360MEN: MUGSHOTS & COFFEE: Elliot Chan - Listen to your Gut

360MEN: MUGSHOTS & COFFEE: Elliot Chan - Listen to your Gut


54 года назад

142 Просмотров

In this episode of MUGSHOTS & COFFEE we meet Elliott Chan to learn about how important it is to listen to our gut. Elliott tells us that our brain misleads us in our food choices because it has us FOCUS on capturing and sticking things in our mouth - things that don't make our gut biome happy.

When we overrule our brains vote for junk food, sugar and chemicals we can keep the bacteria in our second brain healthy. It turns out there are more cells in our gut than in our brain, so it's quite possible to live longer by listening to our gut.

Elliott is the son of Dr. Kevin Chan, a leading physician in the personal wellness movement and Osteopathic Doctor in Chandler, AZ. You can see the influence his dad has - and - hope many more kids learn from Elliott's passion to help people make better food choices.

Join the private conversation at http://360MEN.net

Meet Dr. Kevin Chan: https://youtu.be/DSUAfCaN9Zk
Learn about Sugar 2.0: https://youtu.be/jDTAMwTr35U
Meet more men @ http://360MEN.net


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