Ranked 10 Dark Isekai Anime of All Time

Ranked 10 Dark Isekai Anime of All Time


8 дней назад

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@mediacenter8456 - 21.07.2024 17:55

Bro had to have some beef with overlord series or he never watched

@MrGhosthacked - 22.07.2024 07:22

Dude, "Now and Then, Here and There" is the Darkest on this list by a LOT. What's the order of your list? You start off Darkish, then comedy ecchi dark, then emo, then satirically dark, then kinda dark, then you go Full Genocidal Sexual Assault Dark out of nowhere, then shonen, then classic anime without darkness other than "War never Changes," then pure comedy dark, and then Re:Zero. . . which is more like psychological thriller dark. . . I need a chiropractor after this wiplash.

@eraskylar7 - 22.07.2024 14:24

Grimgar is actually my favourite anime of all time.

Watched it at a time when all I knew was sunshine and rainbows and it changed my world. It was the first time I experienced a sense of loss which transcended the medium of art and touched me. It was beautiful, it was griping and it was a story which I held near and dear to my heart.

@nikosantos6821 - 22.07.2024 16:21

Oh now and there...

@lorazepam5451 - 24.07.2024 08:00

Still searching for the Dark Isekai in this video

@lorazepam5451 - 24.07.2024 08:02

Sadly anime is watched by weird people and most if not all anime are fing cringe..not a single anime is dark. its always just some weird sexual shit. its so tiring
