 00:07

It doesnt make sense to me why people have so many opinions on other people’s hygiene habits. Like so what if other people dont shower every single day, or don’t scrub their legs in the shower, or use bar soap instead of body wash and shampoo? It doesn’t affect me unless they smell terrible, which most people don’t, even the ones that don’t wash their legs.

ahmed osman
ahmed osman - 10.10.2023 23:07

Okay everything else has been said i just have one question for Sabrina, how did you lose weight

Vaisakh K M
Vaisakh K M - 10.10.2023 22:18

As a introvert... i try not to bath so i don't have to talk to anyone in real life :)

pluspiping - 10.10.2023 22:13

Skin care companies don't want people to know that acne is like 80-90% genetic, not hygienic in origin. My face routine as a teenager was "wash face with bar soap once in the morning and once at night", and deviating from that got me an extra pimple or two. My sister's face was a warzone and nothing she tried made much of a difference until she got older. And changing your pillowcase regularly helps, and avoiding touching your face with hands you didn't just wash helps, but maybe only 10-20%.

They want to sell you lots of stuff! Additionally, they WANT you to feel lost and keep trying all kinds of different things! Don't give up! Maybe this next weird product will actually work! Keep buying! (yuck)

Cam Beaudoin
Cam Beaudoin - 10.10.2023 21:59

More about Bidets please 😆😆

Yuli Azni
Yuli Azni - 10.10.2023 21:10

Dry/ dusty skin = dead skin layers and dry air

Yuli Azni
Yuli Azni - 10.10.2023 21:09

Belly hole

Sabrina C.
Sabrina C. - 10.10.2023 20:37

I love'd the video in their sort of rabbit hole casual format 🩷. That being said, "Skincare for confidence and comfort" is only sweet when you don't have any skin care issue that causes social isolation or affects you psychologically, that is not always about dirt or a rash, but hormonal o more complicated situations that take many times years, and a loooot of money to resolve.

☝There's that and also the more depressing mention that the search for perfect skin and anti-aging that many brands and media promote is almost imposible to escape because of work environments that force "good-presence" of social pressure in general.

Sloth Belly
Sloth Belly - 10.10.2023 20:34

oh no… is this another “matpat pizza” situation?

Playlist God
Playlist God - 10.10.2023 20:20

On the vitamin and treatments for our body part... someone's never seen a Holland & Barrett 😄 And Controversial opinion - but most people don't need sunscreen 😅

Last Name First Name
Last Name First Name - 10.10.2023 20:16

interesting. thanks AiP.

Ani - 10.10.2023 18:45

I got a face cream ad while watching this... the irony

Tim Kent
Tim Kent - 10.10.2023 18:43

Parts of this video were hard to get through, only because I had to keep pausing to read the wildly racist/sexist soap ads!

Davyd Atkins
Davyd Atkins - 10.10.2023 18:25

I'm kinda disappointed that when I clicked play on this video, my first thought was "I really hope this video isn't sponsored by some kind of beauty/skincare brand" and 1 minute and 22 seconds my suspicions were confirmed. Not only was the video sponsored by an entity with vested interests in the message of the video, but they were presented as 'important' to the video itself. What a shame

Laughter On Water
Laughter On Water - 10.10.2023 18:02

Every body is different. That's probably why we all have different skin care needs. My skin used to be frustrating until I went simple. Dove sensitive skin bar is pretty much the go-to, and it's relatively inexpensive. TV Commercials for "Zest" bars from the 70's started the whole mess, I think. Then everyone was selling a detergent bar as "cleaner" than soap. Dial, Ivory Spring, etc. Then they piled on with antibacterial versions. 🙄 The detergents in Zest bars strip away all your natural body oils and dermal microbiome, leaving your skin unprotected from bad body flora. Detergent bars are still sold. People still use them — and they probably have continual low-grade body acne randomly all over where you can't see, even if they shower every day. Especially if they shower every day. Nobody wants to talk about it for the same reason we don't talk about stool formation — the ick factor. Soap doesn't leave your skin exposed. Detergent does. Keep it simple.

Eva van Gelder
Eva van Gelder - 10.10.2023 17:57

maybe it's my autism but honestly never showered with soap or used any sort of skincare products. I just really don't see the point

Alpaca Male
Alpaca Male - 10.10.2023 17:25

North Americans start to shiver if they don't bring up racism every 5 minutes.

The Cookie Doe
The Cookie Doe - 10.10.2023 17:23

You should take a look into the endocrine system and it's effects on your smell. Testosterone and estrogen change your "smell"

Vivek Shaji Kizhakkekara
Vivek Shaji Kizhakkekara - 10.10.2023 15:22

This isn't a video about soap, it's a video about life .

Nico A
Nico A - 10.10.2023 15:08

but... but i want to know about king louis iv skincare and why people in the west refuse to use bidets...

Jak Vokun-Sos
Jak Vokun-Sos - 10.10.2023 14:20

Feels like a cop out.

Ohad Pearl
Ohad Pearl - 10.10.2023 12:54

You can't do an investigative story sponsored by a company selling your conclusion.
Stopped watching, lost credibility. 😔

Cassie Oz
Cassie Oz - 10.10.2023 11:10

Interesting that 'my grandmother and mother had great skin because they took care of it'. Probably attribution error. A lot of women with naturally great skin attribute it to the 'products ' theyve used

Asphyxia778 - 10.10.2023 11:02

I literally have no skincare routine other than wash my face and body lololol cause skincare products are expensive af and super confusing to use

Cassie Oz
Cassie Oz - 10.10.2023 10:58

Its all marketing. It doesnt target your skin, it targets your wallet and your insecurities. Stop referring to it as skin-CARE. 'The hygiene industry' came out of the "cleanliness is next to godliness" idea. It's rarely got anything to do with care or health. Snake oil

ste - 10.10.2023 09:36

This seemed like a strange video compared to past work. The premise seemed a little vague and like it was almost tailored to the sponsor which gave the video the feeling of an advert for start to finish. I realise this is a bit of a negative take so sorry about that, love your work but this one felt a little off in tone.

Allan Black
Allan Black - 10.10.2023 09:35

All I know is when I stopped washing my face at all my skin cleared up and never looked better. Clean your feet and private most days. Brush your teeth every day. Target high bacteria zones often, everything else your body is pretty good on handling on its own. I stopped smelling bad when I stopped killing everything on my body leading to excessive oil production and killing all the good microbes and allowing all the stinky and harmful ones run wild. Constantly combating them with daily cleaning. Mixed with lots of wool and unscented detergent, I just smell like nothing with minimal effort and skin that looks healthy.

Demon1337 - 10.10.2023 08:27

Soap is soap, doesn't matter who makes it. If it makes you smell the way you want then buy it. I do wish though we could create some true regulation on this category of life. So many false claims.

BigMac904 - 10.10.2023 08:19

"Wear sunscreen" nah, Imma get skin cancer

leman frye
leman frye - 10.10.2023 07:52

I want my skin to stay on my body, and that's about it. I don't mind aging. I just put on sunscreen to keep my skin on my body short and long term.
