Tips for your Skydiving Exits | Learn to Skydive

Tips for your Skydiving Exits | Learn to Skydive

Skydive Vibes

4 года назад

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Eric Guindon
Eric Guindon - 27.05.2023 16:47

Bonjour Catherine , je suis en formation PAC, t'es vidéo sont sont vraiment génial, comme si j'avais un entraineur supplémentaire :),, t'es conseils sont très pertinent et ça vaut de l'or ! Je présume que tu parle français , de par ton nom d'abord , mais aussi par ton petit accent :) , ask me if i'm wrong !
3E saut aujourd'hui, et cette vidéo tombe à point !

Merci xx

Sin Fin
Sin Fin - 08.02.2023 18:22

Ju jir jas yamp aut? Hai jaf!

Mike G
Mike G - 03.02.2023 03:53

Stop waving your arms about! Looks like a rookie new reporter.

sirtango1 - 22.11.2022 13:02

Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane was my main problem. I wasn’t scared, just the opposite. The out, in, out, was at ease to me. When I would go out, I went out! They had trouble keeping me in the plane! 😊 AFF instructors eventually came around to my enthusiasm 😂😂😂😂

Adam s
Adam s - 09.10.2022 18:12

Saunt like you are 100th procent det you know what you doing super happy to hear about your pro experience

Marcin Gala
Marcin Gala - 25.09.2022 23:06

Where can I jump with You? Just for fun...

Leather 66
Leather 66 - 23.09.2022 00:15

Bonj! Thanks for your excitement and commitment to excellence!

Buford ButtFish
Buford ButtFish - 02.07.2022 05:11

Zero G, with tail-slide - jumpers float out the door and THEN begin freefalling.

jaco5187 - 15.12.2021 06:07

I jump a couple of times a week and I'm totally calm, but when I watch videos of people jumping, I get nervous and my palms get sweaty.

James Farrell
James Farrell - 05.12.2021 03:18

Nothing wrong with tumbling head over sneakers as long as you are stable on deploying. After 50 jumps for most it's like riding a bike. Get into formations get your shit together and above all break track and wave off. After that you are in your own hands. D- 4614.

Alchemical Soul
Alchemical Soul - 31.10.2021 05:48

Did second tandem today. Ground school and AFF next week. I adore this sport. You videos have helped me mentally address concerns. Thank you.

Courtney Cifuni
Courtney Cifuni - 27.09.2021 23:11

Just screwed up an exit and it ended with a spin on my back. Not my proudest moment

Courtney Cifuni
Courtney Cifuni - 15.09.2021 01:11

For some reason my exit and arch are the only things I do well…lol

Dreaming Big With Dale
Dreaming Big With Dale - 09.09.2021 07:38

Did my very first tandem jump today and what an amazing experience! I can't wait to jump again and again!

Keith Barrows
Keith Barrows - 19.08.2021 19:34

As a "bigger" guy I find I had to relax and barely arch during exit to remain stable. Outside of that, relax, smile and have fun!

I got good enough on exits that I was working on 15-20 ways (single aircraft) by jump 100 or so.

Safaet Hossain
Safaet Hossain - 09.08.2021 13:14

Hey i wanna do skydiving. How to apply?

nathan sylvander
nathan sylvander - 18.07.2021 01:56

talk less explain more n you're video's

Backyard Buddy Volker
Backyard Buddy Volker - 04.07.2021 09:16

so the main part to be stable is the mix between legs and arms. how straight or bend they are to each other.. right?

Backyard Buddy Volker
Backyard Buddy Volker - 04.07.2021 09:14

Thanks for this! looking fwd to my 2nd exit and the AFF licence. by the way... nice eys colour!

navjit singh
navjit singh - 25.05.2021 16:45

Mdame ji love from punjab ur super natural trainer

N S - 25.05.2021 10:39

Suggestion- in your videos please show less of you and more of the stuff you are trying to demonstrate. Thanks.

Walid Shouman
Walid Shouman - 16.05.2021 10:23

Amazing Tips 👌

Jonathan Magnin
Jonathan Magnin - 29.04.2021 18:11

Love it, thank you!

