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@gloryanne - 21.10.2023 13:09

Napanaginipan kita Sir Ramed. Thank you sa pagdalaw sa panaginip ko. Ngayon lang ako minulto in dreams. You are so alive don.

@christianvinas5661 - 10.01.2023 06:57

What is the importance of promotion to the business?

The main aim of promotion is to ensure that customers are aware of the existence and positioning of products. Promotion is also used to persuade customers that the product is better than competing products and to remind customers about why they may want to buy.

@romietaponggot4612 - 19.12.2022 08:14

Mngt 102 Principle of marketing
Mngt 201 Marketing Management
Mngt 403 Service Marketing
Mngt 401 Organization Development

@johnkennethguevarra6271 - 13.12.2022 18:19

1. What is the importance of promotion to the business?

A: Promotions are a crucial component of marketing. They frequently involve publicity, advertising, sales promotions, and other strategies. Making sure that businesses target the right consumers is the key to producing results through promotions. Promotions are your company's voice, speaking to the audience to convey your brand's message clearly.

Increased brand recognition, the provision of pertinent information, an increase in customer traffic, and the development of sales and profits are all advantages.

Without marketing promotions, it would be impossible for your product or service to catch the eye of distracted consumers and increase sales.

@taiyoutsuki9554 - 13.12.2022 16:47

Vincent L Estilloro
What is the importance of promotion to the business?
The most important purpose that a promotion serves is that it sets a business apart from its competitors. No business will ever need to run any promotions if there wasn’t any competition. You have to stay ahead of your competitors in order for customers to keep doing business with you. If there is a company that sells similar products or services to yours, you can only make customers buy from you if you have a special promotion going on. Of course, it is also equally important to spread the word about promotion to the people by using several advertising and marketing methods.
Businesses often have to bundle their products together in order to run a promotion. What they usually do is that they include a less popular item with a very popular item. This not only helps them sell their popular item more but also allows them to cross sell an item that customers have not given much attention to. If the bundled product is liked by customers, the business will then have 2 popular products. The sales will increase as a result and with a successful promotion like this the business will get more return on its investment.
Promotions also allow you to make use of your available data and create more useful data from it. As you continue to do business, you collect information of thousands and millions of customers. By using the right database software you can know the trends, patterns and inclinations of your customers. By using this data you can launch targeted promotions. By further collecting data of the promotion you can know your customers better. When you know them better, you can launch more successful promotions. In addition to that, when there is something available only for a limited time, customers like to talk about it.
When they talk about your promotion they become your marketing agents. They spread the word of mouth, and this results in more customers becoming interested in doing business with you. Branding is all about making your customers remember you. When they remember you they remember to do business with you. By launching promotions frequently you become a memory for the customer. Whenever a customer feels like buying some new stuff he/she will think of checking you out to see if there is a promotion going on.
The biggest benefit of promoting today is that you make use of various online platforms for marketing your promotion. You have blogs, social networking websites, video hosting websites etc. where you can spread the news about your promotion. This makes you visible on the internet the way you should be visible to your target market. By being visible on the internet you are already creating a very strong image of your business in the minds of the customers.
How You Should Launch A Promotion
The most important thing you need in order to launch a successful promotion is data. The more data you have the more you can be sure that your promotion will go in the right direction. First, you need to decide why you want to promote and what it is that you want to promote. Are you looking to promote an idea, a new product or a campaign? After you have decided the thing you want to promote you have to know your target audience and the platforms where your target audience can be best targeted. For example, you won’t want to think of promoting something for teenaged target audience and choose newspaper as the primary mode of marketing.
Now, you have to decide how and in what shape you will promote your stuff. When it comes to products you can simply reduce the prices of the products, include another complimentary item with the product, offer an additional unit of the product that the customer is buying, introduce discount coupons through websites like Coupofy, etc. While deciding the method of promotion you have to decide a budget for your promotion. Make sure you manage your promotion within the budget you have set because only then you will be able to know whether your promotion was successful or not. Your budget can also give you a good idea on what mode of promotion would be best for you.

@YanaLairePAbano - 13.12.2022 16:20

Abaño Iana Laire P.

Promotion is a vital aspect of any business. Without at least some level of promotion, a business can't get customers, and without them, it's only a matter of time before the business will have to close its doors.

While all businesses need some kind of promotion, they don't all need the same kinds or the same levels of promotion. No two businesses will have the exact same promotional needs, and tactics vary significantly between industries. A corner store might just need a sign that can be seen from the sidewalk that lets customers know the establishment exists. Other businesses may need to invest in direct selling efforts or buy ad time on a streaming service, for instance.

New businesses may have to go through a trial-and-error period of experimenting with different promotional styles before they find the one that's best suited for them. Even established businesses experiment with new promotional strategies in addition to continuing their tried-and-true promotions.

