Hey Asmon, thanks for watching! It was a joy and hilarious to see your reaction, cheers! :)
ОтветитьDamn a minute in and you nailed it. In hindsight this dlc was fucked. I enjoyed it at the time but …. Yeah man we’re worried about Bethesda 😂😂
Ответитьif asmon doesnt have the attention span to finish cyberpunk then no wonder he hates bethesda games
Ответитьelder scrolls 6 is going to be as bad as Stanfield if i be optimistic 😂 mark my words
Ответитьskyrim is not that much better than Stanfield its ass like every other bethesda game people just ate shit believed its steak
Ответитьim with asmon on this one bethesda never made a great game all of them are mid ( i say mid to not break the fanboys heart imo its bad let's be honest)
Ответитьfall out 4 story is trash this poor guy never played any games othed than Bethesda games
Ответитьelder scrolls is so bad Bethesda never made a great game all of them are 6,7 mid skyrim is their hit and it's far from great yeah it's ok but not great not even with all the mods
Ответить" The only thing Bethesda did right was the ship building" True..But then they gave you absolutely no reason to build and use it .
ОтветитьI think the problem with Starfeild and the reason I put it down.
I saw a mountain in the distance and walked towards it thinking something would be there. When I got close to the mountain the game went into a loading screen and then the mountain wasn’t there anymore.
Skyrim “see the mountain you can go to it”
Starfeild “see that planet you can go to it, but not the mountain right beside you that doesn’t exist”
Okay so I like Starfield;like a 5.5/10, but saying it tried something new is just factually incorrect. On top of all the games that already did it better (EVE, Star Citizen, Outter Worlds, Even Mass Effect), it's just the fact that making 3 different "planets" is not much different from making three different levels. I am a verrrrrry noobie game developer and I can do that in like a week.
ОтветитьHow did Bethesda go from Fallout, Doom, Skyrim, Wolfenstein, Dishonored, Quake... to this crap
ОтветитьEso is in maintenance mode. After years of ignoring player base they are so daring to ask for help ? Really? Sorry, we are ignorants and we have "knee-jerk" reactions, you know Rich. And we will not make you and your greedy corporation any additional money as volunteers to fix your s-t. To be honest, we don't need you and your game anymore. Nefas said it quite well.
ОтветитьDepending on how far back we're going, I'll die on the hill of defending Morrowind. The storytelling was amazing, and the exploration was top notch. Even random on the road side quests like a naked Nord barbarian hunting a witch had a charm that most modern games lack.
ОтветитьOne thing I will ALWAYS hate about Bethesda games is how the NPCs CONSTANTLY FUCKING LOOK AT YOU FOR NO REASON.
ОтветитьI loved Skyrim, but I can see Asmon's point. Bethesda games were never top tier in gameplay, graphics or storytelling. At one point Bethesda were the kings of open world RPGs. That ended after Skyrim. Modern Bethesda games don't know what they are trying to be. The new games are worse in the one thing Bethesda was good at than the old games, while other companies have surpassed them in every area.
Skyrim was packed with stuff. You could play for 100 hours and not even touch the main quest. There was something engaging and often creative at every turn. Starfield in comparison is an empty husk, and even the things that could have been good ideas are never given real life to them. Every quest that has a brilliant premise that never got developed I see executive mismanagement selling a product rather than a vision. Every dialogue choice that presents 4 options that all say the same thing with the same result I see a DEI agent policing the narrative. Every time the release schedule extends into the distant future I see a CEO that micromanages every decision. That cut content was Bethesda's heart. Maybe Asmongold never loved it, but I did. His frustration is my sense of loss and betrayal.
You want great stories in games?
Japanese games.
Yakuza 0 anyone?
Asmond clearly just doesn’t like Sandbox RPGs. I like TES because it’s an open world RPG that allows me to create a custom character and do anything I want or literally nothing and still enjoy the game. TES doesn’t force you down a storyline like say “Vampyr” or other so called “RPGs.” Asmond doesn’t want to go through the work of exploring and learning the world, he wants everything to be told to him and his hand held.
ОтветитьThinking Bethesda games is bad when you have WoW as the best reference is unfathomable
ОтветитьTbh, I agree. All Bethesda games play the same with different skins and mediocre stories. The difficulty settings are just artificial and force you to waste time and jump over a billion stupid hoops bc it just makes enemies deal more damage and tank more. Bethesda games take 0 skill whatsoever, it's all planning and strategy, and that's not really something I want in an rpg game. Fallout is a bit better than elder scrolls because of the guns and the vat, but it's still just "hit and tank, pause to heal, hit and tank" until it's over for the major part.
ОтветитьWhy doesn't he like Elder Scrolls?
ОтветитьFuck. I started new game+ and lost 60 hours of work. I didn't realize I didn't have a game save because I was doing quicksaves the whole time. I didn't realize it was different than an actual Save. I immediately deleted the game. Never again Bethesda.
Ответитьeh bethesda is always: who am I and why does everyone call me the chosen one for literally everything that is a problem larger than a itch in the back.
ОтветитьKingdom Come Deliverance was great.
ОтветитьOnly the real G's gave up on ES6 AND Skyblivion
Ответитьbethesda peaked with shivering isles, they made oblivion which is flawed but still a great game and then made that dlc, which takes you to the most insane place that exists in any game or movie, and it's also so homely at the same time, you can feel apart of that absoultely mental place that exists in some diffenent plane of existence, then they made skyrim which was good but lacked that passion they put into oblivion, it was more just fun to play etc but didn't hold much meaning or awe, now we just have this garbage, even eso whcih i tried to play was for the first few hours quite cool to see different places but very quickly became just npc garbage dialogue then doing the same shit over and over. they really just lost that spark that they had that made their sort of crappy games actually really enjoyable.
