Christina Applegate On Freaky Dutch Traditions | CONAN on TBS

Christina Applegate On Freaky Dutch Traditions | CONAN on TBS

Team Coco

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Coelho Rebecca
Coelho Rebecca - 19.11.2023 00:53

I’m not Dutch, but I am really bothered by this video. I can feel the lack of knowledge and self centered culture that US delivers in this “talk-show”.
America is a continent, not a country. Jesus, such egocentric people
The lady doesn’t care at all about her husband culture, looks like she doesn’t even try and she is preventing her child to learn part of her own heritage. Nothing more “American” than that.

Joost Prins
Joost Prins - 06.11.2023 02:28

Even his try to pronounce Dutch is more Swedish (from the Muppet Swedish Cook) then Dutch, not even close.
Furthermore he proved why we in Europe pity the Americans, ignorant and still thinking the world is following them and are in awe of the US.
Well, here’s a surprise, we’re not.

Ranko Barenšić
Ranko Barenšić - 11.10.2023 09:20

Zwarte Piet is dead...wokies destroyed him..

That Dutch guy
That Dutch guy - 09.10.2023 21:52

We have a christmas song about a kid killing his dad over eating a rabbit for dinner.
His name was flappie.

Richard Hoogstad
Richard Hoogstad - 14.09.2023 17:58

Damnit Conan, your imitation of the Dutch sounds like some kind of B movie produced in Hollywood about German grandmothers with the worst Swedish, Swiss Afrikaans soup accents. It's bad!

Wouter M
Wouter M - 19.07.2023 01:31

Jezus, i wish the Dutch husband had meet a other American wife or this husband isn’t Dutch. This is horrible.

Remco - 09.07.2023 09:39

The song is called: "De Zusters Karamazov", a song by Drs. P., originating from 1957 😉😊

Becky Leonardis
Becky Leonardis - 09.04.2023 01:13

I think, Christina needs to learn some new songs, that are more appropriate for children. One sister poisoning the other one's tea. There weren't enough nightgowns to go around?!

Becky Leonardis
Becky Leonardis - 06.04.2023 11:17

When Conan mentioned Sinterklaas. This reminded me of Season 9 of The Office. When Dwight wanted to have a PA Dutch Christmas. He had that crazy costume on and kept hitting Jim with the stick! LOL!

Jeanse - 11.03.2023 03:40

lol spain invaded the netherlands

whisakind - 06.03.2023 17:22

My oh, this just goes to prove that Americans no nothing about anything that goes any further than their own country. Walnuts on a pillow? What an idiot. He doesn't even know Christina is talking about Sinterklaas. You seriously need to travel more. It's just embarrassing, watching this. And yes, I'm Dutch.

Paul Meeldijk
Paul Meeldijk - 06.03.2023 12:18

If different is stupid, than your world is verry smal…… or were you cynical……….😢

Han Schouwman
Han Schouwman - 19.02.2023 20:16

If you played Kelly Bundy .Well it shows.Conan is a fool.

mnnmstrt - 23.01.2023 03:46

am i the only one, or have i never heard about this song? (as a dutch person)

Harry Abel Potter
Harry Abel Potter - 12.01.2023 13:49

As an American, 1982-84, I lived in the Netherlands (Holland) and it was a wonderful place.
Dutch usually speak four languages. Applegate, a dancer / singer doesn't know one song. :(

Jeremy State
Jeremy State - 08.01.2023 14:45

Americans talking about other countries 🤦🏻‍♂️🤡

yuyu tubee
yuyu tubee - 04.01.2023 07:52

lol all of these butthurt Dutch people up in arms about Americans in the comments. You should take absolutely nothing Conan says seriously, he "mocks" others from an ignorant perspective and the joke is always supposed to be on him.

Nathan van Lent
Nathan van Lent - 01.01.2023 21:56

Not letting her daughter learn another language just because she is too lazy and ignorant to learn it herself

Goog Elle
Goog Elle - 21.12.2022 12:55

"Yo, quick shout-out!" 👏👏👏

FashionSloerie Sloerie
FashionSloerie Sloerie - 21.12.2022 01:20

I think Martijn is messing with her cause I’ve never heard that song.

jeffv103 - 21.12.2022 00:45

Ya ain't much if ya ain't Dutch

LauraDeLezer - 20.12.2022 14:42

The walnut thing is not true either, but i think it was a joke. the only truth is most of us are tall, well.. (except me) i'm 159 cm 😂

Ziplock Grid8
Ziplock Grid8 - 20.12.2022 01:42

Elf assistant would clean up the mess we have made of this saint's day.

Joris Kock
Joris Kock - 15.12.2022 03:37

Santa is ofc Spanish for saint. Claus is the german version of 'klaas' and klaas is the dutch word for Nicholas. And Saint Nicholas is a catholic patron saint who, amongst other things, watches over children. This teaches us that most traditions have a very long and forever changing history.

It is, however, believed that the Dutch brought over some form of the tradition to America when they founded New Amsterdam (what is now Manhattan). That being said, the celebrating of santa clause took on very different local forms in America until Coca cola started to commercialize the celebration and made it a more nation-wide multi celebrated event.