V__ - 23.02.2021 05:26

As a taller jumper, the best tip I got to keep stable was to bring my hands down more (closer to my shoulders) and I stopped flipping =)

Turtle JJ
Turtle JJ - 11.02.2021 18:28

i just wish i could fly stable without spinning

JoannaMichelleHeath - 19.01.2021 15:20

I did so poorly on AFF Level 1 (passed but barely) because I went fetal. I’m so worried about exits that I postponed my next jump for 3 weeks so I can practice body position in the tunnel first

Kuusma -
Kuusma - - 02.01.2021 13:26

thank you :)

motivational  creater
motivational creater - 27.11.2020 08:48

Nice one màm
Dive and pivot both r good exit

Kerry Crooks
Kerry Crooks - 22.11.2020 06:14

Awesome thanks

Marco A. Miranda
Marco A. Miranda - 29.08.2020 09:53

I’m a student of AFF Course, I have a trouble to make the back flip in the free fall, I lose control easy, can you give me a tip? 🙏🏻🙌🏻

Abhinav Sankhyayan
Abhinav Sankhyayan - 28.08.2020 12:51

How much money is required to learn skydiving?

Deteiser - 26.08.2020 17:06

Me before jump: "Won't rush it this time, will jump out in a stable position facing the wind". Proceeds to tumble out of the plane doing some sort of flip-roll.

Alex Shaw
Alex Shaw - 16.08.2020 14:19

I like the plane journey and I love skydiving but the bit in-between is still mentally difficult. I still get a bit of sensory overload followed by a few unhelpful leg kicks.

IzzyvH - 16.06.2020 09:15

I get so annoyed by myself not being able to exit stable. I really focus on stepping out belly to the relative wind, but as soon as I'm out and I'm hit by the wind I feel unstable and start flapping my arms and legs... I feel like I'm hit by the wind even before I was able to arch, I'm still in my exit jump position with flexed knees and a legs slightly in instead of out...

Saturday Mark
Saturday Mark - 30.05.2020 05:18

My poor instructor upon exiting 😂

Mercy Shaver
Mercy Shaver - 30.05.2020 00:20

Looking forward to my first EXIT.

Rafael Riegel
Rafael Riegel - 18.03.2020 05:29

Thank´s a lot !!!

Dave Sadler
Dave Sadler - 28.02.2020 06:51

Adjusting hand and leg position on exit worked for me. Good advice!

Alejandro - 26.02.2020 00:32

You rock, Catherine! I have 60 jumps and every feeling and tought I had, you've done a video about it. You've been my home coach! Thank you from Argentina!

Elvin Roman
Elvin Roman - 21.02.2020 02:34

So I exit stable but I'm its pulling me back like almost a back more almost straight? And pull arms back?

Francisco Fonseca
Francisco Fonseca - 16.02.2020 06:00

Hi, Catherine check your pronunciation of "relative" you're mispronouncing it. I understand you're not a native English speaker.

The Loobis
The Loobis - 30.01.2020 16:47

Is it just me or does she sound like a female George St Pierre?

roger bruder
roger bruder - 26.01.2020 12:28

exiting with two instructors, jump nr. 3 i think, i feel like my left shoe is missing, first thougt: we have to stop and do it again, i can't land with one shoe :)

DA TP - 26.01.2020 08:08

First solo exit is next sunday. Still AFF student.. nervous but excited!!

Russell Hueners
Russell Hueners - 25.01.2020 20:28

Great info, my first and only jump, 1985 in texas, primary, secondary jumpmaster and I all exit and do three loops befor pancaking out flat, its all good, do the routine lock in at 6k and a 5500 pull, then the fun starts. The pilot chute gets caught in the bubble and wont come out, after what seems to be an eternity, it finally popps out, chute deploys and I end up with a malfunction, the pilot chute comes thru the center of my lines underneith the canopy and out the back, bisecting my leading edge! I landed without injury,,,,, but man what a story to tell, I loved it but never went for another try.

Scotty Nic
Scotty Nic - 24.01.2020 13:49

20 jumps so far and only dive exits for me until I got to lead a 2 way exit from outside the plane on my last jump and we managed to stick it!! It still puts a huge smile on my face thinking about that jump, it was so exciting, I love this sport!! Thanks for yet another great upload Catherine....Blue Skies 🤙🏻

Кирилл Смирнов
Кирилл Смирнов - 24.01.2020 08:32

Planning videos about BASE? Wingsuit? BlueSky from Russia)

Liliya's Garden Channel
Liliya's Garden Channel - 24.01.2020 08:12

Nice necklace! Are you Catholic?

J McElvain
J McElvain - 24.01.2020 02:21

Kinda off subject, I did a Tandem and a few Aff jumps in 95- 96 " twenty something" Im fixin to turn 44. Am I to old to start anew? P.S. coolest and best thing I've ever done with this Life. AerOhio is where I experienced my jumps and would be my home DZ, just curious. Sorry.
