White House on lockdown after fence jumper caught

White House on lockdown after fence jumper caught


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@stankabrljevic6813 - 02.11.2020 21:32

What kind of president is afraid of his people?

@jimboy2142 - 26.11.2019 17:43

Avengers assembled

@Sweden2023 - 03.12.2015 19:10

This was sponsored by Canon.

@barrystamour7557 - 29.11.2015 08:22

he is an undocumented resident and should be allowed to live there just like everyone that crosses our country boarder

@vsboy25 - 29.11.2015 07:27

why do people always assume anyone who jumps the fence is up to no good.

@acajudi100 - 28.11.2015 19:41

Thank you.

Google: Judi Grace StoryCorps

@acajudi100 - 28.11.2015 19:40

Electrical fence!

@ibrahimbarrie1908 - 28.11.2015 16:02

It's crazy how could be possible to jump over the highest fence ridiculous

@ibrahimbarrie1908 - 28.11.2015 15:59

It's crazy how could it be possible

@wojciechzgodowski - 28.11.2015 15:55

Lol. Obama has soo many friends they run to him jumping over fences with love notes.

@oasisofspirit1991 - 28.11.2015 07:53

Electrify the fence and post signs that say TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT ON SIGHT! Then shoot any Fucking Idiot who jumps the fence. That will cure that shit real fast! Grow some balls White House! Quit pandering to the idiots! It will cost you in the long run dearly! Times have changed, this is not 1950 anymore!!!!

@Lunamere - 28.11.2015 06:44

I'm in favor of a moat lol

@ju0rddrawsalt - 28.11.2015 06:41

Happens again wow

@nigelbulls23 - 28.11.2015 06:07

The criminals need to be build stronger security because they know that the majority of the American people don't support the government.  The government continues to provide trillion of dollars in foreign aid to other countries meanwhile the average American family can't afford a good holiday day dinner. I personally don't like Trump or Hilary. They don't represent view of the American people. Special interest groups continue to push their agendas on the government. Trade, debt and the quality of life for all American should be the priority but instead Republican and Democrats work on issues such as giving rights to illegal migrates. Please highlight the world illegal. Gays and lesbians who want the same rights as married couple despite that fact that Gays and lesbians can never make a child without medical invention. It's time to get the United States back on track by dealing with the illegal migrants and international trade. I would everyone working with in 6 years by balancing trade with other countries and deporting people who don't have a lawful work permit to be in the country working.  It's time for rule of law.

@thegreattrumpsupporter5470 - 28.11.2015 05:02

Give this man a medel for standing up for America!

@eriknydam1843 - 28.11.2015 02:40

all part of the liberal, isis, food stamp, welfare agenda no doubt.....

@Hawktotalwar - 28.11.2015 02:32

And idiot republicans propose on building a wall between America and Mexico, when the guy just easily jump over fence with steel spikes

@jbgrooves - 27.11.2015 21:27

Note to police departments around the country: see you can detain people without shooting them multiple times.

@KEN77. - 27.11.2015 21:08

fences don't work, build the wall!! Trump 2016!

@LaineeTheCatWallace - 27.11.2015 20:02

Government can't even build a fence around it's own house. Should have call The Trump.

@BloodEagle1583 - 27.11.2015 17:00

If you're a Sheeple and satisfied with US Fascist Regime propaganda, CNN is for you.

@furqanzaidi2855 - 27.11.2015 16:13


@e0o9kii - 27.11.2015 15:29

Try sending more Secret Service agents to patrol the lawn or put some Spanish Bayonets (sharp plants) on the other side of the fence.

@QUABLEDISTOCFICKLEPO - 27.11.2015 14:55

Jumped? Didn't he CLIMB over the fence?

@Glorious_Kim_Jong_Un - 27.11.2015 14:42

They dont shoot because they dont want blood on the lawn, seriously. But at the same token, if there's a fence in front of the actual fence then why not electrify the white house fence itself until the new one is installed?

@krokodyl1927 - 27.11.2015 13:03

Definitely time to beef up the perimeter. At least make it much higher. It would be a national tragedy & embarrassment if more jumpers with suicidal tendencies (armed, etc) were to decide on a 'mission'. These are obviously very dangerous times we are living in. It really surprises me that more has not been done to safeguard the White House already. I like & care about our President Obama & family & others at WH (screw all u haters out there. He's doing a hellava gr8 job w the pile of crap he has been left with). I'm also looking forward to Bernie Sanders, et al, to be safe when in office.