@Saicosuki_Potato18 - 13.12.2022 16:07

Promotion in business is important. Why ? Because it helps our business also the person who handle business. It gives us more enough knowledge on business and also on the other things we do this also helps the other people around us. Promotion helps us to communicate to others and be creative on our own way. It is important not just because it helps to get attention of the customer but more over promotion give life to the product that helps the customer to get inform on what type of product you sales and get their interest on it. Promotion helps the business economy for the people only only who owns the business but for those who are employees too or those who are around the business which are the customers. Promotion helps a lot for a business to get recognize, Promotions helps customers also not only the business owners and ther business bacause it get them to know if it safe or if the product they buy is helpful for them and if they could get a benifets to the product they buy. While to the employees it helps them to sell he product faster because promoting helps them to sell it to customer in esier way because the customer would get an idea on the things they sell.

@unknown-gz5kq - 13.12.2022 13:28

Zarhina Jane E. Quinto

Q1. What is the importance of promotion in the business?

– Just like the story in the video, a young boy made signs written on band paper “Bibingka for sale” and he tied them in string and walk around the town. He was doing a PROMOTION. What is the importance of promotion in business? So promotion is important in business because it is a marketing tool, used as a strategy to communicate between the sellers and buyers. Through this, the seller tries to influence and convince the buyers to buy their products or services. It assists in spreading the word about the product or services or company to the people. The company uses this process to improve its public image. This technique of marketing creates an interest in the mindset of the customers and can also retain them as a loyal customer. Promotion is a fundamental component of the marketing mix, which has 7ps: product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence and process. It is also an essential element promotional plan or mix, which includes advertising, self and sales promotion, direct marketing, and publicity relations like what mayor did in the video. Promotion help us to develop our marketing strategy.

@candyjanegalera7584 - 13.12.2022 13:05

Candy jane F Galera ABM/ILOILO BRANCH

Questions :What is the importance of promotion to the business. Minimum of 150 words

The most important purpose that a promotion serves is that it sets a business apart from its competitors. No business will ever need to run any promotions if there wasn’t any competition. You have to stay ahead of your competitors in order for customers to keep doing business with you. If there is a company that sells similar products or services to yours, you can only make customers buy from you if you have a special promotion going on. Of course, it is also equally important to spread the word about promotion to the people by using several advertising and marketing methods.

Businesses often have to bundle their products together in order to run a promotion. What they usually do is that they include a less popular item with a very popular item. This not only helps them sell their popular item more but also allows them to cross sell an item that customers have not given much attention to. If the bundled product is liked by customers, the business will then have 2 popular products. The sales will increase as a result and with a successful promotion like this the business will get more return on its investment.

@roneltracarol4507 - 13.12.2022 13:03

Ronel D. Tracarol (Hums)

1. What is the importance of promotion to the business.

It is no longer
enough for a business to have great products. Lots of businesses have those too. Customers need to know about a great product and be persuaded to buy. That is the role of promotion.

Promotion is all about communication. Why because promotion is the way in a business makes its products known to the customers, both current and potential.

The main aim of promotion is to ensure that customers are aware of the existence and positioning of products. Promotion is also used to persuade customers that the product is better than competing products and to remind customers about why they may want to buy.

@aizaruiz3018 - 13.12.2022 12:49

Ruiz, Aiza C. G11-HUMSS (manila)

1. What is the importance of promotion to the business.

Making sure that consumers are aware of the presence and positioning of products is the primary goal of promotion. Promotion is also used to remind customers of why they would want to buy a product and to convince them that it is superior to similar products on the market.

It is a prevalent misconception that advertising is the only aspect of business marketing. It's not. There are several strategies that a company may use to communicate with clients, but advertising is undoubtedly a crucial one.

It's crucial to realize that a company will employ multiple promotion strategies. The promotional mix is the assortment of employed promotional strategies.

@chrismarkvillanueva3837 - 13.12.2022 12:42

Villanueva, Chris Mark M.

Q1. What is the importance of promotion to the business?

Promotion is one of the marketing tool or marketing strategy. It is used to persuade or convince the customers that the product is better than competing products and to remind customers about why they may want or what they need. It assists in spreading the word about the product or services to the people. Promoting a product provides information's about the product, to be aware of the existence of the product. There are types of promotion, Advertising, Sales promotion, and Public Relation. Advertising helps to outspread a word or awareness, promote any newly launched service, goods or an organization. Popularly know as PR (Public relation) is exercised to broadcast the information or message between a company (NGO, Government , business), an individual or a public. it is a Promotion for a limited time only it is use to expand customers demand, refresh market demand and enhance product availability. Promotion is essential components of a successful business.

@someone_3543 - 13.12.2022 11:50

Sedan, Sherika Claudette R.
Caloocan Branch / ABM

Q1. What is the importance of promotion to the business?

Promotion is important in a business because it can boost up your
business even more because promotion is promoting or advertising
your product to the public, bringing more awareness to your product
or services. And sometimes some promotions landed in the headlines,
giving it publicity and even more people that you can't reach see
your products or services your business is promoting.
Just like the story in the video on how he sold a lot of bibingkas
because of promotion and publicity. Promotion
also shows what kind of product or services your business have and how it
is better than the competitors. Not just that, it also builds public relations
and a positive image for your company. It also helps to maintain your business
position and it also helps to communicate to customers if there are brand new
items available in store for them to buy. So in short of it all, Promotion is
important to either show your products and services to the public and/or
communication between the business and the buyer to make more sales.