ОтветитьBethesda has lost all credibility with me and I have sunk nearly 1500 hours in Skyrim… they won’t have a fan base for ES VI by the time it drops.
ОтветитьSkyrim was an amazing game 10 years ago.
ОтветитьIn my opinion Oblivion is one of the most disappointing games I've ever played in my life.
I really want to like it, but the Leveling system is so unbearably trash that you hit about Level 10, maybe you can claw your way up to 20, and then you need to restart your character because it's physically impossible to fight the enemies anymore. And that's Leveling up while following a guide on how the BS system actually works. Trying to play the game blind is actually just impossible due to the developers incompetence in my experience.
To each his own, man. TES games are magical for many people, and that's what they're passionate about.
I can see many people disappointed with what their favourite franchises have become, and though you understand logically that it's probably going to happen to your fav franchise too, you still hope for the best. it's only human to hope.
You gotta understand much of the fun of elderscrolls is not the story but the shenanigans that the gameplay leads to. Bethesda excels at making a mediocre open world that their modding community spins into gold.
That said I haven't played starfield and I am very worried they will drop the ball with TES6
Sorry, but Morrowind had beautiful writing, and one of the best stories. The lore and world building was amazing
So Bethesda had not always had horrible writing.
I think the problem in situations like the Starfield DLC, and honestly just a lot of gaming in general, is that the people making the worlds are continuously making these worlds the way they want to see the current world. Placid and tame. Even when people have conflicts, they still go out of their way to keep things in the "right mindset".
They project their view on how things should be in the real world into something that is by it's very nature, not the real world. It's this idealism that makes it into these story narratives that ruins them.
And don't get me wrong, people should make art for themselves first, something they know they'll enjoy. That's what artistic expression is about. However, if you plan on selling that art to others for profit, you can't inject as much of your personal idealism into it every single time. Everyone has a different perspective on everything, and you can't expect everyone to be interested in your perspective every time you put something out.
Sometimes, when you're making art for money, you've gotta make things that appeal to other people's perspectives. Too many companies these days, infected by hyperidealism, neglect considering other perspectives, judging them unworthy of being put into their art. It's why so many of them feel so soft and lifeless.
When everyone is gentle and docile, there's no energy, and no sense of how intelligent beings typically interact with one another.
It sounds counterintuitive to these people that are obsessed with positivity no matter the cost, but sometimes you've gotta put real vitriol in your environment for the player to get a sense of how these intelligent beings truly interact. And not just the "justified vitriol" of their perspective. They fail to have their characters express anything other then sluggish optimism or neutrality about everything, when that's not how everybody interacts in real life.
I can mostly agree with Asmon about Bethesda. A lot of their games are pretty boring without mods but Oblivion is a treasure and I highly disagree in that regard. Other than that, I agree 💯
ОтветитьAsmongold literally says he doesnt like any bethesda games. Why listen to somebody critique the latest Bethesda game who didnt like any bethesda game?
ОтветитьMorrowin main quest ad you go talk to your first quest giver and he was a krack head. THINK ABOUT THAT !|
ОтветитьBut maybe had replaced their writingteam to ChatGPT?
ОтветитьI don't want Elder Scrolls 6. I want Skyrim 2.
ОтветитьZenimax (Bethesda Game Studios) made a fatal mistake with the Microsoft buyout. With the ease to which they closed down iconic studios, Bethesda better be careful with the Elder Scrolls VI. If it flops I don't think they would even fire Todd Howard but they would close the studio entirely and likely move the IP directly under control of Microsoft Games.
ОтветитьMake a game for millions of dollars for six people on earth it'll be gone when they lose everything
ОтветитьI just hope all these games have been bad cause a majority of there effort is going into es6
ОтветитьThink morrowind was the only time Bethesda actually had a good story. Never played daggerfall though.
ОтветитьThis guy in the video saying Oblivion is gripping is really sad. Growing up with Morrowind, I played Oblivion and just could never get into it. Skyrim and Oblivion are the same, bland game. Only reason people are still playing Skyrim is because you can mod it into something that it wasn't even originally.
ОтветитьES6 was announced 6 years ago... any middle schoolers then are now in college. thats how fucked bethesda is
ОтветитьDrama queen
ОтветитьFallout 2 has the best story and most RPG mechanics. Doesn't matter if they are a bad studio now AA studios make games just as good.
Ответитьi always botch the exact wording, but this reminds me of an expression i'm quite fond of. (yet ironically can't remember properly). a frog's entire world is the bottom a well and it can't dream of the sea
ОтветитьOblivion is peak elder scrolls
ОтветитьWhen people talk about how good the writing was in older Bethesda games, they aren't talking about the main story. They used to nail the guild quest lines and other little one-off quests that were super memorable. I remember the first quest for the Warrior's guild in Oblivion tricks you into thinking it's going to be a cliche RPG rat smashing mission in someone's basement, but you get to the lady's house and it turns out she hired you because her beloved pet rats are getting eaten by bobcats. You uncover a conspiracy where her neighbors hate her for taking care of these wild rats and are luring the bobcats into her basement with raw meat. Bethesda used to constantly subvert your expectations in fun ways while weaving together top notch story lines but their newer stuff plays it too safe and falls flat. There's a reason why people say they've declined, they really did used to be great.
ОтветитьI'm worried about the upcoming Indiana Jones that might be a flop too.🤔Hope not tho'..