@IThink2b - 27.11.2015 12:17

Ever notice that the majority of fence jumper and against President Obama are Caucasian. The cray part is President Obama is half if not more Caucasian decent/blood, could you imagine if we United States elected an Asian President, racist Americans would lose their minds. Americans stop being so paranoid, be more inclusive and accepting of other ethnicity. Other people are watching you,I'm watching you, the world is watching and we're all judging. Just like I was told that "white people are watching you" (American-Filipino who's Catholic) growing up and I should conduct my self to the highest standard so as to not to embarrass my family name, my ethnicity, my country then myself. I'm telling all you racist, crazy nuts, and slobs to stop embarrassing yourselves, your country, your ethnicity, and your family. Show some class and grace I'm watching you, the whole world is watching you, we're judging you, they're laughing at you and I'm embarrassed as an American by you.

@SamuraiPie8111 - 27.11.2015 11:23

he got over the fence so the white house is his now, obama's gotta give him a room and free food.

@MasterKookien - 27.11.2015 10:54

Reporter on the top is hot.

@TeresaO82 - 27.11.2015 10:48

He may have been a refugee looking for the hope and change Obama promised.

@that1redhairedguy - 27.11.2015 09:26

Maybe Obama's real birth certificate from Kenya was in the envelope!

@btprox - 27.11.2015 08:51

You heard it. They came with dogs. More specifically "K9 dogs". Was afraid they were feline dogs.

@Sarahmjfox - 27.11.2015 08:40

Can't they hire guards in front of the fence or make it electrical fence

@defiantone8556 - 27.11.2015 08:26

I shot my first turkey today. Boy you should of seen all those people run from the frozen food isle. Scared the hell out of em.

@defiantone8556 - 27.11.2015 08:24

This is getting all to common. If a person didn't know any better, I'd swear the White House just likes the attention every time this shit happens. Why not just build the fence HIGHER so these dumb ass's cant jump over it? Simple logic 101 But then again, we're talking the U.S. government. Since when do they do ANYTHING with simple logic. lol Go figure.

@ordoabchao5894 - 27.11.2015 08:20

maybe he thought it was a mosque. maybe he thought President Trump actually closed all the mosque and he was just trying to hand in a petition letter of protest.

@donjuan6118 - 27.11.2015 07:28

How many times has that fenced been scaled over since Obama was elected?

Take note Obama, since the polls aren't catching your attention. We're growing tired of you.

@enyceckk1o11 - 27.11.2015 07:21

They need to build a wall just like Trump said.

@isis5978 - 27.11.2015 06:56


@tommyboogyman - 27.11.2015 06:25

UUUMMMM UUUUHHHH UUUHHH I think aaahhhh He forgot to Tell His Coke Dealer UUUMMMM AAAHHHHHH to aaahhhhh Use the uuuummmmaaaahhh Front aahh Gate Ah?

@Tommytwothumbs999 - 27.11.2015 06:18

SHIT ! had to see it to believe it ! ' WHITE MEN CAN'T JUMP ! Not since "Pistol Pete "( Pete Maravich) of the JAZZ basketball has there been a white man that can jump like dat !

@christopheroptimusprime2631 - 27.11.2015 06:15

to bad he didn't get to Obama

@spliffsperlunk - 27.11.2015 06:04

If an Illegal Immigrant jumps that fence they become an undocumented white house staff member.

@hariking22 - 27.11.2015 06:04

If the president was white. This wouldn't happen more than once.

turning off my notifications

@jimforsyth2. - 27.11.2015 05:27

we need a million fence jumpers all on the same day 😁 like any one cares about what matters

@scottwalkerbass8807 - 27.11.2015 04:38

My local junk yard has a more formidable fence.

@JOHNNYFUTS - 27.11.2015 04:32

White House turkey licious.

@johna2932 - 27.11.2015 03:55

Tell me what are you learning????? fucking drones

@Rowxstr - 27.11.2015 03:52

i wonder why when the president were all white christians somehow no one bother to do this sort of things.. i think this is racism

@Walt85DMC - 27.11.2015 03:40

Thug life White House!