@louriellkatecamacho5157 - 13.12.2022 11:49

Louriell kate D. Camacho
Grade 11/TVL-ICT

1. What is the importance of promotion to the business. Minimum of 150 words.

- Promotion is important to business because it enables it to sell more of its products and services. It enables businesses to persuade potential customers to buy their products or services. There are two aims when it comes to promoting your business, and these are selling products and gaining attention or goodwill for your business. Most businesses use a range of marketing tools such as advertisements, competitions, special offers, etc. This can help to create a good image for your business, and you can also achieve cross-promotion from other businesses this way. Promotion helps you make more connections with other businesses and the public, which will in turn lead to more profit for your business and make your brand more recognizable, which is valuable in today's competitive market. Promotion is a very important aspect of marketing, as it is necessary to maintain a positive public image and appeal to customers. Without effective promotion, potential clients will remain unaware of your business and its offerings, potentially leading to a lack of sales and making it more difficult to keep your business running.

@chloegaylehestergeralo3201 - 13.12.2022 10:46

Chloe Gayle Hester C. Geralo
Iloilo ICT

Promotion plays a big role in your business, because promotion makes people aware about the existence of your product. Promotional activities have a variety of aims, first is to inform current and potential customers about the existence of products, to explain potential benefits of using the product, persuade customers to buy the product, to help differentiate a product from the competition, to develop and sustain a brand, and lastly to reassure customers that they have made the right choice. Having great products is no longer enough because other businesses have those too. Customers need to know about a great product and should be persuaded to buy. For example in this video he said that as a child he used to sell bibingkas. Even though his bibingkas were delicious his sales are low, why? Because only a few knows about the products that he sells. But then something happened that gained him and his product publicity and because of that people all over their town bought bibingkas from him.

@manethcabanero3029 - 13.12.2022 10:26

Maneth V. Cabañero
Grade 11-ABM

1. What is the importance of promotion to the business. Minimum of 150 words.

Promotion is communication. It's used to inform, persuade, build relationships or remind customers of your product. This promotion is very important in today's organizations it helps your business to know their product, involves enlightening the customers about the goods and services offered by an organization, to gain the trust of the consumers, and also to expand their businesses. In promotion you want to build the brand loyalty doing a variety of things within your promotional plan. There are many different ways to promote your product. Some traditional methods include word of mouth, print advertisements, and television commercials. In the digital age, though, there are even more marketing channels that you can use to promote your product, such as content marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing.This strategy helps them in all to increase their sales in there businesses and organization.

@vannajoyflores6044 - 13.12.2022 10:12

Vanna Joy C Flores

What is the importance of promotion to the business. Minimum 150 words.

Small and medium-sized businesses really need to understand the importance of promotional and marketing strategies. Business promoting is an active process which needs to be very closely scrutinized for obtaining the best results. You can utilize the manpower that you have to the fullest and come up with strategies to promote your business and let it flourish.Promotional strategies and marketing go hand in hand. Marketing your brand or product will include different aspects of manufacturing, promoting and selling products to the customers.Promotion is the voice of your company which send out your brand’s message loud and clear to the audience. Various media platforms can be used to promote your company and brand. They include television, radio, shopping outlets, billboards, magazines, and social media.

@johnnortongonzagad.1008 - 13.12.2022 09:47

Janna Noreen D. Gonzaga

1. What is the importance of promotion to the business. Minimum of 150 words.

- Promotion in marketing refers to any form of advertising communication used to educate target audiences about the relative benefits of a given good, customer support, idea, or brand. Effective marketing and promotion plans increase customers, guarantee profits, and make the deal successful. It is important because the supplier uses this to try to persuade and influence the customers to purchase their goods or services. It helps to inform consumers about the company, its items, and capabilities. Even if it costs money for the company or entrepreneur to advertise their products, if the campaign is successful in drawing in customers, the costs will be compensated. In addition, there are other marketing tactics that we ought to be aware of, including public relations, advertising, and sales promotion. The business promotion has a number of benefits that we can gain, including ways to stand out from the competition, opportunities for consumer interaction, and informational opportunities. Even if the methods are effective, there are drawbacks as well. For instance, sales promotion is only a temporary solution, but if you try to come up with another concept, your business is still likely to expand even more.

@philbon6492 - 30.09.2022 11:37

But in manila he started shining shoes.

@durdol7416 - 20.07.2022 08:32

Thank you so much DepEd for these videos but the background music is a bit loud, it's distracting. 💌

@alfieasido5408 - 14.05.2022 17:54

Thank you sir Marami po akong natutunan.

@joyceportillo3559 - 22.02.2022 02:18

Good morning Sir. So useful and informative. Permission to use your video tutorial for my online class. Thank you and God bless.

@ramilvillanueva410 - 23.10.2021 19:09

Congrats po Sir Ramed!😇❤️

@christinecane4201 - 19.09.2021 12:38

wooohoo Ramed! This is very informative 👏🏻 congrats!

@johncliffordbanadera4948 - 17.09.2021 07:01

DepEd, may I ask that does animations and ICT skills can be use as business? If that so how?