In dutch tradition, the controversial (let's say utterly racist) helper of Nicholas is Black pete, who punishes children that behave badly. He in turn was invented in the 1800s by a dutch school master, but was based on a bogeyman figure from pagan traditions from european folklore (as did halloween in the States). Black pete has obviously been criticized as black face, and one of the things the dutch argued was that he wasn't black by nature, but was black because he slid through dirty chimneys at night. Coca cola took that excuse as a great story.

So yes, even Santa Clause is based on storylines that are nowadays considered racist. But as i said: traditions change, and if they want longevity, they change with the times or eventually disappear. And it looks like Black Pete hasn't got much breathing room left.

Wildlife Discovered
Wildlife Discovered - 14.12.2022 00:37

What a pretty woman

X x
X x - 13.12.2022 20:43

I'm American and half Dutch in heritage. Dutch is a difficult language to pronounce!

Pino - 10.12.2022 14:43

Why is it so wrong for them to say that stuff about the Netherlands? People from other countries say that stuff too about they US. Double standards.

ymke jongema
ymke jongema - 06.12.2022 05:10

Yes wel ,Conan is just one of that RED Bastards We bring to Spain .

Meerten Welleman
Meerten Welleman - 06.12.2022 02:58

You expect Conan to say sensible things but unfortnately no.

Meerten Welleman
Meerten Welleman - 06.12.2022 02:56

What is she talking about?

JolandaVeerle - 27.11.2022 13:23

As a Dutch person, Walnut? where is that coming from? americans learn or read more about other country's then speak, zo dom die amerikanen. I've never NEVER heard of a walnut on a pillow tradition. we dont do that....

raghost15 - 23.11.2022 21:05

In the end CA became Kelly Bundy, adopted her mom's control freak attitude, embraced the typical MSM BS of "America and no place else" and never went back. So much for "oh, she's so down to earth"

chefbadmuts - 20.11.2022 00:36

Americans think the Dutch eat cheese, tulips and space-cake all day. And some of them think Amsterdam is a country. Christina' s saying her husband is from Amsterdam but he is actually from Vlaardingen. What a shame.

Harry Van Bukkem
Harry Van Bukkem - 19.11.2022 12:27

Stomme Amerikanen.

Jesse van Gans
Jesse van Gans - 01.11.2022 23:04

Damn that Conan is an idiot. WTF, which Dutch guys did he met....?

Caroline Hoogendoorn
Caroline Hoogendoorn - 01.11.2022 11:18

Man the Netherlands is wayyyy better than America, mistake!

Kesia - 09.10.2022 16:53

if i was the daughter and my mom wouldnt let me learn dutch just for that reason i would be mad

Kees Lissenberg
Kees Lissenberg - 04.10.2022 15:44

Drs P.

Mack - 23.09.2022 18:50

they both dont would be great if they had taken the time

leukman - 13.09.2022 13:18

Holy moly this is too much American ignorance and arrogance in one video

D - 07.09.2022 04:33

Conan is an idiot ! He knows nothing about what he's making fun off! People like these, illuminate themselfs from getting respect! Conan is a joke !!

Arnoud - 03.09.2022 18:48

As soon as she mentioned the names I knew it was the fucked up tante mathilda song

Dream Brother
Dream Brother - 01.09.2022 14:11

you know who the demon is>? someone, that is actual Dutch himself, with relation as family-line of Christina Applegate,way out of the basement called, where is the apple?

Martijn - 28.08.2022 10:35

The song where Christine refers to is called - DE ZUSTERS KARAMAZOV - the sisters karamazov. And is written by the (in The Netherlands famous) poet, Drs. P.

Drs. P (The Netherlands)

Tante Constance en tante Mathilde
Woonden eendrachtig en knus bij elkaar
Een was hardhorend, de andere brilde
In doorsnee waren zij zeventig jaar

In Overveen
Telden zij hun dagen bijeen
Niet meer zo koket als voorheen maar nog altijd flink ter been

Terwijl de kater sliep
En de pendule liep
En de kanarie sprak
Tjiep tjiep tjiep tjiep

Tante Constance en tante Mathilde
Erfden de kleren van tante Heleen
Waardoor ineens hun gehechtheid verkilde
Want van elk soort japon was er maar een

Er werd getwist
En naar provocaties gevist
En er werden dingen vermist
Waar de ander meer van wist

Terwijl de kater sliep
En de pendule liep
En de kanarie sprak
Tjiep tjiep tjiep tjiep

Op zekeren dag maakte tante Mathilde
Akelig lachend de koffie gereed
Daar zij haar zuster vergiftigen wilde
Die in haar eentje een wandeling deed

Met terpentijn
En een snufje rattenvenijn
En gesloten keukengordijn
Moest het wel uitvoerbaar zijn

Terwijl de kater sliep
En de pendule liep
En de kanarie sprak
Tjiep tjiep tjiep tjiep

Toen nu de koffie tot stand was gekomen
Wou zij eens proeven en nam zij een slok
Zij had de juiste dosering genomen
Tante Mathilde viel neer als een blok

Sedert die tijd
Droeg Constance in eenzaamheid
De japonnen die tot haar spijt
Tot een drama hadden geleid

Terwijl de kater sliep
En de pendule liep
En de kanarie sprak
Tjiep tjiep tjiep tjiep
